My alternate self kills himself and is thrown into different worlds to live life and survive until God is satisfied. Current world: Harry Potter.
Hogwarts was... boring.
I mean, the magic part was interesting. Theoretically, I learned a lot. Since my control was so high, I didn't really need a wand for casting spells. I nearly blinded the entire class when I casted lumos for the first time. So, I have learnt to regulate the amount of magic I use while using a wand.
But a school where the only physical activity is sitting on top of a broom and flying? For someone who grew up playing soccer and basketball, Quidditch was not that exciting. Sure, it was faster paced. But, it was nothing in comparison to the thrill and joy of physical exertion.
I didn't really like flying on brooms as I could fly faster and maneuver better without one. A broom was like a restriction. So, I didn't catch Neville's rememberall when Malfoy stole it. I simply casted a flipendo and made him fall from his broom before he was too high. He bruised his butt and screamed about telling his father. It was entirely worth it.
One would think that the boy would learn some day. I really didn't want anyone's blood on my hands. There are far worse fates than death. Anyway, I shouldn't be so harsh towards a mere child. It was his father who deserved the worst. I could barely wait for second year.
Meanwhile, Ron kept on being the douche he was in the movie. I tried to steer him towards being a little more studious but he was too much of a buffoon to understand. To be honest, I had little patience for him. But, be was my roommate so I was willing to tolerate his presence.
I tried to connect with Hermione but she was too snobbish. You can only tolerate so much of admonishing before you strike back. I didn't let that happen and began sitting elsewhere while in the library.
Finding the room of requirement was a blessing. I spend an hour every day in the room just resting, enjoying the silence or playing the guitar and singing the songs I could remember. Life is boring without tasteful music to sooth you.
I was already powerful enough and I was satisfied. My journey back to my life was going to be a very long one. It was important that I did not forget my roots. There was no need for me to waste time on training. I had time in spades. There was no point in wasting my life while instead, I could do the little things that made me happy.
I already had a plan set. I was going to study magic so that I understand it and then, explore the magical world. I may or may not smack some dark lords along the way. If it happened, their fault for coming into my path.
Dumbledore was pacing in his office which was not too weird. The man often did that when he was in deep thought.
When he had first laid eyes on Harry he was extremely happy. It seemed that his decision to place the boy in his aunt's hands was the right one. Minerva was worried for nothing.
The boy always seemed so serene. Severus had to force himself to find any complaints about the boy. It was as if the boy understood everyone around him. He even had no hate for the Slytherins, which was extremely rare for a Gryffindor. Finally, there was someone among the students who was influential and could help in improving the social standing of Slytherin students.
'Harry is perhaps too young to be given such a task. Maybe, when he is in fifth year.. Yes..'
But, there was one problem. Harry seemed to have no friends. Dumbledore could see that the boy was making the effort but it wasn't working for him. It was troubling. Friendships are an important part of one's life. They give strength of will when one is in peril.
Dumbledore decided to approach Harry and talk about it if things don't change.
Sometimes, Harry surprised the wise wizard. The eleven year old was exceptional in magic. The old man wondered if Harry truely belonged to Gryffindor. He spent almost all of his time in the library. In a group of boisterous young minds, Harry was the oddity. The boy's control and magical power was beyond any.
Dumbledore smiled as he imagined the prospects of the future being in the hands of such an exceptional wizzard.
History of Magic was one of the subjects I enjoyed. Not the classes, oh no. But, the books and the knowledge.
The giant wars that took place in the early nineteenth century had quite a bit of an impact on the wizarding world. When I was about to read about the events that led to the beginning of the five year war, I heard a soft sound of a kid, probably a girl, clearing her throat to grab my attention.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked without looking up. The topic was very interesting. Apparently, it all began with the disappearance of a new born baby giant that was the heir of a small giant tribe.
"May I sit at this table? It's quiet here and others make noises when they read.. somehow."
Such a soft spoken kid.
"Sure. I understand."
The girl quietly placed her bag on the table and pulled out the chair opposite to me, making sure to lift it so as not create noise. It was quite a feat for a child and I could hear her struggle. I felt bad.. I should have helped.
I think we just sat there reading for half an hour when I began to feel that she was staring at me. I looked up at and said, "Hi!"
That seemed to startle her a little. She jolted out of her trance like state and said in a delicate voice, "H-Hi.. My name is.."
Wait.. Straight, platinum-blonde hair, fair skin, baby blue eyes and last but not the least, Slytherin..
'Daphne Greengrass.'
".. Daphne Greengrass."
'Man! What a cliche moment.'
A/N: Sorry to all Dumbledore haters. He's a good one in this fanfiction. There's been too much hate circulating in the fanfics for him. The poor old man deserves this much after what I did to him in my last Harry Potter fanfic.