
A Woman You Can't Trust

azylg · Urban
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5 Chs


"AGH!"Edmar shouted as he received a strong kick on his side, almost taking his breath away. But as he tried in struggling to survive, here comes another kick on his back.

"Oh!" he screamed once more."kill me now!"he uttered in pain. "kill you? Hah! killing you is too light for a punishment, Edmar Fuentebella. This is not the right time. But don't worry, you will go there, your grave is waiting for you. But for now, take first my fierce hatred for a traitor like you!" a man burst out in anger as he kick Edmar once more on his stomach.

Edmar feel a never ending pain all over his body but he endure it. He doesn't want to see this man enjoying while hearing him in agony.

"You're stubborn? what? Don't you still want to confess whatever informations you got from the group?" yelled the man.

"I have nothing to confess to you!" Edmar speak glaring the man. There he received another ferocious kick. Though it feels so painful, he forced his eyes to look for the man who make him in a miserable state he was in.

And he swear, he will never forget that face...


Translator's thought:

Hello guys, I'm so sorry for the late release of this chapter. As I was saying, I have a lot to do with my work so I stayed up late. But don't worry I will continue what I have started cause it really makes me happy and thrilled. So keep on reading..😊😊😊😘