
A Wish-Fulfillment Fap-Fic

Warning! Sporadic Update! — — — This story is the typical cliché, wish-fulfillment harem fanfiction with perverted and lustful yet OP guy who "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" female characters catching his fancy and traveled the fictional universes to expland his harem! — — — Writer only owns Original Characters and the plot. The rest belong to their respective owners. Do NOT sue the poor writer, please!

Man_of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Prologue, the Scum Who Was Lucky

Being reincarnated in anime and manga world with superpowers was something that he never expected in his previous life.

In his old life, he was utter failure and disappointment. A shut-in Weeb who could only leech off his parents when they were still alive and spent their inheritance carelessly after they died.

He was a vain, perverted, greedy, short-tempered, lazy, easily jealous, and gluttonous person. He was like the incarnation of 7 Deadly Sins in one package.

He'd decided to commit suicide after he borrowed the exorbitant amount of money from many loan sharks to have the last blast in his life.

Instead of entering the hell to experience eternal suffering, he met some Random Omnipotent being and received a chance to get transmigrated to the world of his choosing with three wishes.

His wishes were as follows;

1) Magic Creation of Yato Kamiya, the protagonist of My Entire Class was Summoned to Another World Except for Me.

2) Instant Recovery that regenerates his consumed life-force, stamina, and magic energy instantly. He is virtually immortal with a limitless magic energy reserve because of this.

3) Planeswalker, which is the ability to go to other worlds in the endless multiverse as long as he knows about the world and enter the other worlds without alarming the overseer. He will blend in the world and won't be treated as an outsider.

For the world he got reincarnated into, he requested to be sent to the world of Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night. Other than his fondness for this franchise, he wanted to build a grand harem of attractive servants and enjoy a fulfilling debauched lifestyle.

Tonight, he started his new life.

He was summoned by Uryu Ryunosuke as Servant Caster. He replaced Bluebeard.

When he discovered his situation, he immediately killed Uryu with Instant Death Magic and then stole Uryu's Command Seals with his new Steal Magic. He then created Creation Magic to create a new body to anchor his soul in this world.

He stood there, naked, marveling his new body. He had created a perfect slender yet fit body and handsome face that could contend with Adonis' and Gilgamesh's charms combined. He had used Ozymandias as a base.

After putting the lone survivor of Uryu's madness, a newly orphaned boy, out of his misery with Instant Death Magic and taking the tome from the dried husk of Uryu using Telekinesis Magic, he created a comfortable set of clothes, consisting of a white shirt, black slacks, and leather shoes.

After putting on the garments, he created Ruler Breaker, the Noble Phantasm of Medea also known as Caster of the Fifth Fuyuki Holy Grail War to cut off his link with the Greater Grail. He didn't want to get influenced by the Zoroastrian God of Evil resides in the core of the Greater Grail.

After that, he stood there and watched the zigzag-shaped ritual knife in his hand. He contemplated about summoning Medea and claimed her as his first woman. After thinking a bit, he decided to summon Medea and courted her.

He destroyed the corpses in the room and cleaned the mess with Destruction and Cleaning Magic. After he fixed the placement of the haphazard furniture with Telekinesis Magic, he dropped Ruler Breaker on the summoning circle and flipped the pages a while until he found what he was searching for. Pouring a small amount of magic energy into the circle, he began chanting the Servant Summoning aria.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone."

The magic circle, painted with the blood of Uryu's victims, glowed bright light. Although he was curious and felt fascination, he focused on his chant.

"The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate."

The mystical light grew brighter.

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Repeat every five times. Simply, shatter once filled."

He felt a connection somewhere.

"――――I announce. Medea, once a gilded princess and a student of the Goddess of Magic. Cursed by the Goddess of Love. Betrayed by the man you love and the world. If thou wish for a new life, accept my proposal, be one of my women, and head my call!"

The light flashed, blinding him. When he opened his eyes, he saw smoke covering the magic circle. Soon, the smoke dispersed. He saw Caster he remembered from the Fate/Stay Night UBW standing there, yet he was surprised by her garments.

There were some changes. It held its purple theme, yet the robe looked more like a wedding dress. Her head and face were covered by a veil instead of a hood.

Curious, he created Status Magic to inspect Caster Parameters and information.


True Name: Medea

Tier: Heroic Spirit

Class: Caster

Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: C

Magic: EX

Luck: A++++

Class Skills:

Item Construction: A

Territory Creation: A+

Personal Skill:

High-Speed Divine Words: A

Argon Coin: The Golden Fleece

The teaching of Circe: A

Poison Proof: A

Ephemeral Romance (Master): EX

Noble Phantasm:

σπάσιμο κανόνα (spásimo kanóna) ~ Rule Breaker

(All Spells Must Be Broken): C+

διακόπτης πόνου (diakóptis pónou) ~ Pain Breaker

(All Flaws Must Be Repaired): C


'Well, it seems I'm very lucky. I never expected this…' he thought wordlessly.

The version of Medea whom he had summoned seemed like the mix of Witch of Betrayal and Medea Lily in a special wedding event of Fate/Grand Order.

Suddenly, she spoke up in a smooth, seductive voice.

"So, you're my soon-to-be husband? Not bad. Not bad at all."

"You may call me Castor. So, how would you like me to refer you? Your true name? Your class? Maybe, honey~?"

Medea released a girlish giggle and a small squeal, apparently amused. She covered her smiling, luscious lips that were painted mysterious purple and replied with "I prefer honey if you wouldn't mind, dear~"

"Well, then. Honey, shall we move to a better location?" He offered his hand in a gentlemanly manner and pointed at the sofa in the room with his chin.

"Perhaps, a better location to talk about our wedding is needed indeed." Medea accepted her Master's offered hand.