
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

A supportive friendship

Nao was on a mission to explore her newfound interests and find the path to involvement in her new school. With her club registration forms on hand, she and Ema headed to the bustling student activities center.

As they walked through the campus, Nao couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. It was a different kind of thrill contrasted with lazing around in her dorm, and she welcomed it wholeheartedly.

The student council room was silent, merely the low mutters exchanged between the members, and Nao's eyes widened at the intense focus they held.

Woah! They're super focused!

Noticing that Nao's body was tensed, Ema grew curious. "What's wrong? Are you intimidated? " She asked.

Nao hesitated a moment before responding, "A little, I guess. They all seem so serious and dedicated. What if I'm not good enough or don't fit in?"

Ema placed a reassuring hand on Nao's shoulder. "Don't worry, Naoko-san. Joining a club is about learning and growing together."

Nao's anxiety began to ease, and she smiled appreciatively at Ema's words. "You're right, Takane-san. I shouldn't let my nerves hold me back."

With Ema's support and encouragement, Nao took a step forward, approaching the student council members. She introduced herself and inquired about joining a club.

"H-hello, senpais! my name's Naoko Ito!" Nao exclaimed, giving her all to utter those words, even though it was shaky and awkward.

"I'm here to submit my form and join the clubs I'm interested in! " she added.

See, I knew you could do it! Ema thought.

She watched with pride as Nao engaged in the conversation, her nervousness fading into curiosity and interest. She was no longer just a bystander but someone actively seeking involvement in the school's vibrant community.

As Nao was about to hand her form, she reached inside her pockets and felt nothing inside.

It's gone!? She panicked.

Nao's heart raced as she frantically double-checked her pockets again, hoping to find the club registration form. However, it was nowhere to be found. A growing sense of panic took hold of her.

No! I'm such a klutz!

Where is it? Did I drop it somewhere?

Ema noticed Nao's distress and whispered, "What's wrong, Naoko-san? Why do you look so worried?"

Nao took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "I can't find the club registration form. I must have dropped it somewhere."

Ema immediately offered her support, "Okay, don't worry. Let's retrace your steps and see if we can find it. It might be on the path we took."

Nao nodded, and with Ema by her side, they backtracked through the campus, searching for any sign of the missing form. They meticulously checked benches, shrubs, and walkways, hoping for a stroke of luck.

As they retraced their steps, Nao couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and disappointment. She had been determined to take this step toward involvement, and now it seemed that opportunity was slipping away.

Despite the setback, Ema continued to encourage Nao. "We'll find it, Naoko-san! Maybe someone picked it up and turned it in somewhere. Let's not give up just yet."

"Takane-san... You're so cool! " Nao said in awe.

She appreciated Ema's unwavering support.

Ema smiled warmly at Nao's compliment. "I'm just here to help you when you need it most. We make a great team, Naoko-san."

Their search continued, retracing their steps through the campus. Nao's heart was heavy with the fear of missing out on joining a club, but with Ema's unwavering support, she felt a renewed determination to find the lost registration form.

After an intense search, they approached a campus bench near the dormitory, where they had paused earlier, and Nao spotted a piece of paper partially wedged between the wooden slats. Her heart leaped with hope as she reached out to retrieve it.

Ema watched with bated breath as Nao carefully pulled out the paper. It was her club registration form! A surge of relief and joy washed over Nao. She tightly clutched the form, feeling she had been given a second chance.

Ema cheered, "You found it! I knew we could do it!"

Nao beamed, "Thank you so much for your support, Takane-san. I couldn't have done it without you."

With the registration form safely in her possession, Nao resumed her mission to join a club. This time, she approached the student council with newfound confidence, and with the necessary paperwork in hand, she eagerly submitted her club selections.

The student council members received her with encouraging smiles, pleased to see her determination. Nao was officially on her way to becoming an active participant in the school's vibrant club community.

Upon leaving the student council room, Nao was filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude towards Ema, her unwavering supporter.

Ema squeezed Nao's shoulder affectionately. "See, Naoko-san? You've taken the first step. Your journey to involvement has just begun!" She said.

Nao felt an immense amount of gratitude towards Ema.

Takane, thank you so much. She silently thanks her.

"I couldn't have done it without you! " Nao hugged Ema with joy, causing her to yelp in surprise. "Goodness! "

She turned to Nao, scolding her, "You shouldn't surprise me like that!"

Ah- does she not like skin contact!?

What do I do? Did I make Takane-san uncomfortable...?

Nao thought, immediately dejected.

"Sorry... Do you dislike skin contact? " She asked.

"I don't hate it, it's just, don't surprise me like that! " Ema replied as she sighed.

So she doesn't hate it?

I'm relieved. Nao thought as she squeezed them closer. "Hehe, I won't! " She casually let out, her mouth forming a wide grin.

"Let's head back!" She exclaims, sticking her hands out in the air, stretching.

Though she didn't do anything productive at the dormitory, she already felt pleased by submitting the form.