
A Wild Queen Of Hell

A wild Grayfia "Queen of succubus" and Satan of Draconic Deux capturing pokemon all over the multiverse.Some random guy die from some random yeet and get some random wishes.Reincernated as Grayfia Lucifuge.I just got some inspiration and wrote whatever comes to my mind.I am not good at English so some Grammer might be wrong.if you tell me I will fix it.Oh And all characters except some self insert characters are all belong to their original owner. Cover photo is taken from Google Credit to original owner I am going to delete idiotic reviews that doesn't please me to keep my sanity stable.I welcome all advice in any forms except some reviews that is simply roasting me for the sake of it.I ain't no saint.If you don't like this book, Don't read this.It is very simple solution.

Sirixilo · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 71

Claudia heard Yuechan and Yueli conversation with Celestine whom are just beside her on the bed .She also saw the low tolerance of Maia after seeing whip and some tickles to the toes .

Maia is one thing but Celestine changing her attitude just from hearing that mean something is missing .She just didn't know what is missing there .

But there is Murong Qianxue observing Claudia with interests .This woman who looks strong will on surface is not gonna be easy to broke or may be it is ?She is curious .So before saying anything Qianxue put her hands on the breasts to analyze the reaction of her meal .

Claudia shivers just by using vibrate fingers on the nipples which make Qianxue tch' unconsciously .

Qianxue just sighed and put her index finger on Claudia's head to transfer the memories .

Claudia after reading all that is now shivering while in tears.

"Your husband is dead .I killed him "

Claudia feels like her whole world just crumble down into pieces .

"I won't explains and ask for understanding or forgiveness when I don't need to.I don't care if you hate me or not either but there is one thing I can fulfill if you want it .I can kill you also to let you reunite with your husband if your so call love is real .I don't want to fuck someone who want to suicide . Hatred is another story tho .Thats the one thing I love to do .Show me a nod if you want to die ."

Qianxue ask in indifferent tone while looking boring to even touch after seeing empty eyes .All of them don't want to fuck a sex doll that can't respond .They are not in shortage of pussies to fuck .

She is not interested in nonsensical questions of why did she killed Claudia's husband when they were enemies.So she didn't undo the cloth tied on Claudia's mouth.

Claudia looks at Qianxue while thinking carefully about the question and also thinking about her fate in that reality.It wasn't very good to look at when her mating partners list goes to even chimera and adopted father .

Orc and goblins also make her nearly wanted to ends her life .But there is one burning desire that she wanted it to be truly happen and watch with glee .

Slaughter and massacre of all males of this country .She as the most tragic fate holder out of all females in Kuroinu get the worse feeling when seeing her real fate .

She looks at the Qianxue in hope to let her see it which confused the sadistic individual . Qianxue don't read mind to make her life more exciting but this time she might need to read mind .

Qianxue stand up from chair and goes to bed to untie the cloth on Claudia's mouth.The words coming out of Claudia mouth in hopeful tone make sure that this girl is her pet now .She will keep this one as her personal pet .

"Can you show me your memories of slaughtering the males and monsters ?"

Qianxue smile while showing all these memories to Claudia which she is smiling while tears of satisfication are flowing uncontrollably from corner of her eyes.

"I want to ask for sweet release of death .But you won't give me that now would you ?"

"Yes ,I don't see any suicidal thoughts on your face now .It's feeling of satisfication I am seeing .You loved it right ?You love every seconds of watching the peoples and monsters who sullied your dignity suffer the fates worse than death right?You are exactly the same like me ."

"Yes I loved watching that .I also don't blamed you for killing my husband .But if you give me the chance ,I will kill you .I will kill myself after that to reunite with my husband ."

Qianxue smile brighten more than ever .She loves this girl . Her inner sadist is telling her to break the mind of strong will woman in front of her while playing with fire by keeping beside her .

Qianxue announced to everyone who stopped whatever they are doing while listening to their conversation .

"From now on ,this girl is mine .I will ask My queen tomorrow to give this girl to me .Does anyone wants a piece of her ?If you tell me we can discuss ."

Chu Yuechan speak from the bed beside Qianxue .

"Go ahead and take her .We are more interested in future development.This is interesting to watch.Ufufu "

Everyone voted yes so Qianxue feels giddy for having understanding sisters.

"Claudia Levantine ,I am your mistress from today onward,I am looking forward to our future ."

Qianxue smile brightly while striping herself nakes and climbed on the bed to stay on top of Claudia.

She put her dick slowly inside the Claudia's pussy while watching the Claudia who is watching her back with interests and lust .This woman also makes Claudia interested but she will still kill Qianxue if she have the chance .She won't die before Qianxue die by her own hand .

Qianxue as if she know what Claudia is thinking put back the panty in the mouth and kissed the forehead of Claudia.

"Don't disappoint me my pet ."

This is the last words Claudia comprehended before losing into the pleasure fully in body and soul .