
A Wizard'sLife

reborn in Wizard's world

NOOB_KILLER ¡ Book&Literature
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I said goodbye to my parents and walked towards the professor.

"First-years gather around, first-year students, we will be leaving for Hogwarts soon, we will take boats to Hogwarts now, I want every first-year student in the boats, no more than four in one boat"

I was a bit confused to hear that we were going by boat, my grandfather told me that everyone takes a carriage, well even in books and movies first-year student takes a boat, my grandfather must have been messing with me.

In the boat with me were Malfoy, Nott and Lestrange brats all of them like black are from the traditional fraction in wizengamot.

The journey towards the castle by the lake was as beautiful as described in books.

After reaching the antechamber in front of the great hall another professor came out of the great hall.

" We will begin shortly when I call your name you will have to come...." she went on to explain the house system and how we were being sorted, while 'SAGE' was analyzing the enchantment in the hallway as well as the great hall.

Sorting was done in alphabetical order so my name came quicker than expected

"Aries black"

'hmmm.... Another black ah. You're quite a bookworm. Well, Ravenclaw seems to be the best choice, but where do you want to go? '

'It's either Ravenclaw or Slytherin so which house gives room for individuals student? '

' Are you... *sigh*' "Slytherin!!! "

Giving the hat to the professor I joined the Slytherin table.

After a few minutes, I heard a familiar name," Iris Evans". She was looking nervous as she put on the hat, "Gryffindor!!!".

Well, she is still nervous but less than before.

The annoying trio of Malfoy, nott and Lestrange joined Slytherin all of them are looking smug about something.

The headmaster Everard stood up and gave a speech with a warning about forests, and soon we begin the dinner brought by the house elves, who are exactly below us in the kitchen, though I could see them in the form of green colour spots of magic.

---After dinner at Slytherin common room---

The head of the Slytherin house introduced us to the common room.

" I am head Slytherin house and professor of potions, Brutus Abbott. You may call me professor Abbott. Tomorrow morning I want every first-year Slytherin in the great hall on time, you will receive your class schedule there, girls' rooms are to right and the boy's rooms are to the left, don't do anything silly, if you don't get caught for it always have an alibi prepared, stick together with other Slytherin even if you hate them, don't tell other people what goes on in the common room or where it is located, the password will be changed on weekly basis and will be posted inside the common room, dismiss."

The room was in Slytherin colour, with a green and silver bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a centre table surrounded by a couch.

My luggage was beside the bed, changes out of school robes I went to sleep.