
the love at first sight

Then he got back to his senses and immediately stood up embarrassed. "I'm extremely sorry about your clothes, I'll pay for the dry cleaning, so please, forgive me". It was the first time he heard such kind words so he was startled at first but then he said "Oh these, don't worry about them, I'll have them cleaned tomorrow, you don't have to pay for it. It was my fault in the first place. I didn't see you coming, so it should be me who should apologise, I'm sorry" to which she replied, "No, I was the one who didn't see you coming but thanks for forgiving me, I must go now" then they shook hands and Justin said, "my name's Justin, and yours?"

"Natasha" she replied, then Natasha went away and Justin rushed home to change. He again got late for the meeting and his boss yelled at him, calling him a fool, useless and much more but Justin was thinking about Natasha hoping they would meet again. Later that day, while he was heading home with some of his colleagues, one of them noticed he was happy today, so he asked for a reason for his smile to which Justin said, "Nothing special, I'm just happy today". Then they parted ways, said goodbye to each other and went their way, but Natasha was the only thing taking over Justin's mind. He couldn't think of anything else, usually, he is depressed about his working conditions or thinking about looking for another job but today it was different, he couldn't go to sleep either. But after a sleepless night, he went to work with drowsiness and small dark circles under his eyes and then he couldn't believe his eyes.