
A Woman You Can't Trust

azylg · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 Dealing with amnesia

He gradually open his eyes. Unclear vision at first, while seeing white images. A little while later the images become clear to his sight.

"It's good that you're now awake" said the aged woman sitting on the bedside while smiling at him.

But his eyes automatically laid to the woman standing behind wearing a formal face and just staring at him.

That beautiful face of her, red lips, neutral nose, and long hair that look so enchanting as it is fanned by the air.

It brings chill all over his body. "What happened? Where am I?"

"You're in my rest house here in La Union" the pretty woman speak still with her emotionless face.

"Huh?" Edmar look around.

"Ah!" A loud scream come out from his throat, feeling pained as he tried to move.

"Stay still, you can't move for now. You've got a lot of wounds and bruises all over your body, you also have a fractured leg. It isn't cure yet though it's been five days have passed.

"Five days?" confused by what he heard.

"Yes, you were unconscious for five days...with high fever."

"And...why do I have wounds and bruises on my body? What happened to me? Have I got an accident?"

A slight crease has shown on her pretty brows, then she look to the elder woman.

"Aunt Thelma, you may leave us first." she commanded. "Yes ma'am" the elder woman went out the room with the basin of water and towel on her hands.

Soon, they were left alone staring flatly at each other.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me, you can't remember what have happened to you?" she blurted.

"Ah..." he close his eyes and hold his head."Yes, it seems...like I can't remember."

"Come on. Don't give me that bullshit. I won't buy that." she sneered on him.


"And don't tell me that you've got an amnesia that's why you don't know your name. I won't believe that rather!"

"Huh?" He was speechless, then his mouth open. "Yes, I can't remember who I am. Am...I experiencing an amnesia?" he was confused.

"Huh!" the lady seem irritated to what he said showing her sarcastic face. "What's this, huh? You make believing me? for what?"

"Hey, what are you saying?Edmar protest. I really don't..."

"Enough!" she groaned.


"You eat now. I will ask Aunt Thelma to give you food to eat and when you're sober enough, then we can talk." She said while glancing on his feet with plaster cast. "Don't you ever try to come out from that bed. If your feet was forced it will just lead to disaster. Do you want to have a fractured leg forever? she chuckled while saying it. " But don't worry, you're more than safe here than any other place that you are thinking you should be in."


"Aunt Thelma!" she called while going out the room.

He just look at her receding figure while moving his head sideways unbelieving the situation.

" Aunt Thelma, give our patient a food to eat. But make sure he only take a little on his stomach, it can't be forced. Then let him take his medicine after." Her hands are swaying as she gave her instructions.

"Yes ma'am" the elderly nodded.

Edmar heard their conversation outside. A while later Aunt Thelma get into his room.

"Here, you eat first. I'll just feed you then because I'm sure you still can't move."

"Alright". He only eat a little, he feels discomfort in his stomach so he voluntarily give up the idea to take more in.

He was unconscious for five days, giving the reason why it would really forced his stomach the moment he take solid food.

"Here take your medicine now. Then you go take a rest. Don't push yourself. You had a fever for five days and just by looking at you now I can say that you are not well enough."

Aunt Thelma uttered with care and sympathy shown in her eyes.

"Yes, and thanks to you". Edmar replied after drinking the water and the medicine.

Aunt Thelma is now facing the door and start to walk out the room when he suddenly call her.

"Aunt Thelma just wait a minute."

"oh yes?" she was surprised.

"I just want to ask...do you know what really happened to me?" Edmar look at her with pleading eyes.


"Believe me, I can't remember anything. That woman don't believe me...wait.. what's her name?"

"oh... she's ma'am Dominique, my boss. She brought you here when she arrived last week. You were wounded and bloody, you are not breathing and you're almost half dead. She cured you, I just helped her. She was able to put a dextrose and make a blood transfered to you because she's a nurse. She put the medicines into the dextrose to heal you and made your wounds dry so as to not get infected." she explained diligently.

"So it means, I owed her a lot." Edmar finally said.

"Yeah, that would be. Because If it were only me I can never get you back into life. Just looking on blood makes me chill in fear." she said with a horrible face.

"But why...it seemed...like she hates me?" He confusedly asked.

" I don't know the answer to that. But I think, its not that. She's just being herself, she always have that personality. Being formal, and seeing smile on her lips is so elusive. She seldom went here in province because her work is in the city. But if she comes here, she stayed for few days. She is kind to me. That maybe because since her childhood I have been serving their family and I mostly be the one who took care of her until she grow up considering her parents were both busy dealing with their business."

Edmar nodded as he listened carefully.

"Haven't she said to you where did she finds me? or how did she finds me?" he suddenly asked.

"Oh, what she just said to me is that she found you on the side of the street, and you look like a salvage victim that we're just thrown at that place but perhaps you were beaten from a different place by the people who kidnapped you. and that's the reason for her not bringing you to the hospital or informed the police to what happened to you. She was alarmed that your enemies would know that your still alive and would lead to follow you and finally killed you." she explained hurriedly.

He nodded again.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for my aggressive questioning. But I really don't remember what happened to me. Even my name I can't remember it."he said holding his fist.

"Maybe, that would be possible. You have wounds and beatings on your head, there was even a deeper wound on it's back that she deals hurriedly and carefully stitch it."she said seriously.

"Really? Those bastards did all that cruel thing to me." Edmar exclaimed angrily.

"Yes, it seems that they have a huge grudge on you. alright, you take a rest now."she said taking her farewell.

"Okay, thanks again."

The elder just nodded and finally out of the room.

He fell into a deeper thought, closing his eyes and forced to recall the happenings on his past life.

Untill he cupped his head due to the sudden pain he feels.

"Ah!" at last he loudly screamed...


Translator's thought:

Hi Guys, it's good morning now...haha..I stayed up late again just so I can publish this chapter...It's been a long and tiring day for me today..but it's worth it 😍

Hope you enjoy reading this and feel free to comment. That would help me more to improve my work..thank you...😊and happy Valentine's to all out there 😍😘