
A Warlord’s Prison

(Warning, NSFW and not wholesome! Includes cucking/ntr and futanari) Eivarn was the Sharphart clan warlord, pretty much the king. He joined in a raid to Osthyrios, thinking it would be easy to take. He was wrong. He took his wife, a powerful shieldmaiden, with him. Then, they found themselves as the only survivors, in a land that they only knew about through myths and the rare chart from explorers. Coming to Osthyrios was a mistake. This was inspired by a work that is still in progress called 'The Lure Of Surrender.'

Cross_Bones · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

The Warlord’s Prison

"Come, men, we are but a mile away from the shores! We are to be victorious, we are to become legends!" Eivarn screamed to his ship, and any other that could hear him. The rest of the clan chiefs were giving a similar speech.

"He's right, full speed now!" Magnhild, his beautiful wife yelled to the crew as she held Eivarn's hand. The men cheered, and kept rowing. There was no wind for the sails at the moment. "The gods bless us this day, I know it! We will be sung about for hundreds of decades to come!" She egged the men on.

Not long later, they reached the island. Only a few more meters... but then, they saw archers ready on the walls, with glowing arrows. They had strange armor made from bones and hide. They launched two volleys at the ships. Anyone that was hit turned to dust, and two whole crews lost immediately.

They landed, and the defenders sent out what they had. It was a 2-1 situation, with the defenders having more. But they were smaller than the humans. They were only about 159 centimeters tall compared to the human's 205. The defenders, otherwise known as Osthyriosians, had green skin and purple hair. They were exceptional magic users, according to ancient legends.

"Men, we cannot give up!" The Clan was losing, still not having left the beaches. Eivarn and Magnhild were fighting as hard as they ever had. Eivarn soon came face-to-face with a commander. He wore heavy armor made of bone and what looked to be a shell of some kind of insect. Eivarn went to stab him with his sword, but it was knocked away. The commander carried a shield and a Mace. He wanted to take prisoners for his own fun. He charged straight towards Eivarn, plunging his shield into him and knocking him back. He didn't fall though.

Eivarn carries a sword and a dagger, and was at a terrible disadvantage. He tried getting around the commander, but was met with a head of iron at his side.

Meanwhile, Magnhild was cutting down soldiers left and right. At least until she found herself surrounded. She was plummeted with weapons, but blocked many with her small shield. But there were too many for her, and they were able to knock her out easily. She was quickly taken to a cage behind the walls, and stripped of all her clothes except her bra and panties.

After an hour or two of fighting, the last ship arrived. It wasn't an ordinary one. It was orcish, an orc king had decided to join the battles. Chieftain Nars invites him, thinking it would make the army stronger. But the king was much too late. The orcs then stormed the beach, only to be met with heavy resistance. They were cut down just as fast, and no prisoners were taken this time.

Eivarn fell to the commander's Mace, and was thrown in a cage beside his wife. They would need to get used to being separated like that for a while now.


Eivarn woke up about a day later. There was food by the cell door, which was made of a strange reddish-orange metal. It wasn't bronze, or copper. Maybe the mystical Adamantium? Not likely. His cell was made mostly of stone bricks, and had a small window also made of the same bars. But it looked like it had a way to be shut, in case it rained. The cell itself was about 5 feet wide and 7 feet long. There was a table made of a white wood on a corner, a bucket for shit, and a stone bed that had a blanket made of cotton. It would keep him warm, but torture him with a terrible itch. Especially since all he had now was a loincloth covering his manhood.

There were cells across grim his, identical to his. But his had a window (also made of the bars) that showed him his wife. Magnhild wasn't awake yet, and was stuck to shackles on the wall. She was stripped of almost all her clothes. Everything but her bra and underwear.

He heard footsteps coming, likely a guard, or even someone who actually wanted to talk to him for some reason. They grew louder, and he was soon face to face with a nobleman.

"Do you speak Osthyrian?" He asked Eivarn. He wore bright red robes that contrasted with his sea-green skin and dark purple hair. He was taller than most of the others, with a sharply sculpted face and large, menacing pouldrons on his shoulders. They only worked to enhance his authority.

"No, piss off." Eivarn spat at the ground in front of the nobleman.

He only laughed. "I won't. In fact, if you keep acting like that, I'll give you a worse punishment than just being separated from your whore." He gestured to Magnhild.

"Whore? You son of a bitch. I'll kill you when I get out!" Eivarn got to the bars and grabbed them.

"With what army? I'm Cladriel, of house Barja. You've heard of us, I'm sure."

"Why would I care, fucker?"

"Because my house specializes in warfare, tournaments, and torture. And having captured both you and your wife, well, that will only just give us something we don't do often." He chuckled to himself as he turned away. His robes showed intricate silver designs, and words in an alphabet Eivarn would never know.

"And what's that punishment?" Eivarn glanced at his dress.

"You'll see. Have a nice sleep." He tossed a spell on him, which swiftly put him in a deep sleep.

He woke up not long later. His cell was unchanged, and the window showing his wife was much larger. He could see the entirety of her cell easily. But this time, she was given a decent, but rather revealing silk dress while he didn't even have the loincloth, just the scratchy cotton blanket. There were no more cells near him now, or was just him and his wife.

And then he heard those sane footsteps coming down the hall. "That fucker... I'll kill him." He muttered to himself as he strained to get up and wait at the door to the cell.


The same tall Osthyrian came in, this time with a friend. He was wearing light armor, and almost nude if it wasn't for some tight underwear-like leather and a few straps across his chest. He was more ashen-skinned rather than a light blue, and had red eyes. His hair was cut but unkempt. It was also a dark brown.

"This is Garek. He'll get very well acquainted with your dirty human wife." The nobleman opened the cage to your wife, then threw the larger Osthyrian in. He closed and licked the door, then cut his hand binds from the other side.

"What does that mean?" Eivarn asked the noble. "Is he going to rape my girl? If he does, I'll kill him, and then you!" Eivarn yelled.

"You'll see. Keep an eye on him, I'm sure he'll wait for your slutty wife to wake up." He went to lean against the wall on the other side of the room. "Get to know each other for now."

The taller Osthyrian went to the window connecting the two cells. "I'm sorry." He quickly whispered to Eivarn, hoping the noble didn't see him.

"Fucker, who is he and what are you doing here? I swear, if you touch Magnhild, you'll pay dearly." Eivarn threatened.

"He is Lord Cladriel, one of the generals of that house too. I'm an arena fighter, a gladiator if you will. Not really..." he looked away. There was a little regret in his eyes for saying that.

"What are you really then? Go on, spit it out red-eyes!" Eivarn growled at the gladiator.

"Go on, tell him your name. Do you think that a human from across the sea will know who you are?"

"Fine. I'm Garek." He muttered.

"Go an. And speak up, we can't hear you." Cladriel told him, almost barking.

"I'm a mercenary. I was hired to kill his brother."

"And now your here, you worthless faggot." Cladriel laughed.

"Your both worthless." Eivarn went back to look at Cladriel. "I demand you release me this second, Osthyrian! I challenge you to a duel. Longswords, light armor, now!" Eivarn was as furious as he ever was now, if not more-so.

Cladriel simply laughed. "Silly human, that's not how we do things here. Now, I've done my research, and Osthyrians are able to breed with Hunans. I hope you don't mind raising mutt children for as long as your wife is fertile." He laughed more.

"What? No, I'll get out of here before then. Then I'll kill you, and cone back to kill that worthless piece of shit!" He pointed at Garek.

"You can try." Cladriel got up and left, raising his pinky at them, which was a sign that one of them was a cuckold.

"I'm sorry, I want to escape too." Garek tried to speak Eivarn.

"You want to escape? You dirty murderer, I'll help you out, then take the pleasure of seeing life drain from your eyes as I choke you!"

"Listen, you don't understand, Eivarn!" Garek tried to speak up. "When she wakes up, I will fuck her..." he was cut off by Eivarn.

"And with each time you Kay a finger on her, I'll keep you alive a second longer for you to feel more pain."

"They're watching us, I won't have a choice, Eivarn!"

"What do you care about choice, your a filthy murderer!" Eivarn snapped.

"And how are you different?" Garek's tone shifted now, starting to become more aggressive.

"War is different than cold murder!" Eivarn screamed, grabbing the orange bars that separated the two.

"Sure it is." He looked to Magnhild, in her long flowing dress and cuffed to the wall. "She's coming back. I suggest you turn away, human." Garek told Eivarn.

Magnhild started to wake up. Garek approached her.


Garek approached Magnhild and started taking his rage off. Magnhild looked up and saw, and tried to escape before realizing her hands her shackled to the wall. Like a scared lamb, she just looked up at him in fear.

"Don't lay a gods damned finger on her!" Eivarn yelled at him. Garek looked behind for a moment and saw a wisp of light. They were being watched, and he would be punished later if he didn't rape the poor woman now.

'I'm sorry,' he mouthed to her before trying to spread her legs. He had to hold them down to the ground firmly so she didn't kick. Magnhild tried to scream, but couldn't find her voice.

"You monster!" Eivarn kept yelling at the Osthyrian, then at the ball which he recognized as a surveillance spell. He was starting to tear up, though, praying in his mind that this was all a terrible dream. But it wasn't.

Magnhild was completely frozen now, staring at her violator. Garek started to take her clothes off, careful not to tear it up. If they escaped, it could be sold for quite a bit. And soon, she was nude, her large breasts bare for everyone to see, along with her beautiful pink pussy.

Garek's shaft was about 11 inches (27 cm) long, which was average for his people. He lowered some of it into her folds, making her wince in slight pain. She wasn't much accustomed to the feeling yet, having only fucked three times, but it could have been worse.

He made sure to go slow and gentle, despite it still being rape. Eivarn dropped to his knees now, eyes shut tight and trying to hold back tears. "Get off her!" He desperately cried out, but to no avail. It wouldn't stop until that orb of light was gone. It was just sitting there, watching him writhe in pain while his wife was taken by a murderer.

She soon started tearing up too, the salt gathering in the corners of her eyes. She tried to start kicking again as she shut her eyes tight, but he held them down and went harder. His hands went to play with her tits, kneading them between his fingers.

"Please, just... stop." Was the last thing Eivarn said before laying down, failing to hold on the tears.

Garek suddenly pulled out, cumming on Magnhild's stomach. He let out a soft moan. "Eivarn, your lucky." He decided to tease, then he heard Eivarn hit the ground in frustration. He rolled off her, panting heavily. Then the wisp disappeared.

"I'm so sorry, both of you. I didn't want to do it." Garek tried to explain. He wiped the cum off Magnhild. She started silently crying where she was, trying to bring her legs up to hide herself.

"I'm so sorry..." he repeated, looking away shamefully. Eivarn balled his fists and swore to himself that he would get revenge.