
A Woman You Can't Trust

azylg · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 She knows him

"What happened?" Dominique rushed out from her room. " I don't know!" Aunt Thelma exclaimed. They exasperatedly go inside his room.

"Why?" They saw him twisting in pain while holding his head. "My head is aching! Ah!"

"Okay...okay, calm down! Aunt Thelma, please go get the pain reliever in the cabinet."she said hurriedly.

"Yes . .yes!"said the elder as she goes out the room. "Hey, relax!" she urge him to be calm.

"It hurts! I feel like my head is breaking!Ah! I'm forcing myself to remember everything that happened, but my head is hurting!"

"okay, don't think about it for now." she slowly said. "Here's the medicine!" holding the medicine Aunt Thelma get in the room. "okay, drink this." Dominique said this with care.

Despite of his body trembling in pain Edmar manage to drink the medicine.

"Aunt Thelma, just leave him to me." she abruptly said. "Are you sure?" "Yes." after hearing her assurance the elder went out the room.

Then she move closely to him and carefully touch his head as she massage the aching spot. She did it slowly feeling his still trembling body. "Relax, wait a little while longer. As soon as the medicine gets into effect it will ease the pain."

"Ah!" he continues holding his head, but he strive to stop trembling. A few moments later, he gradually feels at peace.

"Ah..." he made a long sigh and fix himself in bed when he feels better. "Are you okay now?" she asked. Edmar, slowly open his eyes, eager to see her.

"I think I'm okay. But there's still a slight wavering on my brain, seems like squeezing the veins."

"It will gone soon. Anyway, if you hurt your head as you forced it to think what have happened. It would be better for you to stop thinking. To all the wounds on your head and body it's now a miracle that you manage to be alive. and maybe, you got a temporary amnesia as to why you can't remember." she explained to him.

He stared on her face. "Why?" she arch her brows while asking. "Ah, Aunt Thelma said that you cured me. Thank you. I owed you a lot. You didn't fear me even I was on a bloody state laying on the street. If it were on others, maybe they would leave and neglect me for fear in getting involved." he honestly said.

"Hmm, it's nothing. come on, have a rest." she stands and get ready to go out.



"Your name is Dominique, and I'm sorry, I really don't remember my name." he said with sorrowful eyes.

"It's okay, I will just call you...Edmar."

He was stunned.

"Okay, thanks again."

"By the way, just call me Nikky, my name is too long."

After saying that, she went out the room.

"THE thread I used to stitch the wound on your head will be soon removed on it's own. While this one on your arm would melt. The other wounds we're now closed and they dried fast. The only problem that we had are your legs. We still can't remove the plaster cast because the broken bone haven't gone to it's usual form." Dominique is now collecting the things she used in changing the bandage on his wound as well as the medicine that been used.

"Yeah. It's been two weeks, but still I can't move my feet."

"It will get well soon. Anyway, have you gotten a good sleep while I'm not around?" Dominique have just arrived from Manila.

After three days since Edmar had awake she went to the city and just got back now.

"Yes, Aunt Thelma took good care of me." Edmar said with a smile.

"That's good then. I bought new medicines, I will also change the plaster cast of your leg so it will not itch inside."

"Thanks. I'm really a huge burden to you. Instead of focusing on your work in the city, you still get here to know my situation."

She speaks nothing.

"Oh, by the way, even though my head hurts everytime I urge myself to recall of what happened, still I couldn't avoid myself from thinking. I seemed... to see unclear images in my mind. Those scenes look like connected to me somehow." he said wearing a confused look on his face.

Dominique was stunned and stared at him.

"You remembered now all that happened to you?"

"Uhmm, not fully. I only see people... surrounding me."

She secretly swallowed. "Then?"

"I couldn't see their faces, it's vague. But their movements, it seemed... they're hurting me, torturing me. They're laughing and cursing. There's someone hitting me, kicking, and punching. The other is beating me with a hard thing on my head. Whenever I recall it, my body feel pained, I don't know how to deal the difficulties I've suffered. But even if my head is hurting, I still wanted to recall what else have happened, also the faces of those people. But my memories of those events just end there.It was still the same even if I think about it over and over again."

Dominique make a long sigh as she looks at him.

" That's a good sign. Maybe, your brain still had a slight damage that's why you couldn't fully remember, but sooner or later, you will remember everything... everything..." she gives him a firm gaze.

Some time passed between them as they flatly look into each other's eyes.

"Alright, I'll go out first?" she couldn't stand that staring race.

"Yeah, thanks again." Edmar replied not on his self.

She didn't speak anymore and went out directly. Hurriedly get inside her room and open her laptop. There she watch the footage on the surveillance camera that she put on his room. She wanted to see what happened to him, or his actions in this past two weeks while she's away.

Dominique look on the screen and found nothing strange in his actions. He's just laying on the bed while watching television.

Sometimes he look so serious as he immersed in a deep thought, staring blankly on the ceilings.

Then sometimes he will suddenly twisting in pain and hold his head with his two hands, gripping his hair tightly.

It might be because it pained so much.

She sighed and switch off her laptop.

"It might be possible that he has an amnesia. Then at most, it would be hard for him to go outside this house if he really don't remember his past. But sooner his leg will be better, he will walk. Then if I'm not here, Aunt Thelma couldn't stop him from going out, or leave. It's dangerous, his enemies might see him, his life will be harmed again. I really need to guard him personally. The timing is right, since it will took a month or two before Gudong will back in the Philippines. He will not call me yet. I will stay here for now to monitor Edmar.

"SLOWLY... SLOWLY," Dominique said while guiding Edmar on his steps.

She already removed the plaster cast on his leg and now they are trying if he can manage to walk better.

One ..two steps he made. Three...four...five...

"Ah!" Edmar's lips twitch of the sudden pain attack on his leg.

"That's enough." she let him sit on the chair. "We can't force it, it might get worst. Anyway, you already get a few steps, that would be enough for today. After you take a rest just go back on your bed. I will ask someone to send your snacks." then she take her step out of the room.


"Yes?" she look back with a formal face.

"Maybe it's time for me to go out of my room. I can eat at the dining room. I'm getting bored in here, it makes me lose my appetite. Maybe we can eat together?"

Nikky was stunned, she feels her body stiffened on the thought of them eating together.

"I'm sorry, maybe some other time. I have to go somewhere and I might go home late."

"If that's the case, I'll just wait for you at dinner."

"No, don't do that. I might go back so late at night."

"I see." He just heaved a long sigh.

Nikky finally make her way out, it's only a few moments of her standing behind the closed door when she fell on a deep thought.

"No! what I am reading on the depth of his eyes is not true. I'm just imagining things. He only wants to show his gratitude that's why he's pushing his self to me."

She then finds her way on her room and once watch Edmar's actions on the monitor of her laptop.

"Ah!" Edmar screamed as he get up hastily from a peaceful sleep. "Ah, it hurts!" holding his head with his two hands Edmar jumped out of the bed.

"Edmar!" Nikky rushed to his room out of breath. "What happened?"

"It hurts!" he sobbed with his knees on the floor.

"Okay, come to bed, I'll give you a massage on your head. She hardly support him on the way back to the bed.

Though not feeling well he forced to weigh light, so she won't feel hard.

"There. Just lie down there and I will massage your head." she said as he now settled in bed.

He slowly close his eyes and wait for her touch.

"Oh, I better go get the pain reliever first." she blurted.

"No! I don't like medicines anymore, my stomach hurts everytime I drink them. I could just get ulcer to it." he said with disgusting look.

"Okay, I'll just massage it." she smiled at him.

Her fingers started to move on his forehead, his temple, then at the top.

She do it repeatedly. While staring on his handsome face that is now showing a slight traces of wounds and bruises he got from that harsh incident he suffered.

Her emotionless face suddenly showed fondness, specially the spark of her eyes.

"What a wasted life if ever. If I didn't bring him here, maybe he's now 6 feet under the ground and worms will now feasting on him. You're very lucky, Edmar Fuentebella. You should be thankful that I saved you."

She secretly sighed.

Dominique was in that state of her mind when he suddenly opened his eyes, he caught her intensely staring at him.

"Oh, are you okay now?" Does your head still hurts?" she asked casually feeling a little uneasy.

"It's slowly gone now. Thanks to you? and I apologized too."

"It's okay." she stops the massage and now getting to stand from her sit at the edge of the bed.

"Oh, wait." he hurriedly call her.

"Why?" she asked.

"I have something to ask to you."

There eyes met and gaze at each other intensely.

"What is it?"

"Can you stay for a little while?"


"Ah..." his eyes suddenly become elusive. "I want to talk to you more. I mean...can you tell me how did you find me on the side of the street, what's my appearance, or what..."

"I'm sorry," but she suddenly stand. "I can't give you any details except that your bloody when I saw you on the side of the road."


"You sleep now. I feel sleepy too." then she leave him...


Translator's thought:

Good evening guys...I was so sorry. I have just finished this chapter. I have been very much busy yesterday and the other day. You know there's a lot to do at school. But here I am now..I know this chapter is a little late but I do hope you enjoyed reading this.😍

Anyway, can I ask a little favor from you guys?

You can leave a comment for me letting me know that there is someone out there reading my story 😊😊😊any comment from you will truly be appreciated...thank you 😘😘😘