
A Wolf's Seduction

Best novel of 2023

Popomelon · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Pack

Luna couldn't stop thinking about the pack of wolves she had encountered in the woods. She had never felt such a strong connection to an animal before, let alone a pack of them.

As she walked through the woods the next night, Luna found herself drawn back to the clearing where she had met the Alpha. She hoped that she would see him again, but when she arrived, the clearing was empty.

Luna sighed and started to turn back when she heard a rustling in the bushes. She froze, wondering if it was the Alpha or one of his pack.

To her relief, the Alpha emerged from the bushes, followed closely by several other wolves. Luna felt a thrill run through her body as she realized that they had come to see her.

The Alpha approached her first, nudging her hand again with his nose. Luna smiled and reached out to pet him, feeling a surge of warmth as she did.

The other wolves gathered around her, sniffing at her curiously. Luna was amazed at how gentle they all were, especially considering their reputation as fierce predators.

As the pack moved around her, Luna couldn't help but feel like she was part of them. She felt like she had found a family, one that accepted her unconditionally.

But then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, the pack started to retreat back into the woods. Luna tried to follow them, but the Alpha let out a warning growl, telling her that she couldn't come with them.

Luna watched as the pack disappeared into the trees, feeling a pang of sadness at their departure. She knew that she had to find a way to be with them again, to learn more about them and their way of life.

Little did Luna know that her desire to be part of the pack would lead her down a path of danger and temptation, one that would threaten to consume her entirely.