
A Warriors Wisdom

Pulled back from retirement, Alexander Thustra must guide his appetence down the path of the sword. Even if that means picking back up the blade he abandoned years ago.

noobhobby0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Graduate Class

Alexander made his way into a fairly secluded yet quite large training ground on the outskirts of the academy. The graduate class had developed their skills over years of training, not everyone that joined the academy could graduate or even make it as far as these students. Only a elite few were asked to stay for another two years of teaching while the rest of the student body left after their standard four years were up. 

Still a standard graduation was nothing to be scoffed at, such students being recruited by organisations far and wide almost the second they stepped foot outside the academy grounds. However while it was still impressive, it still paled in comparison to the prestige of these few elites, each leaving the academy at the rank of Advanced Swordsmen, some even stepping one foot into the ranks of expert. 

Such monsters required a lot of space in order to train effectively without disturbing the lesions of the rest of the academy, and so they were pushed into a secluded corner of the campus, reserved for their exclusive use. 

"Quite frankly if I was still in the army I would have recruited some of these students into my ranks," the headmaster, Bernard, said at his side, leading him towards a gathering of five students. "It's a shame that so few of our thousands of students make it to this point though." 

"It's still impressive to train even a single swordsman to such a stage at such a young age," Alexander commented as he took in the gathered group, their bearing quite viscous as they stood tall with their backs straight. "Although I can't help but feel they're trying to look at me like I'm their prey.." 

"Aha," Bernard scratched his temple. "Our graduate class has a long running tradition to try and get their combat instructors to quit as quickly as possible. At their stage they often don't need an instructor to further their training, and quite often they're stronger than the trainers themselves and so they came up with this tradition instead." He shot Alexander with a guilty smile. "Must have forgotten to mention that.."

"Must've," Alexander sighed as he came before the five students standing at attention.

"Good morning everyone," Bernad stepped forward. "I know you've all been looking forward to having a new combat instructor after what happened with your.. Last one." 

The students shared a light giggle at the mention of what seemed to be an inside joke, Bernard seeming to get along well with the students. If it was important Bernard would've told him, if not then it was of no concern. Besides, he half figured they had humiliated their last instructor in some way to get him to leave, based on the laughs the students shared. 

"And so you've brought us a peasant you found off the street?" One of the students spoke up, a fairly tall woman with blonde hair so light it might as well be white. The students shared another laugh that Bernad would've stopped if he didn't know that Alexander didn't much care. 

"Yes yes, laugh it up," Bernard said with an evil grin, turning to introduce the students to Alexander. "These are our five graduate students this year. From right to left we have Victoria Ellison, Cassian Farwater, Zachary Longhorn, Lucia Petrov and Dominic." 

"Just Dominic?" He asked, wondering why he was the only one without a surname. 

"I'm from a common family," the man in question spoke up. "We don't have a family name." 

Alexander nodded in understanding. Having a surname was a sign of status, and not something that the common people enjoyed. 

"And this my dear students, is your new combat instructor." He motioned to Alexander, pausing and looking at him before speaking a name. 

"My name is Alex," he spoke up, not bothering with making a fake name and simply abbreviating his current one. "But you can all call me instructor." 

"Just Alex?" The same white haired woman that spoke up before, Victoria Ellison, echoed his previous words,drawing another small round of laughter. 

"Then we shall start with you," Alexander said, stepping forward and beckoning her with two fingers. Bernad himself took a couple, or more, steps backwards, giving him some space to work with. "Show me what you can do?" 

"Ha, you wish to fight without your sword?" Victoria laughed, her head held high with an air of arrogance that fittingly matched her name, drawing her own sword at the open challenge. "Have you had enough of life, old man?" 

"Talk is cheap," Alexander merely responded, words from someone to be his student not getting under his skin in the slightest. "Show me if that sword of yours is as sharp as your tongue." 

Victoria smiled, her blade lighting up with a thin sheen of golden aura. She vanished from her spot, only a cloud of dust to mark where she once was, reappearing before Alexander crouched low, bringing her aura cover sword in a savage upward swing across his unguarded chest. 

To a layman it looked as if she was moving faster than light, however for Alexander her movements were clear as day, his eyes tracing hers every with every step she took. He shifted his weight ever so slightly, his movements completely obscured to the untrained eye. Even Bernard over to the side struggled to see what he did, however the result was obvious to all.

Where once they were all certain the blade would cut right through his body, slicing him in half, now they were all shocked as Victoria's sword soared up into the sky, missing her target completely. Victoria herself was the most shocked, her eyes wide open looking into the pair of green orbs that had perfectly tracked her through her technique, the flesh that she was so certain was right before her seemed to be so far away as sword swung up, slicing through nothing but air. 

Alexander raised a curled finger, flicking it out right into the centre of Victoria's forehead, the power behind it seeding her crashing back onto the dirt floor. 

"Decent aura control," Alexander coached his findings as Victoria scrambled to her feet. "However you are much too arrogant, not even thinking for a second that your attack might fail, or what you should do if it did." 

"H-how…?" Victoria stammered out, completely in shock from what she had just experienced. 

"Questions later," he said as he turned to the next person in line. Cassian Farwater looked familiar to him, however he couldn't quite place why. His bright blonde hair was neatly combed back, while his uniform was without even the smallest spec of dust. However he pushed such thoughts aside, he had seen many people throughout his life, the boy could be just about anyone. "Your turn." 

"Of course instructor," Cassian gave a small bow. His eyes were just as full of as much arrogance as Victoria, however after seeing what had become of her he wisely decided to put it aside. 

He approached in a much more contained manor, slowly stalking forward while looking for an opening. Alexander was simply standing still with his arms crossed, however every time Cassian pictured a possible attack it felt like he was striking into a hard wall, nothing he could come up with having any inkling that it would work. 

He stood still before the instructor, a cold sweat slowly breaking out across his brows. The rest of the students behind him wondered what he was doing, just standing still and not attacking. All save Victoria anyways, the young woman understanding the plight Cassian was currently in. 

"Good," Alexander nodded as he watched Cassian's eyes continuously search for an opening. "You have a good mind, however you are lacking in courage. Sometimes it is better to put your thoughts aside, and simply strike while the iron is hot." 

His words pulled Cassian out of his trance, the man feeling embarrassed that he had simply stood still all this time. He didn't bother attacking, returning his sword to its sheath and stepping back into line. 

"Thank you for your instruction," he nodded, and this time actually meant it. "I've never been put in a situation like that before." 

"Do not take your inaction to heart," Alexander said as he could see the man scratching at his brain about what he had just done. "There is a first time for everything. Be glad it happened here and not out on the battlefield." 

Alexander was pleased as the man nodded, taking his words into consideration. His eyes moved once again down the line, the next man, Zachary Longhorn waiting for his turn. Zachary was completely opposite to the refined and reserved Cassian, his long dark mane of hair flowing wildly down his back. Zachary was a large blurry man, his uniform's jacket's buttons were left open, exposing his shirtless chest underneath. 

"Names Zach." He stepped up with a large toothy grin as Alexander's eyes turned to him, hefting a large broadsword up over his shoulder. "You look strong. This should be fun." 

Zach didn't wait for any form of permission, simply charging forward when he finished talking. He rushed towards Alexander like a bull of pure aggression, slashing his blade out in a large horizontal swing. While he could have stopped it, he didn't particularly care to waste the energy, instead stepping forward into Zachary's unprotected front as his sword made a large sweeping arc. 

He gave him the same flick on the forehead he had Victoria, however Zachary tanked the blow, grin only growing as he did. "A good physique." Alexander commented as he flicked again, this time however incorporating a small amount of his aura, sending the large brute flying away. "But no brains." 

He turned to his next victim- err, student. Lucia Petrov. The short and lithe brunet stood quietly this whole time, and Alexander suspected if he was anyone else her presence would go completely unknown. 

"Lucia, instructor." She gave a small curtsy before drawing a long thin rapier from her waist, pointing the blade towards him in a fencing style. She waited for him to nod before she began, and with a quick step dashed forward in a straight line, thrusting out with her thin blade. Alexander tilted his head to the side, the blade cutting through the air where it had once been. Before he could think to respond, he blade pulled back and then thrust out again with incredible speed. 

Alexander had to take a small step back in order to avoid the second attack, however by the third he had become accustomed to the speed, reaching out with his hand and catching the thin blade within. "Fantastic speed," he complimented. "However, you are lacking in power." 

He let the blade go and Lucia bowed again, walking backwards and taking her spot back in line. Alexander looked at the last student, a plain and unassuming looking man with a simple sword at his hip. He stood forward to introduce himself. 

"Dominic, a pleasure to meet you." Alexander could tell the young man felt uncomfortable with exchanging pleasantries, being of common origin such things were alien to him. Alexander nodded at him to begin, Dominic drawing his blade and slowly measuring his steps forward. 

The young man struck with none of the excessive tendencies towards a single style as the others, his swordsmanship a very basic yet highly polished form. Alexander let him go for a few more rounds, slowly wrapping his head around his style before he raised his arm and knocked the sword out of Dominic's hand. 

"Impressive technique," he complimented. "But there is nothing more. I will have to think on this one." 

If he could say one thing Dominic's blade was missing it would be pride, his commoner origins seeming to influence the way he fought. Very restrained. 

"So," Bernard stepped back towards him. "What do you think?" 

"They will do," he answered. It seemed he might have his work cut out for him. All five of the gathered students were incredibly.. Unique.