
Chapter 69 Don't Embarrass Me Like Your B*stard Daughter

Eliza slept pretty well that night.

She was surprised as she thought she'd have trouble falling asleep when her bedroom in Tanner's private mansion had a sleep-improving lavender scent as well as a big comfy bed.

The sun was already high up.

It was a sunny day, but the weather in the autumn morning wasn't hot, cooling inside the room even.

She had asked Nicholas for sick leave when she was violently ill, and after a few days of proper resting, she was in tip-top shape; her voice had nearly fully healed as well.

It was time for her to go back to work.

Checking her phone, she was surprised to find it was running out of juice.

She rarely played mobile games, so her battery would last a good amount of time. What was worse, she came out in a hurry and didn't bring a charger with her.

"Eight o'clock. I won't be disturbing Nicholas, right? I should hurry up and make the call."

Eliza muttered as she searched for Nicholas's contact, calling him.
