
A Wanderer's Lies

"You can't be serious." [You are a Wanderer] In a world where humans can be Possessed by Anime Characters, Isaac, a skilled and young Con Artist, draws the short end of the stick. "Upon sleeping, you will be sent to a new world to complete a Quest. Good Luck!" Isaac shut his eyes, entering a Dark Void. [Quest: Survive the Dark Continent] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O) (N) LINK: patreon.com/JustMYSTERY If you wanna read up to 14+ chapters in advance, head over there Also, join the discord...if you want. discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs


Five of the Golden Six bolted toward the figure from all directions, each one of them charging a powerful attack, knowing anything less would only see them regretting it later.

Meanwhile, Cain's lips moved.


Before he could complete his words, he noticed the figure summon something into his hands, soon tossing it in the air.

"Guys, wait…!"


[Artifact (Forged): Flash Bang (E-Rank)]

[Requirements: N/A]

[Description: A Forged Item from the Verse 'Naruto', and typically used by the popular 'Nara Clan' to expand their range of their shadow abilities, this flash bang creates a blinding like that is said to leave those unfortunate enough to lay their eyes on it blinded. Additionally, this Flash Bang holds a special property.]

Before Cain could warn everyone, a blinding light suddenly erupted, causing everyone to snap their eyes shut on reflex as they held their ears after a disorienting BANG rendered their ears to ring and their sense of balance to go awry.

"Where is he?!"

As they all finally regained their composure, each of them opened their eyes, whipping their head back and forth upon Cain's yell.

"H-He's gone," Amara muttered, as silence enveloped the area.

They didn't know whether to be glad or terrified.

Terrified that anything they'd tried seemed useless as the figure simply kept on getting back up.


It wasn't until the sound of Cain's buttocks hitting the ground as he sighed, that the tension in the air seemed to lessen considerably.

The others also seemed to realise how tired and worn out they'd gotten as Jett returned to his usual self and Lucy sheathed her sword, leaning against a tree.

Though Amara and Daniel had only just gotten here, therefore, they seemed vastly less tired.

"Did anyone see where he went?" Cain asked in an exasperated tone while the others shook their heads.

"I did. Well, I didn't see where he went, but I was able to catch him… disappear into thin air."

Amara answered, facing away from the group as she picked her glasses from the ground.

The others looked at her with a confused look.

"Disappeared? Was it speed or teleportation?" Daniel asked as he put a hold on the thoughts he had.

"I don't think it was speed. Otherwise, he'd have used it to dodge my attack." Lucy added as Jett and Cain nodded.

"Or against me and Jett."

"Well, the same could be said for teleportation. Why didn't he use it to escape Cain or Lucy's attacks?"

Jett added, wincing from time to time as the pain of battle started to dawn on him while Cain tossed him a Senzu Bean.

As Jett said this, the others stayed quiet, glancing at each other from time to time as they shared one thought.

"If we're right, then it means the intruder wasn't fighting at full strength. He was…simply toying with us."

Cain broke the silence as he spoke what was on all their minds.

After a few seconds, he looked around as he spoke.

"Where's Ava?"

"She's healing Ms Wilson. The Professors have probably found her by now and are heading this way."

Lucy answered as her sword disappeared and she began to walk toward the dormitories, the others soon following her.

"Hey, what were those gadgets the intruder was using," Cain asked.

"Probably a few high-ranked equipment. Though nothing that could kill us, they prove useful as a distraction. Like the gas he used to irritate your lungs."

Upon hearing Jett's explanation, Cain nodded a thought looming on his mind.

"With how he fought and his vast items, even how he disappeared into the darkness, he kinda reminded me of Batman."

As Cain said this, the others stared at him with a straight expression, Jett and Amara even raising their eyebrows as they heard this.

"Wait, don't tell me you guys don't know Batman."

As they all scratched their heads in confusion, Daniel could be seen deep in thought, soon gritting his teeth as he walked ahead of the group.


In a dark and quiet room, a single black cat lay curled in the corner, almost impossible to see in the dark.

The room was a simple bedroom with a standard bed, cupboard and desk.

However, the silence was soon broken as a few taps could be heard from the window as it soon slid open, a masked figure crawling in.

The Figure pulled his body inside and as his torso reached over the window, he dropped to the ground with a slight THUD.


The figure summoned a handful of pills into his hand, shoving it into his mouth as he swallowed.

As he did, he finally seemed to relax as he let out a heavy breath, his armour cracked diagonally and the wound underneath long healing.

The Figure lay on the ground, his arms and legs spread as he stared at the ceiling.

[How was it?]

A subtle and mesmerising voice entered the Figure's mind as he removed his mask, a boy with bright amber eyes and messy hair staring without blinking with a neutral expression.

[It was…interesting.]

Isaac replied, unmoving.

[I noticed you had your Scarlet Eyes active.]

Merlin opened a single eye as she peered at him.

[Yes. Although, I couldn't use Nen. I couldn't risk Amara sensing I had Nen, or potentially recognising it, if that's even possible. Except for the first few seconds of our encounter. I've always wanted to use blood-lusted Ren.]

Isaac chuckled inwardly, remembering how it felt the first time Fetoh and Netero released their bloodlust onto him.

[What was the emotion you used to activate it?]

Although Merlin asked this, she already knew the answer.

She could feel it from Isaac. Throughout his battle. The overpowering emotion he'd been feeling that drove him. So much so that it started to slightly affect her.

Isaac paused, replying shortly after.


Excitement at being stronger. Excitement at knowing he could hold his own against the greatest prodigies of his generation, with nothing but his second gate and the physical boost he'd gotten from the Scarlet Eyes.

It was this same excitement that had bloomed the day he let his emotions take over against the Juggernaut.

Perhaps it was always because he was adamant about controlling his mind and emotions that he'd never realised this was something he…craved.

Not like Ava. He didn't actively seek the thrill while caring for nothing else.

No, his rationale remained…well, most of the time.

[Did you win?]

Isaac shrugged.

[Who knows? But I was able to somewhat gauge their strength. However, that girl did surprise me. Lucy Vanheart. She was fast and calculative, waiting for the last second when my guard was down before leaping and landing an attack. And that sword…]

Isaac remembered the sword. The attack she landed with it. He couldn't tell if it was the sword itself, or her power and expertise, but it felt as though the sword weighted the world behind it.

Isaac was surprised he wasn't cut in half.

Nevertheless, he'd done everything he needed to do.

Though his revenge wasn't as sweet as he imagined it to be, seeing as how Katlynn was simply being controlled, he did gain something today.



Isaac leapt off the ground as he heard his door being knocked, recognising the voice as Zach.

"Isaac, we…"

After a few seconds, Zach spoke once more but was cut short as he noticed the door opening Isaac revealed himself in simple clothing, his eyes swollen as if he'd just woken up.

"What's going on?" Isaac asked in a groggy tone with a slight yawn.

"Something has happened on campus. All students were instructed to head to the main hall of their dormitory buildings. Did you get the alert?"

Zach asked as Isaac looked to his Swatch, seeing a text in all red.

"Oh, I did. I didn't notice. We better get going."

Zach nodded as the both of them left their dorm, heading to the main hall on the first floor.


"Everybody, everything has been sorted. You may all return to your dorms. Classes will resume as usual in the morning."

A professor Isaac didn't recognise spoke to all the students who stayed in the same dorm building as Isaac, soon leaving as the students were left confused.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure. I was hoping we'd get a day off from classes."

"I think I heard some explosions in the forest earlier. Do you think that has something to do with it?"

"Perhaps. Who knows."

Isaac and Zach followed the crowd of students as they soon entered back into their dorms.

"Do you think it has something to do with Johnny and Oliver?" Zach asked the question that had been looming on his mind.

Isaac shook his head.

"No, if someone like Oliver were to turn into a Terror, it'd instantly be the biggest news in Spawn. This is something else."

Zach calmed and nodded upon hearing this. The Clover name was too powerful for anything important about them to be kept a secret for long.

"I think I'll head back to sleep. There's a few hours left till class starts and I don't want to feel drained while in the lecture." Zach chuckled as he entered his room, closing the door behind him.

As Isaac waved him off, he too entered his room, finding Merlin to still be in the same corner, only this time, lying atop a book as she traced her eyes upon it.


Merlin asked without taking her eyes off the book.

Isaac calmly walked toward his bed, throwing himself on it as he stared at the ceiling.

[We're good.]


"What's happened?!"

A voice akin to a rumbling thundercloud entered the ears of everyone present as heavy and quick footsteps followed.

"We're still trying to uncover the events of tonight, Vice Principal Harrison."

A man behind a computer spoke as countless other individuals brisked in the dark area.

The man behind the computer spoke to Harrison, who was quickly able to arrive, seeing as how the professors lived on campus as well.

Although, the luxury they lived in couldn't be compared to the students.

"From what we know, an intruder entered the Academy grounds, running into Katlynn. Or perhaps she was his target, we don't know. What we do know is that a battle ensued."

Harrison widened his eyes as he assumed the worst.

Seeing this, the man behind the computer tried to remedy the situation.

"She's alive but unconscious."

Hearing this, Harrison relaxed a little, staring at the screen before him as a blurred figure in a white mask showed on it.

"What of the intruder?"

He asked.

"After defeating Katlynn…a few students encountered him, soon engaging in a physical confrontation."

Harrison snapped his head toward the man as a suffocating aura exuded from him.

"What?!" He yelled.

"How was the intruder able to reach the kids before the Professors could act?! That intruder should have been stopped as soon as he was detected entering campus."

As Harrison's face drew closer and closer to the man's, the latter sweated profusely as he was barely able to let out a squeak.

"W-Well, that's the thing, sir. We didn't detect anything. It's highly unlikely for someone to have perfectly bypassed all our safety measures. As far as we know, no one came in or out of Aurelius all night."

The man paused, averting his gaze from the large Harrison as the ginger beard man pulled back his head in confusion.

"What are you trying to say?"

"W-Well, if I'm not mistaken, the intruder was already on campus…and still is right now."

Harrison paused upon hearing this, countless thoughts running through his mind as he looked back at the screen, staring intently at the blurred figure.

After a few seconds, a frightening expression painted itself across Harrison's face as he regained his composure.

"It seems we have a mole in our midst."


Next chapter title: A Question [single chapter]

NNext chapter title: Nen Vows [single chapter]

Okay, compared to the cliffhangers of the past few days, today's chapter isn't so bad.

So please...stop threatening me...

I'm especially fearful of that one guy who joined the discord and doxxed me in dms. (This is a joke)

Also, if you can't wait for tomorrow's chapter, just check out the patreon!


And as usual...


(We've consistently been in the top ten. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting us to reach so far. Thanks guys!)

If you also want to threaten me, join the discord!


Can't wait 24 hours? Just check out the Patreon! patreon.com/JustMYSTERY


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