
A World I Rule (LitRPG, Monster Tamer)

In a world at war, caught between two varieties of System, Andras will make his way to ruling over the City of his Dreams. Andras will bare witness to the appearance of a Gate, in the middle of a highway, and the devastation that comes after it. He shall meet people from a foreign realm, and will join them back in their world, throwing away everything he had on earth, which was abuse, loneliness and a repressed dream, all for the sake of that dream and the a life he couldn't possibly have imagined. From meeting rooms, and constant rejections, from boot licking and slaving for overtime. His life shall turn around into one of action and questing. As he will join the Trainer Guild and bond with Guai, to begin his journey to the top. Join me as I write it, and Andras as he Lives it. I promise you won't want to miss it.

Ulyreads · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Alison Dun

I sat under the shade, unable to move, suckling on a wooden straw to get some water into my system. The more I drank the thirstier I grew, for my body had forgotten what water felt like, and how much it needed it, now two hours later. The Sun was nowhere to be seen from the hole in the clouds yet the city of marble was still filled with light. Now with some space above my head, and not a tower to close up my line of sight, for at least a few stadium's worth of space, I could see where the light form the sun, near the edge of the clouds, bent and twisted, to be gathered into Artifacts which I couldn't make out, and then to be thrown at the city once more, to keep it forever alight, always shining in resplendent glory.

Temesia took up the water sack and helped me drink the damned water. I could not even more my arms, everything hurt.

Aether System

Name: Andras

Tier 1

Bonded Guai: 4/4

Titles: Otherworlder (2)




Explosiveness: B-

Mass: C+

Dexterity: C+

Tenacity: B (!)

Proprioception: A+

Focus: B (!)

Intent: S+

Impact: B-

Bonded Guai

Ingrid: Body Type - Fighting, Smithing - Tier 4 - Bond: Budding Passion

Mara: Nature & Mental Type - Wind, Foresight - Tier 6 - Bond: Worried Acceptance

Frey: Earth & Body Type - Steel, Blood - Tier 20 - Bond: Awaiting Eagerly

Temesia: Destruction & Action Type - Pyromancy, Sharpness, Seduction - Tier 12 - Bond: Enamored

Sure the change was small, my Tenacity changed from B- to B, maybe to most that meant nothing, maybe this made all the torture worthless, and it could be that Tenacity itself was the reason I could excuse the abuse I went through, a sort of stoic parameter that allowed, more pain for less gain.

I do not strictly think so. I had spent the past 2 hours laboring, in the most intensive workout I've ever done, sure. But it was only two hours. This world or another, progress did not come easy.

Then, only to add to my euphoria, other than the fact that I felt like I was truly doing something for once, not just saving word documents into a new folders, typing up useless emails, and attending meaningless meetings, I could feel that I was on the cusp of growing my Explosiveness. It would have to wait till tomorrow though. I didn't have it in me right now.

'I'm gonna give myself a target. I'll advance to the second Tier, when all my Attributes have reached A at least. I don't think this is feasible for every Tier down the line, but for just the first one, If I can, I'll make it as perfect as I can. Strong foundations are important, and all that jazz.'

I closed up the System and returned to the Real world. Exceeding my expectations, I did not find Temesia laid out on her back, her head on my lap, urging me for pats and kisses. I did not even find my water sack. Instead my hand had just been slapped, a young man stood in front of me with all the righteous anger of someone way over his head, and his fists on his waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, not as a way of greeting. I made to stand up, but I couldn't even do that. Ingrid and Temesia were already next to me. Ingrid burned with orange energy in her fists, while Temesia helped me up, even so her tails were all spread out, ready to mince the young teen in front of me, fromed their center fire seemed to grow, burning bright through the black of her fur.

Frey stood up and cast him and his Guai in a brooding shadow. His own Guai stood with her chest puffed, not the least bit afraid. She was a a Harpy Guai, of fair skin and platinum hair, short as well compared to Frey, but Frey was the anomaly. She had legs that looked carved from marble. Her feathers were a radiant cyan color from below that would match the sky and mask her form her pray, while from the outside they had that extra pinch of green in them. She pouted at the shadow Frey brought upon her and stepped aside, to her feathers glow. Mara was behind that Guai, silent as the night. The blades of her elbows extended to the point they could be taken as wings, or membranes, thin and deadly sharp, she stood poised and ready for the kill.

I honestly felt a little excited. 'Fuck the Water Sack. My squad's got my back. Though not the most stereotypical squad, nor are we the best of buds just yet, what needs to be done for a squad to exist, is being done right now, and I appreciate it a lot. Thank you.' I sent that last part to them all.

"Why do you have four Guai at Tier 1?" He asked, straight to the chase.

"Because I'm allowed so by the System. But for you to be so rude about it, to make such a grand entrance, that question can't be why you came here. Not that it matters with manners like that. Do the words, Hey, Good evening, Please, Can I, ring any bells to you, or do they not exist in your vocabulary?" I asked, now that I was standing so close to him, I could tell he was truly young. Probably the usual age someone got their first Guai and became a trainer. "How old are you even. 18? You're just a kid, then." I said. I was 28 years old, going on 29. Long gone where the times when I'd take shit from a teenager.

The kid shook his head. "You don't get it. Of course, You, don't. You're from another Realm. Why should you know how Trainers live? How we are? What it means to have what you do. Why do, YOU!, out of everyone else have 4 Slots at TIer 1?"

"I doubt if that should be a your concern in any way, what I am concerned about though is that you don't even understand the words that are coming out of my mouth right now, it's probably not even worth speaking to you." I turned away from him as if unconcerned, he grabbed me by the shoulder and I spun back around slapping him right in the face with the back of my palm. I looked him up and down and did not speak, as I said, there was no value in doing so.

He turned his nose up and moved away, into the sun, as if in need of a spotlight. I kept some distance. He gathered a breath and it felt as if he was about to begin some theatrical play.

"I must say, before anything else. That I am privileged. I was born into money that other's weren't. My older brother is and was a capable Trainer who had evolved some of the best Wind Aspect Guai in the Confederation, he was young and promising. I was set up from the beginning with a unique Guai, unlimited potential, great talent, speaking abilities. I'm not the average trainer, that much I know, but I also know of history, I also know of the realities of our world and my duty as a Trainer of my Clan. You?"

"Let me say it plain and simple. The Last time a Trainer with 4 Slots as a Tier 1 appeared in the Confederation, was one of it's founding Generals, Great General Akin, more than three Centuries Ago. The Unifier Prince himself had 5. All other Generals, save for Akin, had 3. Do you understand? A bit of what implications your situation has for your future? Glory and legend, but your can't do that, can you?"

"I saw you train. You're weak. You have persistence sure, but that is all you have. I am willing to bet… 50 Confederation Coins. You couldn't fight a Trainer Battle, you couldn't win, you would never win, even if you had more than a 10 Tier advantage, a whole evolution above me.

"What you're getting at… Is that you want to fight me in a Trainer battle, and that this has nothing to do with the 4 slots, or whatever. You just said so yourself after all. I am destined for Glory but I can't reach, meaning that you think me dead, useless. You're for some other reason." I took in the boy, uncaring for his surprise. I let my pride and adrenaline aside and had a real look at him.

Upon closer inspection he had light blue eyes, black curly hair and a decent amount of hair on his upper lip and jaws. He was wide and built pretty strong, his nose was curved downward, but that only added to the roughness of his youth. He looked confident, and he also had a Harpy like Guai, which was of unique quality, in addition to her being handed to him by his older brother, a known Trainer, young as well, up and coming, who had a reputation as an Evolver of great Wind Aspected Guai. "Do you happen to be Felric's little brother, or some stupid shi…. Yeah. Spot on."

The youth jumped back, he lifted an arm to his neck and looked around in shock. He spat three times in quick succession under his blouse. "What are you some type of witch?" He asked, steeped in superstition.

It was my eyes he wanted to hide from. "Spot on. Revenge huh? Don't you know? He literally did that to himself. Felric acted smart but he was very dumb in the end."

"Shut up. Felric was a genius Trainer, he had a real knack for it. As a member of the Gran-Dun Emporium he would never take you willingly to FairyCo, Never! You tricked him somehow, I can't accept it otherwise."

"Dude, calm down. He is still in jail, not dead, go talk things out with him, don't take it out on me. I have nothing to do with his imprisonment. FairyCo did it."

"Shut up. Are you man enough to accept my Challenge? Duel me! One on One!" He pushed his arm down, to the courtyard of sand and then brought them forward, pointing to me, with the poise only an anime character could have.

I looked over to my Guai, and to Frey specifically. She looked at me, worried. She sent over to me an image of the Guai I was to fight, as a babe, Frey knew her. She didn't want to fight her. I then looked over to Temesia, the one I shared the closet bond with, Ingrid was an option as well. But, we didn't know each other at all.

"Temesia. Will you fight with me?" I asked and she took my hand with a smile. There was no need for an answer.

I stood opposite to Felric's little brother. Mareth was going to be the referee for our match, and we needed on apparently, as well as a Life Guai on sight. This, then was announced as an official Match, and people begun to gather around us. An arena was cleared amidst the sand of the courtyard, the stone from below rose to dictate its borders.

"This is for my Brother."

"Your brother interfered with a FairyCo Bonding Ceremony, My ceremony, all for his own personal reasons. He deserves what he got. He should be able to admit that much if he is a man."

"Felric would never do that! Filthy Otherworlder!" The little brother was not having it. I could almost see the tears well up in his eyes.

'Maybe he is younger than 18 even. Doesn't matter. I hate this whole situation, but on the other hand, this is a chance. Is what he says true? Would I lose even with Temesia, with our bond so strong?"

"Bronze League, F-Rank, Alison Dun Vs No League, F-Rank, Andras. Present your Guai."

"Go, Lili, Show him what we've got." Alison said with his right hand straight up, palm splayed open. A smile of boast as his Guai, Lili made a showcase of wind and glitter upon her taking the stage. The crowd awed aloud.

Temesia didn't to any of that. She simply strutted forth, stomped her feet on the sand and flared her tails. With a coy smile and a blown kiss towards the onlookers she had pulled said crowed to her side. "Easy." She grinned at Lili's pout.

"Lili Versus Temesia"

'Alright now, Andras. Get your shit together. Don't care for Felric, Don't care for Alison, don't worry about the crowd, don't worry about the pain. Temesia is raring to go, more than that, she is burning up. I need to go at it with the same fire.'

"Temesia, let's win this." She nodded, and then we both snapped into laser focus.

"Remember the Rules, no killing, no attacking the trainer. This is a no time, Single Round battle, till surrender, disqualification, or until either Guai is deemed unable to battle." Mareth's voice boomed over the crowed and everyone went silent.

"3…2…1… Fight!"

Give me your opinions in the comments! Do you think Alison Dun is going to shape up to be a Young Master type!?

If you've come so far, put the book in your collections. give me your power stones if that is something you can do. I don't know, maybe the story needs to be contracted for that to happen?

Should I? Contract it, what does it mean?

Ulyreadscreators' thoughts