
A Womanising Mage: A New Order

The explosion at the chantry threw me through time and space, upon arriving at my destination, I found a young girl about to be ra**d, by a filthy mage no less... Dragon Age x Womanising Mage x Some other universes (My third and final attempt at writing this.)

DarthTurtle · Video Games
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Knight Protector

<Tyrannus' Pov>

"What is going on? The last thing I remember is floating through the void, the chantry, the divine, all gone, where am I?"

A Regal voice responded "You are being reborn, Knight of Justice, you will be placed in a world ruled by mages, your goal is to bring them down a peg, you are to protect the weak and destroy the strong. How you achieve this is down to you, will you remain Just? Become a tyrant? As long as you achieve the liberation of man, I do not care. You will be assisted by a proxy, this proxy will increase your abilities as you make progress towards your goal. You may also spend the world's currency to gain abilities, a new identity has been provided for you, you are the guard captain of a princess, the princess is a mage but the country she is from is on the downturn. Enjoy your second chance, my knight, you will not get another."

As the voice faded, my conscience did too. when I awoke, I found myself standing in an unknown forest, my name, what is my name?

*Displaying Host's status.*

An unknown voice rang out in my head.

Name: Alexander Meluso

Level: One

Class: Templar

Title: Knight Captain

Stats; Strength : 12 Constitution: 14 Magic: 3 Intelligence: 10 Dexterity: 10 Agility: 10

Skills: Shield Bash (No boosts unlocked), Spell Purge (No boosts unlocked)

Artefacts: None

Equipment: Standard Guard equipment.

<3rd Person Pov, This needed to be extracted from the original story as an opening for the Mc's entrance to the world>

After gathering his thoughts, Alex ran towards a sharp scream, his memories that were being synched with the original body told him that was the scream of the woman he was meant to be guarding.

On the meadow not far away from this young man, a peerlessly beautiful young girl was lying. Whether it was her clothing or her temperament, all explained that this young girl's status of noble. At this moment, this young girl's soft and fair face was flushing, and her eyes were emitting intense humiliation and anger. She appeared as if she wanted to struggle up, but her body didn't have even a trace of strength.

Seeing such a scene, even an idiot would also realize what was happening here, and what would be the end fate of this young girl.

"Heh heh, Long Ling'er, my noble Her Highness the Princess, did you ever think that you will have a day like this?" The young man wearing luxurious clothing smiled sinisterly and his gaze watching this young girl was full of cruelness and lust.

Long Ling'er couldn't help but shiver slightly, although she normally was an aloof and remote princess, she was merely a 16 years old young girl, yet confronting the upcoming miserable fate, she was calm and didn't panic.

"Ximen Yu, you dare to be rude to me, my emperor father will definitely kill you." Long Ling'er powerlessly threatened.

"That's for when Long Zhan, that old fart knew this, do you think you will leave alive from this woods? You foul whore, although you think of yourself as high and pure, that's only on the surface, wait until I taste you, heh heh heh."

Ximen Yu intently stared at Long Ling'er exquisite figure, and the lower part of his body couldn't help standing up making a tent.

But at this moment, a strange event occurred, along with a clap of thunder suddenly resounded in the night sky filled with stars, a flash of lightning as thick as a bucket cut the starry sky into half, and a pitch-black space rift suddenly split open quietly behind Ximen Yu just like a monster opening its mouth to eat a person.

Ximen Yu's forward movement ceases abruptly as if the time had suddenly stopped. Suddenly, Ximen Yu trembled, and his handsome face twisted in agony, moreover, silvery lightning wandered about on the surface of his skin.

Slowly, Ximen Yu no longer trembled. His face also calmed down, moreover, that silvery lightning also entered into his body.

Long Ling'er had closed her eyes, so she really didn't notice anything. Her heart was just surrounded by fear and despair. But even after waiting for a long time, the scene she had expected to occur didn't occur. She opened her eyes filled with hope, but she saw bloodshot eyes staring fixedly at her. It was full of suffering and struggling.

Long Yi didn't dare to believe, he had unexpectedly reincarnated in someone else's body, moreover, this person was actually trash that was about to rape this young girl. At the same time, his consciousness had already swallowed the consciousness of this Ximen Yu. But after going through the intense battle, his willpower was very weak, and outside of his expectation, this fellow had actually eaten a very strong aphrodisiac, so it was already getting very difficult to resist the physical instinct of sex with his willpower.

When Long Yi was struggling persistently, Long Ling'er suddenly opened her limpid eyes. This pair of starry sky like luminous eyes destroyed the final bits of Long Yi's willpower, and he who had just reincarnated in somebody else's body fell into the ocean of desire.

<Alex's Pov>

Seeing how the events were going to unfold, Alex steeled himself and ran towards the two, activating spell purge, he used on both the princess and the man standing over her, once he had closed the distance between himself and them, he used shield bash, smacking the man in the face at full force, knocking him out cold.

For now, I should continue to act as her guard, the money I gain from this can be used to further upgrade my abilities. As I gazed at the man on the floor, I recognised him as the heir to the Ximen Clan, an issue to be dealt with at the capital it seems. I hate how easy it is for my thoughts to adjust to this new world, it appears to be like Thedas in more ways than one.....

Shit forgot about the princess, I knelt and said:" My princess I'm sorry you had to go through this, run back to the carriage, I will teach this mage a lesson he will never forget, we will be back shortly."

After seeing the Princess back off to the carriage the old host had prepared, I grabbed the unconscious body of Ximen Yu and dragged him deeper into the forest.

30 minutes later I returned to the carriage with a badly beaten body, I had carved the word 'Repent' into his stomach. Lobbing him into the carriage, I climbed in and sat opposite the Princess.

"Again I wish to apologise for my late arrival, if I had been a bit quicker, I could have saved her majesty from such an unsightly scene. After I get rid of the scum in the prison, I will see your father and resign from my post."

Tears began to surface in the eyes of the young girl in front of me for the first time since the incident, in between sobs she forced out" That won't be necessary, I will have my father reward you for saving me. Thank you, Alexander, Thank you."

The rest of the short return to the capital was silent, except for the silent groans of Ximen Yu and the occasional sobs from the Princess.


After the return to the short return to the city, I escorted the Princess back to her estate before I took my prisoner to the Emperor, as the court was already in session I knew that there would be hundreds of masters present as well as the 4 main families of the empire.

Approaching the meeting hall with the tied up Ximen Yu in hand, I was stopped by a guard, who asked " Imperial protector, what business do you have with the Emperor and his vassals?"

I smiled at the guard, showing him the face of my captive, I said" Ximen Yu has attempted to rape the Princess, he killed 4 of her guards in the process. Luckily I arrived in time to prevent the deed from happening, I believe is majesty would want to deal with this as soon as possible."

The eyes' of the guard narrowed as he looked at the badly beaten hostage before he disappeared into the court, shouts of anger could be heard from inside the court and rather quickly, the guard appeared once again, stating" The Lords await your report."

Draggin' Ximen Yu by his scalp, I slowly made my way into the Imperial throne, making sure that his now semi-conscious body hit all of the gaps in the road, causing the rodent as much damage as I could.

The throne room was packed with nobles, the more influential ones seated directly in front of the throne while the lesser nobles were seated a lot further back, all of them turned their eyes towards me as I made my way forwards, I made sure my posture was confident, a small smile on my face, looking directly at the Emperor, I didn't bow.

I only bow before Andraste or the Maker, not some mortal man playing God, especially not a mage one. Never will I bow to a mage. The room went deathly quiet as people realised that I wouldn't bow, the Emperor's face scrunched up slightly.

His attention quickly moved to the man that was hanging from my side, his badly beaten and disfigured body slowly shaking itself to life. Seeing his son in such a state, Ximen Nu rose from his seat and began to charge towards me.

A sword appeared in his right hand as he flung himself at me, in response, I simply shifted the weight in my body and quickly rotated myself so that the body of his son was the thing nearest his sword. A smile plastered my face as he forced his muscle to stop, causing significant backlash.

"I suggest you go back to your seat before I have to take that attack personally, I would hate to leave your wife a widow as well as a grieving mother."

A deep snarl was the response I got to my statement as he sat back down, turning around to the emperor, I began my report " My lord, this scumbag in my arms attempted to Rape the Princess, in doing so He killed 4 of her guards and my fellow troops, I have already heavily damaged the centres of magic within his body as well as the area where he collects Qi."

Ximen Nu once again rose to his feet with a deep growl, I simply pulled my sword out of its sheath and placed it at his son's neck, a simple reminder to keep himself in check.

"Myra can confirm my claims as she was there with me, she is currently with the Princess, keeping her calm and safe. The aphrodisiac was heavily enhanced with magic, meaning I doubt a simple waste of space like the man in my hands was strong enough to pull this off alone. For that reason, Myra is still with the Princess, as I know she will give her life to follow my orders."

The Emperor nodded his head, turning his head he shouted" By royal decree, I strip Ximen Yu of all his titles and rights as a Noble of this empire, he will forever be a common man, Guards take him to the tower, he will stay there for 30 years."

I couldn't help but chuckle at this, anger clearly surfaced on the face of the emperor, "You find something funny? I can barely forgive not bowing considering the benefit you provided for my family but openly laughing at me is going too far."

"You misunderstand, I was laughing at how light that sentence is, he tried to dirty the royal lineage, execution is mercy. My lord, I have a request as a reward for saving her highness."

His eyebrows rose sharply, anger, I see, during this short exchange mixed in with the memories of this body, it is clear that I can't stay shackled to this man.

"What do you want?"

A small smile spread across my lips "I simply want my pay for this year in advance and a fort that is far away from the capital and the surrounding lands."

"So you want to become a noble then? I can do that easily, as for the fort it can be done however your arrogance needs to be purged if you are to join the nobility, Kneel."

A small chuckle escaped my lips. "I have served you dutifully over the last 5 years, I do not want any noble titles, just the fort and the land, you can keep my pay but I will not kneel."

The Emperor laughed, gesturing to his chancellor, "Give him the deeds to the Ethereal wasteland to the north, you can have the keep there as well as all land within 4 miles of it, I will make you a count of the Empire but the next time we meet you will Kneel to me."

The next time we meet, his head will be at the end of my sword.

"Thank you"

I said as I took the deed for the land, The Ethereal wasteland is as the name suggests, a Shithole, it was ravaged by magic during a war long past, there is a token fort in the area as well as a small village with little to no food. Ravaged by bandits, it is not a great place to start but it is a place to start.

*Hidden quest complete: Gain Land. Rewards: Daily Lyrium delivery, skill trees unlocked, Templar Order management screen.*

Umm, what?

*New mission; Found the Order! Rewards: Templar armour x6, A system granted Blacksmith and 3 skill points.*

I guess I should grab Myra and leave for the Wastelands then.

Chapter one...

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