
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Darkness of Death

Sector 655 C of Quadrant Zeta on a planet the inhabitants call Blue Prime, this is where I have ended up this time. It's a bustling world full of different species both intelligent and not, a modern world full of sky scrapers and dense infrastructure. Truly an advance civilization, so this time I'v decided to be a doctor. I made my way to the biggest city I could find, the citizens call it, Camally Blue, turns out it's the Capital of the nation im in. As I made my way through the streets looking for a hospital to work for I couldn't help but notice a few things. The vast majority of the people I walked past were all wearing fairly fancy clothes, it appears that most of them are well off. But I also noticed that there are quite a few people in the alleys, hunkered in boxes or other trash to stay warm. Looks like no matter what planet or universe it is, there's always disparity between classes. About an hour later I found a fairly large hospital and decided it would be where I worked. When I walked inside a large front lobby greeted me as well as a young looking women, from her voice and posture it was apparent she is a very bubbly person. As she greeted me I could see her eyes check me up an down, once done she asked me what brought me to the Camally Blue Primary Hospital. I told her I was there for the job opening, that mind you didn't exist, but with a little immortal space magic she thought it did. With that she let me through, after that I found an unmonitored spot and summoned up a doctors uniform, including a fancy badge that I mimicked off of another doctors badge. After that I was off to find my very first patient, not to toot my own horn but after being around for as long as I have I don't think I'll be a bad doctor. As I walked down the rigorously sterilized white washed halls, the moans and groans of pain echoed behind closed doors. It reminds me all to well of my trips to battle fields, it reminds me of my own immortality. Meandering through the halls I sensed something I haven't sensed before, which is odd as I'v been around well before time existed. As I opened the door to the room the first thing that hit me was a repugnant stench coming from a man lying in the hospital bed. The closer I got to the man the worse the stench, once I got to the man and took a closer look, the first thing I noticed was his vein's. They were black, the second thing I noticed was a festering sore in the crook of his left arm, puss and mucus oozed out of it. The man was sweating profusely, the IVs pumped liquid and nutrients into his body but I could tell it wasn't helping. I lay my hand upon his head, it was scorching hot, a bad fever perhaps, no, that doesn't explain the sore and veins. I took a closer look at the sore, the skin was dry and cracking around it, but in the middle of the sore I noticed something odd. There was an odd puncture wound there, he had been injected by something. I decided to check his internals, so from my storage necklace I withdrew and item from a previously visited world, think of it as an in-depth x-ray machine but handheld. As I started scanning him I found something in his stomach, it squirmed and oozed, it looked a lot like mold, but alive. I decided that I should learn a bit more about this man, so I used a ability that allows me to read minds, but if im to be honest I regretted that as soon as I did it.

Patients POV:

A festering rot, both grim and gruesome, it's eating away my very being. The rots goal being no less than the consumption and destruction of my life. This festering rot is far past the point of, "will it kill me?" Now it only a matter of when it kills me. Perhaps I could have been saved, but now... now it's far too late. As I lay here and brood with my thoughts, kept company only by the very thing trying to kill me I can't help but recall my life. Only to realize, I'v done nothing with it, I'v no family, my job fired me, and now I'm dying. As that crushing reality comes down on me my world fades to black. As I sit in my now black world, everything grows quiet and still, it's peaceful, in a sad way. As I sit here trapped in thought the silence grows louder, pretty soon, the silence grows deafening. An endless amount of self produced white noise roars in my head. Anything to drown out the awful silence, but it's to much, I can feel myself slipping into madness. I want to hold on I want to live, but a single thought keeps relentlessly assaulting me it screams. "You're useless, you're never gonna accomplish anything, you're dying... give up." An so I do, I give up, I let go of my rope in the darkness and I plunge into the darkness. As I fall the sound of wind in my ears gets louder and louder. When I open my eyes what greets me is a pale and slickly looking man reflected back too me in the hospital glass. As I look up, or rather down the pavement rushes to greet me, like and old friend. The people look like ants and the world looks so small, a scream rings in my ears someone sees me. As I spread my arms open for one last hug with my old friend, I close my eyes. With that I splatter on the ground.

Traveler's POV:

With his death my ability ends and I wake up, the mans gone and I can hear the screams and sirens in the distance. It's time for me to go, with a last look at the bed and an utter of sorry, I disappear.