
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Detention (1)

Subsequently, Nao finishes her classes with nervousness in her system.

Throughout the whole day, she couldn't focus at all in classes. Due to the numerous shock factors that she encountered, the first being her late wake-up, the second being the sudden attendance of the sick Yuto, and the third being her sudden detention.

Time went by quickly in her daze, and before she knew it.

Ching! Ching! Ching!

It was the chime of the bell, signing that it was finally time for her dreaded detention.

She let out a long sigh of resignation, instead of going to clubs or the dormitories like everyone else.

She instead sat there, rooted in her wooden seat, waiting for her homeroom teacher to arrive.

At lunch, her teacher gave her a warning and punished her to write an apology letter with a minimum of 5K words.

I've never been in detention before...

She thought, looking outside the window beside her.

A deep yet energetic voice interrupted her solemn trance, "Nao-san~ " Yuto said.

Surprising the girl's daydream, she jumped in surprise and turned to glare at him.

"whoa! You look horrible! " He commented.

Nao looked at Yuto with a deadpan look, "Why do you suddenly seem so well, Minamoto-kun? " She asked, envious of his energy.

Now that, Nao took a closer look at him, she noticed how his pale skin seemed to be returning in color, and his raspy voice slowly becoming normal, though he was still wearing his stifling mask.

"Hehe, I don't know~ it must've been from the energy I took from you! " He answered with a cheeky grin that was hidden by his mask.

Nao dryly laughed at his joke, "Haha, very funny " She said.

"oh yeah, shouldn't you go back to your dorm now, Yuto? You're still sick, you know? " She asked brows creased.

Yuto gave Nao a wink. "I'll be fine, Nao-san. Besides, I can't let you endure detention alone. We're partners in crime now," he teased.

Nao couldn't help but smile. Yuto had a way of turning a dull situation into something lighter. Still, she was concerned about his health.

As the minutes ticked by, Nao's gaze returned to the window, the view of the school courtyard bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. She couldn't help but wonder how Yuto had managed to attend school in his condition."Yuto, seriously, how are you feeling?" she persistently asked again.

Yuto shrugged, though she couldn't see it under his mask. "You know I've said it earlier I'm not a hundred percent healed, but I didn't want to miss too much school. I'll take it easy."

Nao's worry remained, but she knew she couldn't force Yuto to leave. She had a feeling he was determined to stay by her side during detention.

Just as Nao started to focus on her assignment, a message popped up on her phone. It was from Aki.

"Hey, Nao! Heard you got detention. Everything okay?"

She quickly texted back, "Yeah, just a little mishap this morning. Don't worry!"

Aki replied, "Alright, take care. Yuto there with you?"

Nao glanced at Yuto and texted, "Yeah, he's here. I think he's feeling better."

Aki's response came quickly, "Good to hear. Let me know if you need anything."

Nao appreciated her friend's concern. With Yuto's presence, detention was turning out to be less dreary than she had anticipated.