

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma (D Day)

 Mum and Alena took there time to dress me up, while James and Davis was watching us. I look at myself in the mirror I can't believe am looking this beautiful. Too bad am ruining the place. "Mr Romano ask me to inform you, to be downstairs in ten minutes"A maid said bowing "Just go, we will be there now"Mum told her, "Yes ma'am" she bowed and left. "My bitch is looking beautiful"Alena said before she realize mum was there, she quickly cover her mouth. "Language Alena" mum said calmly "Am sorry Mrs Romano"she said shyly. "Mum can't you just allow Alena and Davis to come with us"I ask pouting like a baby. "I would wish too, but your father, he won't allow, I have to beg for days before he even allow them into the house"she said with a pleading eyes, I nodded and hug Alena and Davis together. "Immediately am done there I will come to the house"I said to them "Good luck girl"they both said. I roll my eyes and disengage this hug "You shouldn't be wishing me good luck, you should wish me bad luck" I said hissing, they smile and pull me to hug again "Just be careful"Davis said, I nodded. "We should get going now"mum said pulling me and James out "See ya, I love you both"I said "Love you too girl".

 We arrive at the mansion, it was two times bigger than our mansion, how come, it only one family that can be compare with our family or even there house dear to be bigger, it only one family,and that's the *Spears* don't tell me, I am fucking in the Spears mansion. Wow that great, but too bad old man is just gonna regret bringing me here. Many cars was pack in the garage, I wonder how many Ladies are here or they invited. I wonder if there urgently in need of wife.

 "Stay near me and anybody I introduce you to, you must smile and show sigh of respect"Old man said as we are about to enter the mansion. I smirked, the respect he forget to teach me. He's asking me to show it now, and I will show it. "Yes old man"I reply him with a small chuckles. "And lastly don't call me old man in there, call me father, calling me that for a day won't kill you"he said. Really? Father, he expect me to call him that. I scoffed, I will rather avoid saying anything concerning him than me calling him father, father my foot.

 I bow with fake smile as old man introduced me to other families. "You're such a beautiful damsel"One of the family said, I smile in reply. He finally went to introduce me to the Spears family, "Jordan"Mr Spears said as they both did side hug. "It's been a while Daniel"old man laugh, I roll my eyes. I knew is this type of matter he will laugh to. "Is this your daughter, Lorain" Abeautiful woman which I guess to be Mrs Spears asked. "Yes Ella"Mum reply. Interesting, she's my namesake, mum look at me expecting me to greet. Oh! That I forgot "Hello Mr and Mrs Spears, it nice meeting you, Am Howard Karma"I said bowing, They all gasp in surprise, it was then I realize what I just said. Fuck! I just introduced myself by my mum first name. "Howard? Lorain is that not your first name"Mrs Spears ask in surprise "Hmm...mm yes, I just love my mum first name, but the real me is Romano Karma"I said with a fake short laugh, they laugh with me. Oh thank goodness, that was close, I exhale. "Your daughter is so funny"Mr Spears said also laughing. "Where are your son"dad ask trying to turn there attention away from me, I roll my eyes. "There he comes"Mrs Spears said we look back, only for me to see a very familiar face. He also look at me in surprise as he got to where we are.

 "Dean?"I called in surprise, I never know he was part of Spears family. "Karma"he said with a smile and hug him "Dean why are you here, don't tell me ya the one that want choose"I ask in surprise forgetting the fact am with our parent. "Of course not, it my brother, as we both know I still want to flirt, but am surprise you are here"he said with a winkle I smile. We actually met in club and we are kind of friend, even though I know nothing about him, wow am surprise he's one of the *Spears "You are a Romano" he ask looking at my father "Yes"I answered with boring face he laughed "Gosh I've finally see my sister in law"he said and hug me. I hit his shoulder lightly. "Don't you dear call me your sister in law, I was forced here I don't wish to be here"I whisper to his hear "Too bad I want you as my sister in law, and more over, my brother is very handsome"he whisper back laughing "Fuck you asshole" I said. "You two know each other"Mr Spears ask as we finally look at our parent. "Hmmm yes, mum, dad, Karma is a nice and straight forward girl, I want her, I like her to be part of the *Spears family, I want her to be my sister in law"Dean said smirking at me. "Wow, that nice, you two will surely get along as in law"old man said laughing, get along my foot. "Jordan this is my second son Dean"Mr Spears introduce "It nice to meet you future in law" Dean said dramatically they all laugh. " Same here"Old man answered as they both did side hug.

 "When will Damian come out"dad said Impatiently. "He should be here anytime soon"Mrs Spears reply. The door open as a handsome young man walks in, as he comes close he started looking familiar, first it was blurry but when he finally got closer to where I was, I widen my eyes. Holy shit! "Squirrel" "Monkey face" we both called in unison.