
A World Full of Yanderes

He's a man that's always been special, whether you consider it a gift or a curse. He has however tragically died in the most heroic way possible, attempting to save his own life, but accidents happen. Now unless he wants to go through a virtually never-ending torment, he will complete a mission he's been given by God to travel across worlds, from cultivation face slapping to isekai magic. He will burn through it all and escape this never-ending adventure, with some scary yandere girls on his tale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's my first story but I'll try my best! I love your comments and recommendations, also if you love yandere, you will love this. If yandere isn't your thing, hopefully, this will be a gateway to a whole new world. Anyways, Have a great day And enjoy the story! Btw I don't own the art, so if you are the creator and want it taken down just let me know through a review ill be sure to see it and change it, and speaking on that if you wanted to create art for my story I would love it so just let me know any artists out there.

desdodo · Fantasy
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19 Chs

A Master

The girl finalized the payment and unlocked my cage. "M'Lady let me" one of the guards offered.

"I'll get my own goddamn slave, he's mine now and no one is permitted to even touch him!"

She came into the cage and swiftly picked me up, holding me close to her chest, it was like a mother's embrace but from a small child. I would have been happy to have a considerate master but currently, the only emotion I felt was fear.

We began walking back past the rows of slaves while she carried me lovingly, she almost seemed bipolar due to the immediate change in attitude. As we were leaving, I looked at my fellow slave brethren. I won't miss their crying at night or the bleak hopeless atmosphere they have created here, I will however wish all of them the best of luck for the future.

We walked through the giant circus-like tent that kept all the slaves, eventually reaching the exit. When leaving there was a small room with two benches and a secretary's desk. It seemed as if it was a type of waiting room. After leaving the waiting room we walked right out the doors, looking at the sky again, it was extremely refreshing, this was my first time in this life appreciating the blue sky, it was so identical to earth that I felt a bit homesick already.

We began to trek to a waiting line of horse carriages. To have this many carriages escorting you, it seemed my new master was more of a big deal than I could ever imagine. The lines of people that would scurry out of the way and then get on their knees when we passed also increased my worries.

If she was the daughter of a criminal organization I could still seek help from official positions as long as they weren't corrupt, but if she's some noble or even royalty I would be screwed, it would force me to leave the country to escape and that might not even be enough.

We entered the carriage with no one else, even after an absorbent amount of begging from her guards, she ordered us to be left alone.

It was just the two of us yet there was absolute silence, she just sat there and stared at me. At first, I was looking back but over time It got creepy so I attempted to leave her lap. She wouldn't let me move an inch though, her grip though gentle, was like steel. With the body of a baby, I could never escape her.

Since I was stuck anyways, I began to examine my surroundings, a large golden lion caught my eye immediately, it was above both the red leather benches on the walls of the carriage. On either side, there were flamboyant doors and all the surroundings seemed to be covered in a soft fur type material.

Then I inspected my master, even for a child she was stunningly beautiful, blonde hair and blue eyes, it was amazing looking at her, the fact came to me that she hasn't even grown up and she is magnificently more beautiful than any celebrity I had ever seen on earth. I swear I'm not a lolicon though, she was just gorgeous.

She had beautiful eyes. They held both intelligence and cunning but she also had somewhat of a horrifying gaze, as if she was peering deep into my soul.

"Hello" She finally spoke, it startled me out of my daze.

"What is your name?" she spoke again, asking a question, almost as if in a trance.

"Luke" I replied simply.

"Luke, ahhhhh, what a beautiful name" she let out a long breath, it was hot and landed on my tiny face, she seemed intent on holding me as close as possible.

"Luke, starting now, it is your birthday, you have just turned 1, from now on you will do exactly as I say, do you understand?" I simply nodded my head in reply. I didn't want to show any defiance. I will have to grow up here for the next few years, I didn't want to leave any bad impressions. For the time being, I will train and gain as much knowledge as possible about this world, and then, I'll find the orb!"

We arrived at the location, the carriages came to a slow halt, and then, a bodyguard or knight opened the door.

"Welcome Princess Adriana, I trust your trip was both safe and enjoyable?"

"Yes, it was, now I will head to my room at once, I will not be disturbed"

"Of course your highness"

As this conversation occurred my mind began to race. PRINCESS! of all the possible positions this girl could have, she was a direct descendant of royalty! I doubt this was a good thing, not only does this mean the country is either extremely corrupt or that the slave trade is legal, but it also means if I want to escape slavery, the entire country and maybe even allied countries will hunt me down.

Adriana kept up a quick pace as she carried me away, I was stunned, the majestic sight of a castle is not something you see every day, it instantly took my mind away from my master being a princess. Large circular towers loomed on each corner of the walls surrounding us, it seemed we had traversed through several defensive measures to get into this inner castle area. We walked ahead under a thinner yet taller set of walls that also had four towers at each corner, yet these were towers much taller, likely able to look out across the city. Then in the direct center of all the walls, a large imposing castle stood. It reached the sky and guards and knights walked around every corner of the magnificent structure. It is a truly humbling experience. If the defences are like this, I'll never be able to escape from this damned place. Oh, freedom, so sweet yet so far how I yearn for you.

As we passed through gate after gate, they just seemed to turn inferior to the previous one. As if we were getting closer and closer to the most pristine location here. After entering through the 5th gate we enter a long hall, it had an elegant red carpet travelling down the halls in the direct center, with doors every 5-10 metres in between each other. from servants to officials all could be seen walking down the halls, some hurried, others arrogantly strode along the halls. Yet without exception, all of them greeted the princess with great respect.

As we began delving further into the interior of the castle we eventually reached a more baron area. It seemed the only people here were extremely high-ranking officials or maids.

Then we reached a pair of double doors, it was, to say the least, extravagant. A lion symbol was imprinted on both doors like usual, however, this one seemed to glow a golden colour.

Adriana opened the door after whispering a quick phrase and we entered her room. The castle was magnificent, the hallways were extravagant. This room, if you even call it that, was neat. It was of course covered in extremely high-quality furniture and large enough to hold a large family, but there was no excess. All the items seem to serve a distinct purpose and anything you would think would be termed unuseful was gone. Not even family portraits.

After arriving she brought me through the large room that could be compared to a five-star suite, finally putting me down on the large bed and left to call a maid for something. I began exploring. crawling around and walking at times. searching every inch, without doing anything too personal of course. I examined the small stack of books beside the bedstand and looked out the large windows covering a grand amount of the room, there was also a small balcony and glass doors blocking it. It was quite amazing to me to see such advanced workmanship with glass. The previous impression I had received from this world was completely medieval.

I also noticed an adjacent room with no doors but a doorway, entering it there was the door she came in with, a small table and tea set on top of it, there was also several couches and a chessboard with a small table. I also explored a brilliantly lit bathroom, it had several growing crystals placed on the walls that made it seem even more beautiful, a 2 by 2-metre bath was placed in the centre with several towels and open spaces around, there was also what looked like a toilet and a sink as well as several buckets full of still steaming water.

I was curious how the plumbing worked but I continued my snooping, coming across a large bookshelf and several maps was also a highlight, if I was permitted to enter the princess room again I would love to stay there, I wonder if there's a library, though I doubt I would be permitted to use it.

When I began shuffling through a large bundle of warm cozy blankets and furs laying in the corner, I heard the door open and saw Princess Adriana enter the room, her eyes immediately scanned the bed and after not finding her desired target she quickly searched across the room. When finding me in the bundles of blankets a dazzling smile spread across her face.

"Luki puki, look at you, your so cute" she began to baby talk me, though I always did the same to kids, I realized now how infuriating it is to be treated like an idiot.

"So, master, what shall I do for you?" I asked it was an attempt to gain more information about why she bought me and hopefully make her impression of me seem more adult. I hoped I would be given a private space to begin my training, but that is surely too much for a slave, when suddenly behind her I saw a wooden boat-shaped crib being carried by a maid, it was brilliant looking, just like everything here is. The one thing though that terrified me though, not only was it placed directly beside the princess's bed, it also had tall looking wooden pillars covering it from all sides, just like a cage with no roof.

"Awww your so cute Luki, I don't have any tasks for you, just stay cute forever" She picked me up and began snuggling me against her cheek. though degrading, I appreciated the feeling of her soft skin making contact with mine, it was soothing. I can't be distracted though. She looked outside and noticed the sun slowly setting. "Well, you had a long day so, for now, will get you some rest, tomorrow you'll meet the family."

She carried me to the newly placed crib, covered me in one blanket after another, and began singing a lullaby. Though I had never heard the one from this world it's influence on me was strong, I could never resist such a soothing voice with my weakling mind, I gave into temptation and fell into a deep sleep.

Hello readers! A bit of a longer chapter today, I think ill try to aim for 1500-2000 words per chapter now to get out more content, I also will try to get out at least one chapter a day, but no promises.

Thank you for reading the novel,

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