
A Whirlwind Of Cherry Blossoms (Sarada's Twin Brother)

Itsuki Uchiha is a 16 year old boy with black hair and pink steaks. Uchiha? Yes he's the long lost son of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. What will happen when Sarada finds out? How would Konoha look at the unknown Uchiha? How would Itsuki react to his new family? Read to find out. Most of the pictures don't belong to me but some of them does. Also I only own my OCs and Story line in this book. And this is after the fifth great ninja war.

Lylee_Salym · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Our Past

Itsuki POV


"This is very crucial, he is an Uchiha, their kekkei genkai is more powerful than any other." One of the men said. "Where are those girls we took hostage yesterday." A more strong looking man said. "In the other cell, we only need the white haired one, her eyes will make us a fortune." A blonde haired man said walking into the room. "Bring him into the room with the girls." He said and I was moved forcefully into another cell.

"Azure, it will be fine." A girl said as the men came into the room. "Stay there." The man said throwing me into the side. "What do you want." The girl yelled and her eyes glowed blue. "Those eyes, if you give them to us then your friend we'll live." One of the man said with a smug smile. "Don't." the girl named Azure said and the men laughed before leaving the room. "I got it." the other girl said pulling out a kunai. They talked to each other before the girl got up and walked to me. "My name is Yuki, do you want to get out of here." Yuki said sticking out her hand to me. "Thanks." I said and took her hand and got up from the floor. "let's go." Yuki said throwing the Kunai to Azure and we opened the door.

We ran as fast as we could down the hall until we were surrounded. "Lightning style: lightning balls." Yuki shouted and all of the men were knocked out in a second. We ran again and even saw the door when we stopped. "Well well, look who is trying to escape." Dato their leader said smiling smugly. "I'm going to kill you." I shouted and ran at him but he kicked me in the gut and I fell.

"Azure." Yuki yelled as she jumped in front of her. Blood splattered everywhere and Yuki fell onto the ground next to Azure's body. Yuki stood up from the ground her eyes black and they snapped at Dato. "I will kill you." She said and lightning flashed around her left hand. "Chidori." She yelled and ran at Dato slashing every one of his attacks.

Flashback end

I jolted awake scanning my surroundings only to see my dark room with nothing out of the ordinary. "Itsuki, we're going to the hospital, want to come with us." Sarada asked knocking on my door softly.

I slipped into a shirt before opening the door to find the whole team waiting on the other side. "Let's go." I said to them. It's been three days since we returned from our mission, which was successful on our side. Yuki's mission however was complete but she hasn't gained consciousness ever since that night.

"How is she doing?" Sarada asked the doctor and she looked up to us from her clipboard. "She woke up a while ago, but she needs rest so don't tire her out." She replied giving a strict look to Boruto who shrank back slightly.

"Yuki, good morning you sleepy head." Boruto said and Yuki opened her eyes glaring at him. "Quiet down will you." Yuki rasped out before turning her gaze to the window. "How are you feeling?" Sarada asked sitting near her bed. "I'm fine, the mission was successful." Yuki responded bluntly.

"That's all you're going to say, the mission's status, what about your teammates." Boruto yelled at her frustration lacing his voice. "Sometimes people get compromised for the sake of the mission." Yuki said turning her face towards us giving us a cold expression. "You cold hearted-" Boruto stopped mid sentence when I raised my hand to his face. Boruto glared at Yuki before turning on his heal to walk out of the room. Sarada looked sheepishly at Yuki before following Boruto with Mitsuki on a toll.

"Why are you waiting." Yuki asked me as I sat down on the chair next to her bed. "You don't really think about people that way." I said to her and her eyes widened by a fraction. "Don't act like you know me, better than anyone." Yuki responded turning to the window once more. She laid down on the bed not sparing me a glance and I sighed deciding what I wanted to say.

"Do you remember Azure?" I asked and Yuki snapped her head towards me. "H..how do you know about her." Yuki questioned me. "I see, you clearly don't remember." I said and her brows knitted together. "In that room you weren't like this, you offered to help me get out even though you didn't know me." I said and I saw tears slowly gather at the corners of her eyes.

"You don't know anything about me, get out. Leave Itsuki." Yuki yelled at me and I got up from the chair knowing I've reached her a bit.

Yuki's POV

Itsuki left the room and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding back. I blinked back tears that were about to flow down. How did he know about Azure. So that day that Itsuki really is the same person. I thought remembering the days I spent running for my life.

I sat up on the bed being cautious of the wound on my abdomen that was almost healed. Swinging my legs of the bed I grabbed my clothes that were left on the bed side table. I slipped into my casual wear and slowly walked to the window of the room sliding it open slowly. I swiftly hopped off the window still, landing on the ground gracefully.

I glanced up to the window of the hospital room before dusting myself off. I drape my cloak over my head directing my footsteps towards my desired location. I stopped in front of the KIA stone sighing to myself. I bent down near the stone slowly grazing my fingers over the name of my late teammates.

Takeshi, Hayami, I hope you both are in a better place, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I thought gritting my teeth to stop the tears from falling. The sound of thunder startled me slightly, and it started to rain heavily. I looked up into the sky letting my tears flow freely.

I stood up feeling a cold shiver run down my spine, it was still raining and I swayed my vision becoming blurry as I stood up. I tried my best to walk to a distance considering the low amount of chakra I still had, but my legs failed me and I fell back bracing for impact. My blurry vision took notice of the face that was calling out to me, I saw black and pink spots before my vision turned completely black.

Itsuki's POV

I walked back home gazing up to the sky to see the stars flickering in the night. I turned the corner to my house and I stopped on my tracks noticing a hooded figure going down a far path to where the memorial stone stood. I stealthily followed the figure as the person walked up to the stone before crouching down near the stone.

Nimble fingers brushed the stone and the pale skin of the owner shone in the moonlight. There was a flash before thunder sounded in the sky, I took a step forward as it started to rain heavily. I froze on my tracks as the person took their hood down looking up to the sky. I realized the person was Yuki and I stepped back giving her time.

The rain got heavier and Yuki got to her feet slowly, I saw that she swayed slightly before she regained her footing. I took quick steps towards Yuki's figure as she fell back losing her balance I caught her in my arms scooping her up into my arms.

"Yuki, hey....shit." I cursed as I saw red color staining her shirt. I rushed towards home knowing mother will be home at that time. "MOTHER." I shouted bursting through the door with an unconscious Yuki in my arms. She got to work immediately without even questioning the reason for her to be in that state. I was told to bring the equipment she needed to close her opened wound.