

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma

 "Gosh!! You are so funny" Daniel laughed "So you're saying it wired" he ask I nodded "Kind of, Daniel, Damian and Dean"I said we both laugh "It actually my Wife that name our children, and in the Spears family, I can say my Wife as the final say"He said. I was surprised, "Really, what you are saying is that Mrs Spears make final decision in the family"I ask in surprise "Partially, yes, in family aspect she has the final say, but in business aspect she hardly make decisions, we boys take care of the business, while she take care of the family" He explained. I couldn't control laughter. My mum hardly make decisions in the house, both family matter or business matter. None of it concern her, as Old man always say.

 "Am surprise, because my mum don't make decisions on the house talkless of having final say"I said truthfully "You know the type of person your father his, you can't expect him to listen to another person decisions" he said. I smile a little. "So since you said your wife make decisions about family matter, I guess she suggested this wife choosing for Damian" I said more like a question. "Yeah, you are so smart and straight forward I love that about you"he said patting my hair. I could feel the fatherly love.

 "Can I hug you"I ask shyly, it kind of embarrassing but I wanted to see how it feel like, I want to know how it feels, I want to have a taste of what father's love is. Yeah I might not want this marriage or later cut it off but I still want to feel what is like. I have never hug old man, and he has never patted my hair. "Of course you can princess"he said and stretch his hand, I close my eyes and hug him. I feel so warm, relaxe, and very comfortable. It feel so heavenly, I can't believe I hug someone feeling it was my real dad am hugging. Or is Mr Spears my real father, what is mum not telling me. No, I shouldn't be thinking about that now, let me enjoy this while it last long. So this is how father love feels.

 "Can I call you father"I ask still hugging him "Of course you can, you are now part of the Spears, you are now the princess of Spears family"he said. "Father" I call smiling widely "Princess"he answer lovingly. "Father"I called again "My princess"he answer "Dad"I call the up tenth time, I didn't realize I was sobbing. "It okay princess"he patted my hair still hugging me. "I have never call the word father in a long time, I have never even hug Old man in my life, I have never feel father's love. I can't believe I feel so relax in your arm"I said and tighten the hug. "Am always here for you princess any time,every time, even if things didn't go well between you and Damian, I will always be here for you princess"he said I nodded with a smile "I love you dad"I said "love you too princess"he reply. Am sure things won't go well between I and Damian but I will always be in good terms with father. And from today's onward he's my father, officially my father.

 "Am jealous, you didn't hug me"I heard Mrs Spears said I quickly disengage to see her and Dean staring at us. "Why are you guys here, you know my princess hate unnecessary attentions"Dad said. "She will get use to it very soon"Dean smirked, I fake a smile.Dean really wish to die by hand. I don't know what suddenly came over me but I think maybe it because Damian said I should act along with him, and I will do that until he get his revenge and get away from him. But is really because of that, I won't deny the fact I have see Mr Spears as my father now I also feel welcome in the Spears family. "Dearer you are now part of the Spears you need to get use to attention, because there's no how you won't attract people attention, your beauty surely attract attention, being a Romano, and last, almost a Spears will sure attract attention"Mrs Spears said and pull me in her arm, I don't know why I suddenly feel shy, Karma what has gotten over you, ya a strong girl, why are you shy. Holy shit what are this people turning me too. Too bad I won't enter Spears family, am sure Monkey face will get his revenge before the any marriage take place. But I won't deny I feel welcome to Spears family, though it won't last long. We all walk back to the party.

 "Since you are now part of us and you guys wedding will be one week after your graduate why don't you live with us, till then, or what do you think"Mrs Spears said. Marriage? One week? Live in Spears mansion. Fucking shit, I am not ready for this. The fact I feel welcome here doesn't mean I want to live here. "I..II..."I wanted to decline but Old man interrupted "of course she will, even there's no need of going back with is now, I will send her belongings here"old man said, tears threaten to fall from my eyes. Old man is doing all this for his selfish reasons, he does not deserve to be call a father, even to be a dad he doesn't deserve it. Before anyone talk, dad (Mr Spears) took my hand and drag me to the pool side. There was awkward silent there. "I know you don't want to be here in the first place, I know you don't want this marriage, am sorry princess, am sorry due to our selfishness we want you in the Spears family, am sorry we took you feelings for granted but trust me even if you are not in love with Damian, along the marriage, you guys will surely fall in love. And please we just want to get to know you better that's why my wife said you should stay with us before Damian finally take you away, we want to get to know you better"he said sincerely "But it okay if you don't want to stay here, we can't force you"he said I hug him, how can someone be so considerate like this, I never thought I will receive father love like this, just today I met him, I feel so attached him. "I will stay father"I said hugging him tight, anybody that see is like this would have think we've know each other before, without knowing I just meet him and talk to him today.

 "Princess look at me" he said as he put his hand on my cheeks, I look up at him "We are not forcing you Princess "he said with a smile "Am staying on my wish, you know, your princess can't be forced" I said sarcastically, we both laughed. "But dad I still wish to spend some time with my friends before I start living here"I said. He nodded "I suggest you use one month at home then the remaining two months here, what do you think" he ask I nodded smiling. "And just always remember that even if you start living here your friends are welcome here anytime time"he said "Only if you know how happy I am right now, not because of this marriage but because of you, I always want fathers love"I said happily. " And don't forget to visit us during that one month"he said. We walk hand in hand back to the hall "Know matter what, you are always my princess"he said as we enter the hall. Almost every one are gone only few people are left. And am sure those left just want to know our decision. "So father and Daughter are back"Mrs Spears said "Yeah, and my princess accept to live here, but that after a month, let give her time to think, as we all know everything was too sudden and also time to spend with her friends "dad said "But that not necessary she doesn't need to think about anything since the marriage is decided, are friends are not really..., you know"Old man was try convincing them. I so much dislike this man, how come he's my father. "Jordan don't worry let her go she's now part of us she can come at any convenient time"Ella said, wow this woman is so understanding, even though she was not with us, she still support me.