
Book 2- Chapter 140 – Ocean – Grantham’s Shock




I don't really know what I thought I would do all day after my sisters left. I don't think I was expecting to do nothing at all, but that was what I did. I literally just sat on the couch and watched movies with Makai. The only time that Makai left me during the day was when he went to make lunch and dinner. And the only time that I left the couch was when I went to the bathroom. I was just feeling really overwhelmed and didn't really want to get out of the house at all. I just wanted to let my mind and body catch up to everything that had happened lately.

Deliah and Julie came back at five, an hour before our brother was due to arrive. I knew that they were coming back early, but it still made me nervous. They had supported me earlier, but I didn't know how they truly felt about this whole situation. Were they really happy, or were they just pretending to be happy for me?