

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Urban
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15 Chs

She's Crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma

 "Why are you here"I ask glaring hard at him "I came to check on you baby sister" he said with evil smirk, I look around to see everyone staring at us, this evil guy want to leak my secret about me been Romano. Who will not know the almighty Romano James, the heir of the Romano, am sure everyone will be surprise to see us together, not knowing this annoying jerk is fucking my brother. I took his hand and drag him to a silent place. "Why the hell are you fucking here James" I ask angrily, "Didn't I have the right to check on my baby sister"he said with a smirk. "James drop the act already"I groan in annoyance, he put his hands on his pocket, rolling his eyes at me "You know very well, I also don't want to see ya face, but mum force me here to check whether ya still alive"he said hissing loudly. I knew it, "You should have just say No as always" I said also rolling my eyes at him "I did that but since dad also order me to come I have no choice" he said, I was surprised, old man ask James to check on me. "As you can see am still breathing meaning a

am alive, ya job is done, so get outta here"I said, "yeah, am about to"he said and turn to leave "next time you should come in disguise, if the college fine out my Identity in the next three months of my final year then I will kill ya myself"I said and walk away.

 "So ya old man tell James to check on ya"Alena ask in surprise, I nodded sitting on the couch "That wired"Davis murmur, I nod to what he said "I also wonder yesterday why he didn't sent bodyguard looking for you when you didn't even go home" Alena said sipping her wine "That old man is not up to something good"I mutter "I have a feeling ya' mum knows about this, try and ask her"Alena said, "I don't want to call her now, maybe later, right now, all I need is alcohol to clear my brain, the fact I saw that annoying face today is making me pissed off"I said and hissed loudly.

 I fucking hate the fact am from that family, Romana family, a lot of people out there are wishing for this, but have never wake up one day and be grateful for this family. The only person I love is my mom, though she might be sometime annoying like others but I still fucking love her. Even James that we were born by the same father and mother we hate each other so much, mum has try many times to make us come together but, when she saw that she's just making things worst, she stop trying then start hoping. Romano Jordan is the first person I hate in the family, that's my dad, I hate the fact I use the word dad, I prefer calling him old man, and he's not bothered about it. Though he's old but he still look strong and healthy, and he don't joke with his business, and he's also a mafia lord, which everyone in Seashore knows, he might not be the top one richest in Seashore but he's the top one most fear man in Seashore. That more reason I hate the fact am Romano. I remember a day old man ask me to go on a date with one of his old friend because of his selfish purpose. How can a father be so evil to his child enough to ask his own child to go on a date with an old man for his purpose. I purely hate that man and James is following that step which make me hate him also.

 "You would probably go home today, if you don't want ya old man to send his body guard to break our door down" Davis said, I smiled, well that old man has done that countless time, even to the point of threaten them. Davis and Alena lives together, I temporary live there also, it three bedroom apartment. "Before you go let go to grocery store"Davis said "yeah let me get ready"I said and enter my room.

 We enter the grocery store talking "Fuck you asshole"Alena said to Davis. "Hey girl, go and bring the credit card I think this coconut head didn't bring it along, go get it, while I and Alena continue shopping"Davis said. I nodded. I stroll down the park where our car his. "Are you fucking blind"I yell to the car that almost hit me. "And why are walking like a blind ghost in the park"a guy said, coming out of the car, I look at him angrily, fuck, he met me in angry mood. "How dare you say that when you are suppose to apologize"I said with anger. "I don't apologize to crazy people and the last time I check you are the one at fault here"He said so calmly, and wanted to go back to his car. With anger I drag him back by his shirt collar and slap him, he look at me in shock, he was expecting that, because it was sudden. "Just because you're rich doesn't give you right to disrespect "I said and then turn to leave, when an idea suddenly pop in my head. I bring out the small knife in my purse. I ran back and burst all the car tyre, if I didn't do anything my mind won't be in peace, "Don't mess with me next time"I said and use the knife to scratch the car, he was looking at me with anger, I was ready to fight but too bad he didn't fight me, and that's making me angry, making me want to do more, but I have to go Davis and Alena will have been expecting. "Fuck you Monkey face"I show him my middle finger before going.

 It annoying I keep meeting annoying faces today.