
A Whole Different Life [DISCONTINUED]

"What would you rather? Floating in eternal darkness or...serving me? As my champion?" "Honestly? Neither, why in the world would I choose to be a servant in my next life?!" "Hm, then I suppose-" "Now hold on, I wasn't finished thinking this out." She let out a sigh, this life sounded like a 50/50 deal in all honesty. Her old life wasn't the best but it wasn't the total worst. School was rough but she had companions to get her through it. Home life was great and all but it was dull. She called herself decent-looking but...there were days when she felt like she was at the bottom of the barrel. Another life meant a second chance right? A sense of renewal and to be better and greater than the person she originally was. To finally put all her teachings to the ultimate test? It was the chance of a lifetime! "Ah, what the hell? Beats staying in eternal darkness with embarrassing memories, I'll say that much."

TheBluester · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Goblin Village [Part 1]

Earlier in the cave, I had thought this little mission of escaping the cave would only take a few hours, I didn't think it would take an entire darn week! My stomach was so desperate for food that it didn't even growl anymore, it just left me with an annoyed, hungry feeling and I couldn't do anything about it. My hunting skills as an animal were absolutely terrible...but, just before I was ready to agree with the thought of going back to the stupid owl and tell her straight-faced that I was done with getting out of this cave. I had suddenly caught the scent of fresh grass, flowers and tree bark.

'F-Finally!' I thought in relief as my heart picked up its pace in pure excitement, my slow and defeated walk turning into a run of hope and excitement as I ran towards the smell with gusto.

With light slowly starting to appear from the corner, it wasn't long before I had felt the familiar warmth of the sun, its warm, welcoming rays accompanied by the feeling of soft grass under my feet and the sound of birds chirping merrily making me feel right at home.

"If only you guys could see this now..." I gasped quietly as I slowly opened my eyes to the world around me.

From colorful birds that ranged from vibrant hues of blue to brilliant shades of orange and had not one but two sets of wings, to the forest's trees that stood as tall as skyscrapers and shook gently to the movement of the wind. Everything looked like it was straight out of a movie or an artist's painting...and I was delighted that it was all real.

'Ah...that sunlight feels nice.' I thought with a few happy whines escaping me.

"Now to- Woah..." I suddenly gasped as I turned back to look at the cave. "That's a mighty big entrance," I said, the sheer size of the cave's entrance that made it seem like the opening to a kingdom making me gulp a little before I looked to see a pair of pale guards doing their duty of...well, guarding!

"Stay classy y'all." I grinned, their faces remaining unfazed before I let out a sigh and walked into the forest without looking back for a second time.

As I walked through the forest, my eyes enchanted by the vast beauty of the forest that ranged from how the sun's rays poured in through the trees to my ears being entertained by the sounds of lively animals moving around. It wasn't long before I suddenly started to catch the scent of something sour, a smell that was fouler than foul and made me scrunch up my nose in absolute disgust but...nonetheless made me curious to figure out what it was.

'Smell like the inside of a locker room...' I thought to myself as I looked around, the smell all around me as a group of goblins suddenly appeared out of the bushes with their spears at the ready.

"Halt hound!" Ordered one of the goblins, his fiery golden eyes not matching well with his child-like body that reminded me of a first-grader. Goblins...I had expected something uglier to be completely honest! Along with a bigger size, bigger ears, and more jagged teeth! But if it weren't for their green-pigmented skin, pointy ears and sour smell then I would've never assumed they were goblins but just a bunch of kids playing dress-up.

"The heck?" I snorted.

"I'm just trying to get through this forest," I said with a friendly smile as I sat down, my tail thumping against the ground as the goblins circled around me, their eyes full of suspicion while others were filled with curiosity.

"Leader...this is the biggest dog I have ever witnessed!" One of them said in awe before I suddenly felt someone pluck some fur from my back.

"Hey! That's-"

"Indeed! Such a strange creature...what is it?"

Someone dared to pluck some more fur.

"Ow!" I yelped, one of the goblins, whom I assumed was the leader, immediately starting to huff.

"Y-You can't pass! This is goblin territory and you are trespassing! And everyone! Stop touching it!" Shouted the leader as he thrust his spear at me threateningly.

"Sorry 'bout that!" I said with an awkward chuckle, everyone backing up immediately after hearing their leader's orders.

"Maybe if y'all ran home, told ya parents about me and got some food in the process I'd consider passing through. Heck, I'll stay here and wait." I said, my stomach growling painfully at the mention of food.

"You're not going to get anything dog and we're adults damn you!" Roared one of the goblins as he suddenly thrust his spear at me, causing me to quickly grab ahold of it with my as I tore it out of his hands and threw it to the side.

"Now you listen here-"

"Please don't hurt our leader!" Cried out a darker green goblin as all the goblins suddenly lost their fighting spirit and fell to their knees in tears.

"Please...we'll give you food, anything you want! Just spare him!"

'Great, now I feel like a bully.' I thought to myself as I let out a small sigh and took a step back from the apparent leader.

"Look, guys, I'm not here to hurt anyone, I honestly just want some food. Heck, I'll even work for it." I said as I bowed my head lightly, the goblins looking at each other with slightly widened eyes while the leader continued to glare daggers at me.

"W-We have a problem at the village if we feed you will you save our village?" Gulped the goblin as the leader turned his eyes to glare daggers at him.

"What are you doing you, idiot?! This-This flabby-mouthed creature can't be trusted!" The leader roared, the goblin flinching a little.

"Please try and be reasonable...she can possibly help us! Besides...the Elder refuses to do anything." He said, the leader grumbling a little before he had gotten up and dusted himself off.

"Fine...but if she betrays us and attempts to slaughter the village, it's on you." The leader said before he grabbed his spear and led the group back to their village, leaving me to walk after them.

With the situation settled, the group and I had soon found ourselves in the middle of a field. The sight of deer running away at the sight of us making my stomach growl.

"Y'all sure are small for a bunch of goblins," I commented in an attempt to break the silence and turn my attention away from food, the leader letting a scoff.

"Tell us something we don't know hound; we are nameless." The leader said as I tilted my head to the side.

"Granted names'? What does that have to do with y' all being tiny?"

"Monsters without a name are always weak, those who are granted names grow stronger." The darker green goblin explained, causing the leader to grip his spear tighter.

"Ah yes, give her all the information will you!?" The leader growled, scaring the poor goblin into silence as the rest of the trip to the village was tense and silent.

Once we had all arrived at the village, my jaw almost dropped to the floor at the sight of it. The village was terrible, from huts that looked like they were about to tip over like a cow just from someone simply leaning on it, to a sorry attempt of a wooden wall that looked as if the wood itself was rotting! Everything about this village was in a state of disarray and it honestly made me relieved that I had decided to help them.

"Y'all should spend more time building rather than defending your territory." I joked as I bent my head down to a spot of rotting wood, the smell along with the sights of termites and maggots making me gag.

"Elder?!" Called the leader as he made an immediate beeline towards a nearby hut, the entire village seeming to freeze in time at the mention of the Elder as well as the sight of me.

"What's going on? Y'all scared of your own leader of somethin'?" I asked as I walked up to the darker green goblin, my ears picking up the murmurs of the people wondering why there was a giant dog in the village.

What? Don't tell me they didn't have specific breeds in this world as well.

"...He's nothing but a tyrant who refuses to do anything to help our suffering village, he lets our enemies' step all over us." The goblin murmured, my eyes narrowing slightly at his words before the leader along with the Elder had stepped out of the tent.

"What do you want hound?" The Elder spat out as he looked up at me, his rude tone causing me to narrow my eyes even more as I fought the urge to hiss at him.

"Nothing." I spat back.

"Just some food then I'll be out of your nonexistent hair," I said with a smile as I secretly congratulated myself inside my head for my insult.

"...Fine, so long as you get out of here as soon as you came you, damned creature." The Elder grumbled before he walked back to his hut, shoving the leader out of his way.

"You alright leader?" I said, the leader rubbing his arm before he stormed off.

"I'm fine." I heard him force out before I turned my attention to the starting bonfire in the middle of the village, the smell of fresh food making me drool.

"G-Gross!" Shouted a goblin from below, causing me to snap out of my trance as I chuckled in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry! I haven't eaten in a little bit." I said before I rushed off to the bonfire, the goblin rushing after me.

After waiting for a good while for the goblins to stop cooking, it wasn't long before a bowl of raw venison, bird legs and lamb were placed in front of me.

'Gross...' I thought to myself as I cringed at the sight of raw food, the goblin resting against me as he ate his cooked food.

"M-Mind if I have some of yours?" I whined as I looked towards the goblin, a playful grin crossing his face as he shook his head.

"Aren't you a dog? You'll get sick! It would be a shame considering how rare you look." He said, my head dropping onto the ground as I eyed the raw food once more, my stomach once again growling painfully.

"Beggars can't be choosers..." I mumbled to myself before I took a small bite of the meat, the taste shocking my taste buds at the unexpected delicious taste.

'Who would've thought my dog was always eating this good?!' I thought with glee, licking the strangely sweet and salty blood off my mouth as I continued to dig in.

As I continued to eat, my stomach getting fuller and fuller with each emptied bowl, it wasn't long before the village had seemed to warm up to me.

"So pretty!" Giggled a bunch of children as they started to run their fingers through my fur, occasionally pet my head as well as touch my bow.


"Eos, the name's Eos." I barked as soon as the goblin once again called me 'Hound', his eyes widening slightly at my name before he smiled lightly.

"Lady Eos...I know you said you only came for food but I am begging you, please...help our village!" The goblin begged, my eyes widening slightly before I snorted.

"Who said I wasn't going to help you? I only said that in order to keep your Elder from watching me like a hawk." I chuckled, the goblin's eyes brightening to the point they resembled the sun itself.

"T-Then...meet me in the village's housing area at midnight, I, the leader along with all of us will be waiting for you." The goblin said with an eager smile, the rest of the village grinning at me as well, causing me to shuffle in my spot in slight embarrassment.

"Until tonight then," I said as I got onto my feet and walked off, deciding it was best for me to tuck in early in order to say awake during the night.

As I walked around the village, trying to find the perfect place to sleep, I had soon found myself face to face with the Elder himself, the way he glared at me as if I had done something to him making me glare right back at him.

"I assume you are leaving? You seem to have had your fill dog." He spat out as I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.

"Oh, I'm not leaving just yet Elder!" I snickered. "I thought it was in my best interest to stick around a little," I said with a playful smile as I continued to walk towards the tree, the sudden sound of his cane stomping against the ground making me stop dead in my tracks.

"I ordered you to leave the moment you had your fill creature...you dare disobey me? The Elder of this tribe?! Have you no shame?!"

"...That's why I've always hated old people, they think they deserve respect just because they're older or somethin'" I sighed as I turned to look at him.

"You are in my territory now! I can kick you out if I wished to!" He shouted, a yawn escaping me as I scratched my ear.

"With what strength old man?" I snorted.

"Now look here-"

"Calm down old man! I'm just sticking around a little to let my meal settle, I'll be gone before you even know it." I snickered as I lied under the tree, letting my head fall onto my paws before I suddenly managed to catch the mumbled lines of 'I'll be sure to have him come and eat you first'.

'Now I know to really keep my eye on him.' I thought as I let a low growl erupt from my throat before letting my mind wander to other thoughts.

Do you have some ideas about my story? Feel free to comment and let me know!

P.S: Apologies for the late update, I'll be sure to figure out an update schedule soon ^^

TheBluestercreators' thoughts