
A Witch's Legacy

Piper, a powerful witch, finds herself pregnant by Daemon, a mysterious vampire with a dark past. As she navigates her pregnancy, she faces relentless attacks from witches, wolves, and vampires who all have their own reasons for wanting her babies gone. With danger lurking at every corner, Piper must rely on her magical abilities and form unexpected alliances to protect herself and her unborn children. As the threats intensify, Piper's journey becomes a thrilling race against time to ensure the safety of her family.

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22 Chs

Chapter 11

"I'll kill you first" Piper said as she tried to charge at Amanda, but Amelia and Maria held her back. "Pepper calm down," Amelia said. Piper pushed them away. "I doubt I'm the first to say this and I know I won't be the last but the children you're carrying shouldn't exist" Amanda told her.

"How many times do I have to say to you crazy people that my babies aren't going anywhere?" Piper said. "Honestly this is getting old" she said storming into the house. "Please come inside," Amelia said, and Amanda followed them inside.

"I don't want to hurt your babies," Amanda said. "In fact it's the exact opposite" she added as she met pepper in the kitchen with Amelia and Maria. "Then what is it?" Piper asked, turning to them. "I know that you will do anything to protect your babies, to change their fate," Amanda said. "If anything I'm here to warn you" Amanda told her.

"Warn her about what?" Maria asked. "Your babies, no matter what they're born as, they will be powerful," Amanda said. "There's a group of witches, a small coven really, I don't know much but I know that they will come for you piper" Amanda told her. "And why is that?" Piper asked. "To kill them? To kill me?" She questioned.

"No," Amanda told her. "They want their power," Amanda said. "I may not agree with you keeping them and I'm sure as he'll think that you keeping Daemon Mason alive is far beyond a mistake but it's not my problem to intervene in" Amanda told piper. "In the end you're just a mother trying to protect her children" she added before turning and leaving the house.

"Dammit," Piper said, covering her eyes with her hand. "How am I supposed to escape a coven of witches we know nothing about?" She asked her sisters. "Maybe don't escape them," Maria said. Piper turned to Mary. "What do you mean?" Pepper asked. "I mean who knows what kind of powers they have or spells they can use" Maria said. "Maybe the answer isn't to run and hide from them but to fight them, you know the pack is behind you" Maria told her. "You also have kyras pack and coven too," Amelia added. "She's right, if we can't run then we have to be prepared to fight" Amelia told her.

Piper let out a sigh. "Am I really worth all the headache?" She asked. "You and my niece and nephew all are," Amelia said. "You're always saying that everything happens for a reason right?" Mary asked.

Amanda opened her car door and sat down in the driver's seat, as she closed the door she started the car and drove off. Suddenly her phone began to ring and she quickly answered it. "Serena," Amanda said. "I didn't expect you to call so soon" she added sarcastically. "He's gone!" Serena said, getting straight to the point. "It is," Amanda said with a sigh. "Good," Serena said. "I want them to be nervous," Serena said. "And why is that?" Amanda asked. "Because I want them to be," Serena said. "As of right now they know nothing about us" she said. "To them we are a mystery, they don't know our names, our numbers or our powers" Serena said. "And that is how I would like to keep it," she told Amanda.

"Yes I know," Amanda replied. "You know what to do next don't you?" Serena asked. "Of course," Amanda said. "Good, don't disappoint me," Serena said. "After all I would hate to have to do everything myself, you and I both know that will end with more casualties than it's worth" she added before suddenly hanging up the phone.

Serena was a powerful witch and the Matriarch of the coven. Her power came from a long line of witches that passed their magic down through the generations. Her family were the ones who made the coven practically invincible. They were the ones that brought the Hive.

"Piper, are you sure about this?" Tyler asked as Piper prepared a spell. "I've already contacted Kyra to let her know what I'm doing incase she tries to come before the babies are born," Piper told him. "This is the only way to protect the whole pack," Piper added.

"I'm not going to risk anyone getting hurt" piper said turning to Tyler. "And what about you this spell is to much for just one person" Tyler said. "Yes, but technically 3, are doing the spell" she replied. "I just don't want you to over exert yourself" Tyler told her. "I won't," Piper reassured him.

It wasn't much longer before Piper performed the spell and put a boundary around the pack's territory. No one would be able to enter through the boundary without the alphas permission and without pipers knowing.

Time continued to move forward and finally it was April 4th the day before Piper's due date.

"Come on, just push a little more," Amelia said. "I Can't," Piper cried out. "You have to" Maria told "ahhhhh" piper yelled "quickly zip it" piper said as Amelia quickly zipped the suitcase shut. "Why do we need so much stuff?" Piper asked. "Because you never know. Plus as your midwives we need to be prepared for the babies to come anytime" Amelia told her.

"You do realize that my actual due date isn't for another few weeks," Piper said. "Yes but the doctor chose Tomorrow as your Due date because most twin pregnancies tend to end early" Amelia replied. "Alright, whatever , we can just go outside now. I would like to watch the meteor shower with all of my family," Piper said. "Unless you're gonna stay inside and continue getting the nursery ready?" Piper questioned.

"I don't think the nursery can get anymore ready," Amelia said sarcastically. "Piper, are you ready to go out?" Daemon asked, popping his head in the doorway. "Ugh I still can't believe dad allowed you through the boundary" Amelia said pushing past him.

Over the past few months daemon had stayed in the territory in order to be closer to piper So he could be there for her if she needed. The only time he left was to feed and Piper really didn't want to know if that meant he was eating actual food or blood of normal people.

"Yup I'm ready" piper Said slowly walking over to daemon. Her belly was large and very uncomfortable. But daemon was there to support her.

"Oh can you hold on a sec?" Piper said, "What's wrong?" Daemon asked, concerned. "I don't know, something feels wrong," Piper said as her face grew pale.