
A Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother

True author is Kin I accidentally possessed someone from a R19 harem novel! The problem is that the person I possessed is Roxana Agriche, the older sister of the secondary villain! Now my damned father has kidnapped the heroine’s older brother! The way things are going all that’s left for he is to meet a terrible end at the heroine’s vengeance! But what if I save the brother?

AngieJbug · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Maria (part 3)

Eventually Jeremy followed the maids to where Maria was.

Maria stood in the middle of the garden where red flowers were in full bloom. The ripples of the red flowers swaying in the low wind were like a sea of ​​blood.

"Aunt Maria."

When she heard the call from behind, she immediately turned her head. Jeremy's call without honorifics surprised several maids. But the people who had been working under Maria for a while seemed to have become accustomed to it and did not react in any way.


In fact, Maria didn't really care about honorifics. She smiled happily as soon as she saw Jeremy. Maria is particularly fond of good-looking people, animals and objects. Therefore, in Agriche, she especially liked Roxana and Roxana's mother, Sierra. Even though Jeremy didn't understand the rules like now, she always showed a tolerant side.

"Are you here to see me? I'm so happy!"

Jeremy did come to see Maria. Otherwise, why would he come with the maids?

"Auntie, I see you threw away "trash" again?"

Jeremy provokes Maria to her face.

"After being quiet for a while, why did you kill a good maid again? If this continues, others will say that Aunt is a breeder."

"Jeremy, I only punish disobedient children. How could I punish an obedient maid? Why are you so mean?"

"Where is love? "


Jeremy was going to throw up.

Malia just smiled kindly, finding whatever Jeremy said cute. It was like she was watching over a child.

"Speaking of which, you can really get around. Do you know how strong the smell of blood is on you? It's really disgusting. "

Strictly speaking, it is not normal for Jeremy to come to pick a fight. Like Maria, who was covered in blood for killing the maid not long ago, Jeremy didn't look good either, because he was in the feedlot just now.

"Jeremy, did you go to the breeding farm? Because of the venom, I can't even see your beautiful face clearly."

Jeremy sneered. For the first time, it felt good to be stained with monster venom. But after listening to Maria's words, he suddenly noticed that the smell of venom was still in his mouth. Jeremy frowned, tore off the red petals off a flower, and put them into his mouth and chewed them.

The safflower here is a self-developed variety in Agriche, and it is a flower with drug content. However, only the stem and leaf parts are hallucinogenic. Of course, the petals are also toxic to a certain extent. But for Jeremy, who is resistant to poison, this level is equivalent to having no effect.

"Roxana looks very busy too. You have to rest while studying. Being too tired is not good for your health."

" What does it have to do with you?...Wait a minute, have you met Sister Roxie? " Jeremy spit out the petals and paused.

"We met by chance just now. I originally wanted to call Deon and have tea with the three of us, but Deon was not at home and Roxana had other plans, so we didn't have tea. "

This time, Jeremy's face looked even worse.

"What did you say? What do you have to do? Ask that unappealing guy to come drink tea?"

Suddenly, the faint floral fragrance lingering in my mouth felt disgusting. Jeremy knew Roxana hated Deon and Maria. Therefore, Jeremy also hated these two people. Deon is really a disgusting guy, and you won't like him if you look at him. His mother Maria is also annoying, which is exactly the same as her son.

Therefore, Jeremy often takes time to deliberately provoke Deon and Maria. But unfortunately, they didn't mind Jeremy's approach at all. So it was always Jeremy who ended up leaving with a frown on his face. But he has not given up provoking them yet.

"Yes, although he is my son, Deon's character is not cute." Although Jeremy scolded Dean, Malia readily agreed and nodded as if nothing had happened.

"I've said before, don't mention Deon in front of Sister Roxie, alright?" Jeremy said very impatiently.

"Did you say such a thing? What's wrong? Isn't nice is it for brothers and sisters to get along well?"

"Brother and sister? Brother...brother...sister?!"

This aunt is crazy!

The ones who are worse than others are the Agriche, brothers and sisters! And why are you talking about siblings with a guy like Deon?!

"Hey, Aunt Maria, listen clearly!" Jeremy laughed as he spoke. "Sister Roxie's only brother is me in this world! Do you understand?"

This is a truth that will never change.

So Maria finally made an expression that seemed to understand what Jeremy meant. "Okay, let's not just call Roxana and Deon next time, but also Jeremy. Are you angry because I didn't call you?"

"Ah, that's whay you understood?"

Jeremy was even more irritable than before. It was impossible to explain what was inside Maria's head.

"Also, Sister Roxie doesn't have that much free time. What kind of bullshit tea do you want to drink!" He was so annoyed that he wanted to set fire to the garden Maria had planted. and muttered. "Recently, the time she spends with me has been reduced because of that damn toy."


"That blue bastard. Sister Roxie took it away not long ago..."

But Maria's reaction was strange.

She stared with round eyes, and Jeremy was confused. "What, don't you know?"

Roxana had her own "toy" for the first time, which caused quite a commotion in the house. So Jeremy naturally thought that Maria knew about it and brought it up. However, if you think about it from another angle, doesn't Maria still know that her son has been gone a long time ago?

So it's not surprising that Malia showed an unheard of reaction to Roxana's toys.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Living in the same house and not knowing anything about it. Must be busy playing that kind of fun dark game," Jeremy clicked his tongue sarcastically.

But Maria seemed unable to hear him.

"Yeah... Roxana actually has a toy... I'm so curious, what kind of child is it?"

"Like Deon, the very existence is a nuisance," Jeremy answered the question Maria asked herself without mercy. But Maria still seemed unable to listen to Jeremy's words. Her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Go and call Lewell. If you don't tell me such interesting things, that kid is useless." But Maria spoke again before the maid nodded. "No, I'll go by myself. Jeremy, do you want to come to my room to play? I'll give you something delicious. "

"Come on! I'm not your plaything."

Jeremy had a ferocious expression on his face, as if he knew what Maria was thinking. Then he immediately shuddered and left here. Seeing Jeremy's back like this, Maria couldn't hide her regret. But then she started walking towards the house, the same curiosity and anticipation that had appeared on her face as before.

"It's time to send out the invitation to Roxana. It would be fun if she brought the toy to the party," Maria said to herself in an excited voice, with blood-like flowers swaying behind her.