

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma

 I don't know whether to scream, cry, faint or just die. Monkey face why? Why would you this to me. What the hell are you planning. Why are you doing this. He came to where I am sitting and stretch his hand "Would you like to be mine Romano Karma"he said gently. I become paralyzed where I was sitting because I don't know what to do. Should I just take this as a joke or am just imagining things. I look at his hand then back to his face. "Are.... Are.." Am just speechless, I don't know what to say.

 Old man rush to where I sat and push me to him "Of course Damian"old man said smiling, he pull me to an hug. "I won Squirrel, Spears won, now look forward to my revenge"he whisper in my ear then pull away from the hug kissing my cheeks. I just stood there. I wish I could just wake up from this dream, I wish someone should just tap me and tell me everything happening is a prank. Dean was the first person to clap and everyone else also does.

 I clenched my fist, how dare you Monkey face. "I will like to ask you question Mr Spears, why do you choose Karma with everything she said" one of the ladies ask. "Because she is not fake, she was being sincere with every thing she said, like going to club, everyone here goes to club but known of you mention that, like getting drunk everyone here drink for one reason or the other, but known of you talk about it, and my mum ask each of you one particular question, but you all fail to give correct answer, in Spears family we need some one who is ready to take charge of the company, who is capable of ruling Spears as the wife, we need some one that can handle the Spears and I think she's the right person for that position and naturally I like her"he answer "She's just a college student does she know anything about business, how can are you sure she's capable just by her mere words "the lady ask again. Am sure she was surprise and also angry am the chosen one. "Because she's has good grade in college and high school"Dean answered, which make me kind of surprise how did he knows my grades in highschool and College. "A lot of people do buy grades and as you can see she's a Romano it so easy for her to buy one"the lady said. If it wasn't because that question was ask in this matter I will surely have answer.

 "Then for you to know grades can be bought, then you would have done the same, during you highschool and college, but answer to your question, as you can see she said she use her mother first name in college and high school, which is true, so tell me how she bought grades with her father influence" Monkey face reply. The lady become mute for a while, before she ask another question. "Then what about the fact she she insult your first name, she said Spears is a wired name and also call it Spare instead of Spears, are you going to over look that"the lady said rolling her eyes at me, fuck her and her question.

 Everywhere went silent to her question "If you listen to her carefully when she was talking then you will know how the type of person she is, she hate attention, why do you think she use her mother first name in college and high school, she hate attention and that's the only way she can put it, but too bad the Spears want her, we all like her because she's being sincere and straightforward" Mrs Spears reply. The lady wanted to say something but I can see the look Old man was giving here father. Am sure you with that looks if the girl continue the question she might not see tomorrow. The poor man quickly shut his daughter up.i wonder who did not fear old man in this country.

 But that isn't my business now, the fact I am the choosen one still bothers me. "Let us party and celebrate my future sister in law"Dean said throwing his hand on my shoulder. "I will kill you"I grin silently at him, he smile. "Not here girl"he whisper back and music start. "you are so lucky"the ladies said coming to where I and Dean stand, this is what I hate *ATTENTION* I hate attention. Why on earth will this happen, why will they suddenly destroy my dream in a twinkle of an eye. How I wish I could just run away or even disappear. I look around in search of him, as I turn back I caught the sight of him talking to some people, old man was also there. I walk slowly to where they stood leaving those ladies to have Dean to themselves. Old man smile when he saw me, I was use to that fake smile, I didn't smile back because who will have know this same old man threatened me some minutes ago. "Hey, let talk"I said not minding the people there "Future Mrs Spears you can see am with my future in law and his friends"he said smiling at me, I feel like beating him up right now. Wow. Future Mrs Spears? I don't think that title is meant for me.

 Damian don't worry about us, go and talk to her" Old man said smiling cheaply. Before he says another word to disagree, I dragged him with me. "What the hell so you think you are doing" I yell at him " I will let it slide, dragging me admist the people there, is rudeness but I will let it silde"he said coldly. "Answer my fucking question"I scream again. He scoffed "Future Mrs Spears calm down, I forget to tell you the other time that, Spears always win and not loss"he said smirking, making me more angry. "Monkey face will you just stop your this"I said calmly but frustrated "I told you, Squirrel I won't back out until I get my revenge"he said "You know what I will just go out there now and announce am not interested"I said and wanting to leave he drag me back and push me to the wall "And do you know what your father will do when you do that"he pause coming close to me "He will roast you, trust me you won't like to know the out come" he whisper in my ear bitting my earlobe, I close my eyes, trying not to moan. What the fuck does he think he's doing, wait a minute, why does this jerk have effect on me.

 What do you want from me"I manage to breathe out "You"he said silently "I want you to stop acting stupid and act along with me"he said very intense, bitting my earlobe again, I shake my head controlling my moan, I won't let him know what he's doing has great effect on me. "You should at least take this up stairs not doing it this open"A voice said coming close to our side. I quickly push him away from me. It turns out to be Mr Spears. "Oh Mr Spears"I said feeling embarrass "oh come on call me Daniel already, we are already family"he said. Family my foot, only if he knows what his son want to do. "So come with me, and tell me more about you"he said and drag me from Damian. Why do I feel this man is very different from Old man. "There nothing special about me Daniel" I said losing up around him, as we stroll around.