

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Damian Spears

 So this was her plan all along, I wish I can tell her how lame is it. I was suprised at first when I saw her. Like what the Fuck is she doing her. How on earth was she part of the ladies here. I wanted to pretend I didn't know her because I don't want to have anything to do with her, I don't even want people to see us together. A sudden but superb idea pop in my head. My Revenge, how can I forget I planned on getting revenge on her. She messed up with me twice, she will regret ever crossing part with me. She trys to deny me in front of everyone but I gave her the chance to do so. Am even kinda surprise she's Romano daughter.

 The most dangerous man in Seashore and the top second richest in Seashore. Have partner with Romano Jordan more than once and I know how cunning and desperate he can be.It decided am getting married to Karma, I don't care about today introduction or all the ladies, who I want is Romano Karma. I wonder how quick it was for me to grap her name. But all I know is I will marry her and get my revenge.bshe has mess with the wrong person. "Let see who wins Spears or Romano"I whisper in her ear before leaving her at the center of the hall.

 When the choosing started all the ladies started introducing themselves. I wasn't even interested in all they were doing because I've already decided who I want. It was all boring I just want Karma to start her own. I want to see what she has in her sleeve, I want to see how well she prepared herself, I want to see how she can escape from me with her plan. I find no interest in all the ladies, all they were after was first name. No one will not want to grab the opportunity to marry into the Spears family, Richest Family in Seashore.

 It was finally her tune. At first she stopped aunt Rita from questioning her. Everyone was suprised but I wasn't, because am expecting more of her drama. She said she will question and answer herself. I smirked silently. Mum looked at me, I just nodded. I was less surprise when she finally started sprouting nonsense out. If this is her plan, then is too petty, too lame.

 "I will like to ask you a question Howard Karma"Mum said making her take her yes away from me. "I will gladly answer Ma'am" she said bowing a little. "What type of woman do you want to become when you finally graduate in three month time"Mum ask her the only question she's has been asking the other ladies. I focus on her reply, am curious myself. "I want to be an independent lady, I don't want to be a lady that will relay on her husband or husband name. I don't want to be dependant on anyone, I want to make it on my own, I want to give myself name without another support or family influence. Sorry to say this, I believe all that will stop if I marry into the Spears family. And even I don't think marriage is the next thing I need after my graduation, it will only stop my dream.I believe I satisfy you with my answer" she answered honestly. Wow am really impressed, am sure mum is also impressed, she's the only lady that satisfy mum with answer. Mum has been asking those ladies this question but they are all saying nonsense, all they want is to be house wife. My parents were also impress with the reply. She ask for an applaud, the hall went silent, Dean starts clapping, I also join clap but I clapped slowly."I won"she mouthed.

 "So what do you think of all of them"Mum ask as we excuse ourselves from the hall. "I want Karma"I blunted out, they all look at me in surprise. "Why her?"mum question in surprise."I like her because she's being sincere with everything she said, she's different from all the ladies out there, and also tell me mum, out of all the ladies there who satisfy you with good answer when you asked your question"I ask "I know she satisfy me with her answer but still..." Dad cut mum off "I also like her, I don't think you have something against her" Dad said "I have nothing against her but she look down on my first name"mum said looking a little angry."I have know Karma for almost a year now she the type that hate attention, I guess she didn't want to marry into the Spears that's why did that"Dean said "How do you know her Dean, because the last I checked you are older than her"Mum I asked. "Am also curious"Dad said as we all face him. "We actually met at club"he said we all look at him surprise. Club?

 "Don't think too far, Karma might do clubbing but she's very different from club girls, she not like club girl, very different. She always come there with her two friends, not to do nonsense but just to have fun with her two friends. Even a guy have once try to harass her, it didn't went well at all, like she fucking beat him up, I can't help but always laugh when I remember that day"Dean said laughing. I knew it, she must be a good fighter, that why she always dare people. The room went silent for a while. "Team Karma"Dean suddenly said raising his hand up "Team Karma"dad also supported. We all look at mum, expecting her to say something "Fine, it three against one, so I give in"she said rolling her eyes "meaning" Dean ask smiling "Team Karma"mum said "I love you"dad said and winkle at her, I smile. "But I won't tolerate her insulting my first name"mum said "Don't worry she won't do that again"Dean said happily, I wonder why he's very happy for her to come to the family. Only if they all no my plan. "Okay let go, but I won't announce it" mum said facing me I nodded. Romano Karma let see who wins, I smirked.

 "I won't really do too much talk, I will just go straight to the point, the person am choosing is Howard Karma I mean Romano Karma"I said everyone one gasp in surprise. I look at her she was staring at me with no expression, was she also expecting it or is she shocked. But she seems lost in thought, I don't think she heard what I said. "I will take Romano Karma as my fiancee and as the future Mrs Spears"I repeated myself. "What?"she gasped looking shocked and suprised at the same time.