

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma

 I fucking can't believe my eyes, Really? So Monkey face is the guy they are talking about, he's the one that want to do the choose. Bravo. "Do you guys know each other"Mr Spears asked "No!" "Yes" we both answered simultaneously. How dear he say you knows me, I glare hard at him, didn't I warn him to avoid me, he's fucking daring me. "Yes, No, which one should we believe, do you guys know each other, simple and straight answer" Dean repeated the question. "Yes we know each other"he answered smirking at me. What the fuck is wrong with crazy dude, how can he admit that he knows me, when we only cross part twice. "Karma, you?" Mr Spears ask. They all divert there attention on me, expecting answer. Old man was giving me a look that was telling to agree. "It complicated but yes I know him"I said slowly hating the fact I have to admit.

 "Wow that's nice, Since they are both familiar with each other, I don't think they need to intorduce themselves.Old man said. Am sure he's feeling heavenly the fack am familiar with the two sons of the Spears. But I will surely disappoint you old man.cause you won't get what you want, I will never agree to marry this jerk. "How do you know my brother" Dean whisper in my hear "I will fucking kill you brother"I said with a grin. Other family also came to introduce there daughters, some of the ladies were even shooting me dagger stare, but who cares, I don't care, because am not even interested in the crazy dude. Normally have always hated attention and if I by any chance married into the Spears family I will get something more than attention, which I don't want. 

 I suddenly grab him by his hand collar dragging him to a silent place. "And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together. "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we knew each other"I ask angrily he smirked. "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I ask glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until I get my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't have come"I said and walk back to the party.

 Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us."Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this. I look at old man, he has proud look on, all the ladies in the hall look at me with envoys. Only if they can relate my anger. I walk slowly to where old man and mum sat "I didn't know you guys are this close"Mum whisper in my ear, I roll my eyes. Damian Spears I will show you am Howard not Spears or Romano.

 The choosing finally begins, they call there name one after the other and ask them question. It all boring to me, they just keep asking boring questions and all the ladies are also desperate to be Mrs Spears. I wish my friends were here, it won't be boring like this. I yawn tiredly, feeling sleepy, just wish to find somewhere to sleep. They finally call my name after it be like forever. "Mum am sorry and don't be surprise am about to do something stupid"I whisper in my mum ear before standing up to the small stage. It look as if I want to do school competition, as I have the audience. The Spears sat as the director, there's no school competition. I always win school competition but inside or outside school, I always win so I will surely win this. The lady that has being questioning them stood up to question me but I stop her. "Young lady you've really tried but I got this, I Will question myself then answer truthful, I promise I will ask good questions and answer sincerely"I said. Everyone was surprise, the lady look back, Damian signal to her to go and sit. Now it show time.

 " I will start with my name, Am Romano Karma, the second and last child of the Romano's family. I will like everyone to listen to me attentively. Firstly I will like to inform you all Am still in College and am just Twenty Two years. Though I will graduate in three month time,I will like to say, am not in the right position to be here" I said everyone was taken aback by what I said. I didn't look at there faces as I continue "You will all wonder why I say that, am gonna give you the reasons, first because am still in college wish I said the other time and second, am a fan of club, I do go to club everyday and when I go, I always drink alcohol, to be precise I always get drunk. A good wife is not supposed to go clubbing as I heard, and I don't think am ready to stop that anytime soon" I pause, everywhere was silent, as if I was saying interesting speech.

 Am sure old man is fuming right now, but I don't give a damn. "Am still a young girl, I still want to flex with my life, even I plan on leaving Seashore after my graduation and I don't want any inconvenient marriage to stop me from doing at those thing. And there's another thing, I don't know how to cook, as a wife you should know how to cook and do house chores, I can't do any of those, I have once burn water, funny right?"I said and laugh to myself even though no one laughed. I continued. "And the most important of all, I don't like the name, Spears, am sorry for the disrespect but the name Spears don't suite my name. It sound wired and also sound like Spare, who are we sparing"I ask no one answer, I wasn't expecting. Everyone watch as if am acting. Am thinking I should go and pursue actress career after college, being an actress I think it fit me, but too bad I hate attention so I can't become an actress. I look at Damian, funny enough he doesn't have any expression, so the rest of the Spears.

 I continued "You know, am a type that fancy first name, even Romano, I don't like it, Mr Spears it you are to notice the other time when I wanted to introduce myself, I introduced myself as Howard Karma, instead of Romano, am use to Howard, I don't like the name Romano. Even both In my high school and college, I didn't use Romano as my first name, I use Howard, that my mum last name, the name Howard is making sense, wish I love. Am sorry Mr and Mrs Spears I didn't mean to look down on the name, but I couldn't help"I said bowing "I hope to convince and not to confuse you, now after listening to me I hope you have a nice choice Damian, no I mean Mr Damian Spears"I said looking straight into his eyes, he also stared back at me.