
A window to the heart

Lavender a beautiful, cheerful,hardworking and kind loving girl who works day and night to look for ends meet which wasn't enough and her other struggle is to find someone she can love but shouldn't love her back because she has heart failure and she doesn't have much time left so she wants to find a man who she can love but won't fall in love with her so she can't hurt him when she dies. Alexander Quinn a handsome, intelligent, hardworking multi millionaire CEO who is looking for a wife to grant his Grandpa's wish before he lives the world . He met Lavender and found her to be a perfect match to be his wife. He gave her a contract to marry him for a year and he will divorce her after that but she gave him a condition that she can fall in love but he can't and he accepts and they went through with the marriage.As Lavender and Alexander navigate their unconventional marriage, they find themselves drawn to each other in unexpected ways. Despite the contract, they start to develop real feelings for one another, but struggle to reconcile their growing love with Lavender's limited time. As their relationship deepens, they must confront the reality of their situation and the inevitable heartbreak that lies ahead.Meanwhile, Lavender's health continues to decline, and she struggles with the guilt of potentially leaving Alexander behind. She grapples with the idea of letting him go, but finds herself unable to deny her feelings for him.As the year draws to a close, Lavender and Alexander are faced with the ultimate decision - to honor their contract and part ways, or to defy the odds and pursue a love that may be tragically short-lived. Will they choose to follow their hearts, or will they be forced to say goodbye forever? The stakes are high, and time is running out for Lavender. What will their final choice be?

Jasmine_Sebastian · Urban
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5 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR: The Proposal

Lavender stared at him. What just happened?.

"Um, Mr Quinn I didn't hear you right. I thought I heard you saying that you wanted to marry me hehe" she giggled awkwardly

"I did, I said I wanted to marry you"

Lavender almost choked on her tea.

"But why me?, yes I damaged your property but to marry you as a compensation?. I mean there are a lot of other women who would kill to marry you, but me. I thought you were going to send me to jail or something..."

"Would you rather go to jail?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow

"What, of course not. I have a lot of personal problems and i can't deal with jail"

He had a small smile on his face

"Then think about my proposal"

"But is there a particular reason you want to marry me"

Alexander was quite for a few seconds before he finally spoke.

"Someone special to me is about to die, and he wants to see my get married before he dies. Although I'm not interested in any relationship. So if we get married for one year we will divorce after that and part ways"

"So you want us to just fool your special person" She asked but he just slowly nods

"Mr Quinn, you look like a very rich and famous person but just because of that doesn't means you can just go to someone and tell them to marry you"

"I'll give you time to think about it"He stood up and gave her his phone number"Give me a call when you thought about it"



"So he said he wants you to marry him for a year because someone he cares about asked him to"Jade said

"Yes I mean isn't it crazy, we are total strangers" She said while munching a bowl of watermelon

"But you said he looked important, why can't he just look for a pretty rich girl"

"That's what I thought, out of all the girls he can easily get he picked me" she said

"So what are you going to do, are you going to pay him the money"

Lavender chocked on her food

"Uh, pay him?"

"I wouldn't be able even if I tried, I am a person with a lot of debts pilled up on my shoulders right now, the money for that car isn't up to my life time savings" she complained

"I think you should agree for the proposal"

Lavender gave her a very strange look

"Why did you say that" she asked

"Well, you can make him pay for your debts when you marry him and this can even be the perfect time to fall in love" she said trying to make the best of the conversation. Lavender have her a weird look

"But he's a stranger!, what if he kidnaps me, or take me to another country, or turns me into his slave!" 

"I think you're just over reacting"

"You did say he was attractive, so it's a bonus. What are you going to do, run away from the country?"

"Of course not" she said and took a big bite of the watermelon.

"I'm just saying, you should agree to his proposal"

"I'll think about it" she said said and took another big bite of the watermelon. Jade suddenly snatched the bowl from her.

"You're such a foodie, you can't just come to my house and eat my food without letting me have a bite too"

"But I'm your guest, give me that watermelon right now I haven't eaten for the whole day"

"You have to catch me first"


In the morning at 7o,clock AM, Lavender who was on her bed sleeping like a baby woke up at a long disturbing ringtone from her phone which led her to fall from her bed with a a thud. She took her phone and answered it with a daze

"Hello" she said with a tired and sleepy voice

"Miss Lavender are you with the rent money"

That question immediately snapped her back to reality

"Mrs Clara, good morning...."she wanted to sweet talk her but she was interrupted

"Are you with the rent money"she questioned again

"Mrs Clara I'm really trying I really am" Lavender pleaded

"I don't what to hear it tomorrow t I'm collecting the money or you will leave the house" and she cut the phone

"Rude"she remarked

Lavender walked back and forth on how to get the money, she's owning a lot of debt and having no idea on how to pay. She sat on her bed to check her account balance and found out that she doesn't have any reasonable amount in there which got her even frustrated

When she was thinking she received another phone from from her other job and she nervously answered it

"Miss Lavender,you haven't paid for the loan you borrowed I am giving you tomorrow at that's final"

"Yes Mrs Clara"

When she hung up she immediately went into panick mode. What is going to do. She has no money...Wait she remembered Mr Quinn.

She immediately searched for her bag and saw the card, she dial the number and it rings.


Alexander Quinn was staying in a luxurious hotel staring at the window taking small sips of his wine when his phone rings, he checks and saw it was an unknown number but he picks it.

"Hello"He said

"Mr Quinn this is Lavender Peters, I agree to your request"she said. And a smile curved up on his lips

"Ok let's meet at the cafe we met yesterday"He requested


He waits for her to cut the call as a gentleman would, and when she did, he smiled feeling satisfied