
A Wave Of Desire (BL)

After having been abandoned on the beach as a baby Ocean has lived the best life possible. He is the school's star swimmer. He is the most popular and a shoe in for the student body president. He is an honors student. And he even has the hottest girl in school as his girlfriend. But everything comes crashing down around him when the hot new Makai Rivers transfers in their senior year. Makai begins to steal Ocean's popularity, his number one spot on the swim team, even his girlfriend dumps him for the new guy. All of this just infuriates Ocean. So, why is it that Makai seems to follow Ocean around like a lost little puppy? Why can't he get this super annoying and super hot guy to stop following him? What is it that he truly feels toward Makai. And What is it that is different about Makai? Why is it that they're both so drawn toward each other? ******************** MATURE RATING ******************** This book is a LGBTQ story with mature content. There will be scenes that contain the following: ADULT LANGUAGE UNDERAGE DRINKING VIOLENCE SEXUAL SITUATIONS FOLLOW ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 **THE AUTHOR OWNS NO RIGHTS TO THE IMAGE ON THIS COVER, IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH ME USING THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY CONCERNS**

Deni_Chance · LGBT+
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500 Chs

Ocean - Skipping School




I couldn't believe him. Threatening to kiss me just to get my phone number. Did he know how many prying eyes there were on this street? We would have been seen and probably photographed at least ten times. That would not have been good. So, in the end I was forced to give it to him. Though, in a way, I was kind of disappointed. I would have liked to ask him for his number first. I mean, I like him, right? Isn't that something I was supposed to do?

I was still grumbling about it when I went inside and nearly ran right into Mom.

"Gah! What the hell woman? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked her when I saw her staring at me intently the moment I went inside.

"Watch your mouth." She scolded me instantly like it was instinct or second nature, and then she continued like normal without missing a beat. "So, how come you didn't answer your phone?"