
A Wizard's Secret

Anyone who could construct a stable Spell Model could become a Wizard — that was the Wizards' ultimate secret! Having been given a new life as the son of an aristocrat and armed with a super quantum computer from his past life, Spell Models game as easily as breathing to Merlin. With this overwhelmingly huge advantage, would Merlin become the greatest Grand Wizard of all time?

Shadow on the Moon · Fantasy
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1063 Chs

Devouring Insect Tribe

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the boundless Void Zone, an extremely fast flying ship was flying at a steady pace. On the flying ship was a black-robed young Wizard currently looking at a map while slightly frowning.

"Wizard Saitu's Dimension is slightly nearer. The Ecuador Dimension is too far. With the speed of the Aurora Ship, it'll only be able to reach after flying for years…"

The Wizard on the flying ship was Merlin, who had just left Arcane City. The map in his hands seemed to cover more than half of the dimensions of the Spell Caster civilization. It could be considered to be an extremely comprehensive map.

However, in the vast Void Zone, the dimensions the Spell Caster civilization controlled was just a drop in the ocean, so there were many places and dimensions that were not indicated on the map.

Merlin's current destination was not Wizard Saitu's Dimension but the Shkedu's Dimension on the way to Wizard Saitu's Dimension.