
A Voyage Of The Unlucky Anomalous Mage Across The Boundless Realities.

(A/n: There's also a spin-off on Tristan's Girlfriend... She went through a lot, and the story is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess.") Once upon a time, a young man had so much to look forward to in the future; now, it had been ripped away in the blink of an eye in a matter of a day, including those who were close to him while he survived—although he thought he was going to survive. Now reborn as a baby again, Tristan Devroop Akvash is tossed into a seemingly ordinary world with fragmented memories of his past life that he refuses to piece together. I mean, why would he when this new life of his is fantastic!! Yet, everything seems to fall off again as awakens to what this world had always been from the beginning, where another tragedy will unfold where young Tristan can only watch and be transported off to a deserted field of snow. Through that brief period of tragedy, he was held at a crossroads of what he'd become. But an annoying voice in his head and an odd entity of unknown origins had somehow kept his mind "mostly" intact, and he would meet strange people as his caretakers who had prior dealings with his parents. He will explore his new abilities in this world and possibly discover parts of himself that he hasn't known about, even from his last life in this World Of Darkness. I want to say that this story starts out completely dark, not the first chapter but the second. It's also not fast-paced, as the focus will be on other characters, too. (Anyway, things won't go wrong for Tristan again until he is 10, so he will have time.) (I do not own the World of Darkness or any other potential worlds. The World of Darkness is a role-playing tabletop game that doesn't have to be completely accurate, and there will be OCs and tons of bullsh*t happening in it with all the entities within. Kind of similar to the SCP world but with 30 years of lore continuity.) (Also, this story might include World Travel too. I haven't decided yet, but if I were to choose, then his next world should be wholesome or the complete opposite of grim and dark to create a new challenge for him) (I do not own any of the Pictures, Cover: Scpishka.) Extra tag: Romance Main World: WOD Second World: ???? Third World: SCP Fourth: The Fuck Is This?!?!?!? (Warning: Read Auxiliary before reading the story to be less confused)

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Mini Arc 1: Finding A Way Back; Anafabulas Idea Of Dating? Am I Cooked?

(A/n: Honestly tried to make a wholesome moment in this chapter and the next before his first meeting with another incomprehensible horror in the third and final chapter of this mini arc... I hope you all enjoy it. Also, I'm starting to figure out that I shouldn't put some of my trust in Grammarly either when writing.. And if there are still any grammar mistakes, please comment, especially you, Bout_of_madness 😀)

(Omni POV)

Both Tristan and Ana landed softly on the desert-like Biome. After looking up at the dark blue skies and feeling the pitch black sand underneath his feet, Tristan finally looked down and realized.

"Why am I naked?" He said, at this point, kind of unbothered by being in his birthday suit. His prior focus was just to walk around aimlessly with only his instinct and his hopeless Avatar to find a shroud that could lead to the material world or possibly something else. Ana spoke up frivolously.

{Well... You are a soul, Tristy, in what is technically the Underworld, or near the Underworld, with guards hand-picked by The Lady Of Fate, or Lilith... But her being Lilith is just pure speculation; other than that, it is actually kind of straightforward to get back to the material world if you just travel around, unlike in the Spirit Wilds or the Astral Planes...

You're soul right now looks like it comes from the Underworld itself or Oblivion. Still, you are technically alive, which would make passing through the shroud easier. Still, because of what you look like, it will almost 100% increase hostility from quite a few Spirits or nicknames that Mages would give them, Umbroods, so good old xenoism at its finest~ Or racism~ whatever floats your boat, Tristy!! There's already enough politics in the Material world with the Mages, so there's no need to dwell around here for too long...} 

Tristan, who listened to Ana, looked for his Avatar that's been temporarily decommissioned.

'Hey, Zil? Do you have any clue as to where to walk?' my mind echoed, and Ana, who heard his thoughts, gasped with excitement.

{Tristy... I FINALLY GOT TO HEAR THE INSIDE OF YOUR HEAD!!!! But, Zil, huh? You're the one that just called me a pointy-haired Bimbo while freefalling; you thought I didn't hear you, huh... You're an opp, Zil; you better not come out of Tristy's head, or we're squaring off here and now...} She said while playfully pinching Tristan's cheeks.

Zil could only sigh, and as he said, <..... Well, shit, you caught me, but Tristan, we should just keep moving forward; I feel a sense of primal energy... It feels random at times and destructive, too; think if walk there, then would be able to find shrowd through without much problem, as are technically still alive like Ana said. And this could chance learn new Sphere on top it... Ana, the only one that hear us?> Anafabula bobbed her head yes frantically while saying, with a hint of regret, that out loud.

{Well, of course, I can hear both of you now... And only me... Also, the only reason why I couldn't do so back then on earth was because your physical body was rejecting me, as I wasn't originally a part of you, even though I am a psychopomp or a foreign one... But with a connection with you through my wish and adding that you are a soul now, it kind of established our bond a bit further... Let's keep moving.} 

She said as she walked a bit faster away. That was when Tristan stopped her again, "W- wait a minute, Ana!!! There's one thing I'd like to ask about: what type of group of mages are connected to places like this place?"

Tristan asked, making Ana slower her pace to a standstill, and questioned back to Tristan, {You're not bothered by the fact that I could read your mind?}

She said as she blinked her eyes like crazy out of bafflement, and Tristan answered.

"Umm?? Not really. I already have a talking voice in my head that has helped me quite a bit, and you've been nothing but pleasant to me ever since I was on my knees crying in the snow with my shadows to comfort me...

Honestly, I want to get to know you a bit more, and transparency between us seems like a good start, even if it makes me uncomfortable... I know that you don't trust me entirely... But never mind that!!! What type of mages are connected here in the dark Umbra?"

Ana looked at Tristan numbingly, like she had been gangbanged for countless hours into a drug-induced insomniac that's been dumped into a ditch to be left there to rot; she spoke a bit disheartened.

{Tristy... I can say safely that my distrust isn't towards you at all; we all lived different lives with our struggles. Some others start with barely anything, while many had everything they could've wanted, just for all of that to be ripped away...}

She said to Tristan. Striking a chord of memories that were still foggy, with him at the hospital bed, she kept talking.

{But let's focus one at a time here, Tristy~ getting out of this place should be more important, and experiencing this place should be a fun date between us!! Also, before I forget, the Chakravanti is the main branch of mages that dwell here at times, but who cares about that!?!?} She said as she wrapped her arm around Tristan's head and dragged him through the deserted wasteland.

"Woah!!! Hey, now, you don't have to drag me in a headlock!!" Tristan desperately said, and Zil, like a sage, said.

 <Just accept it already, Tristan... Can't you feel your head pressing comfortably to the side of her boobs?> Tristan became limp immediately as his eyes dimmed in heartbreak.

"You... Why did you betray me, Zil? I thought we were partners!!!" Zil scoffed.

<TEH!! Don't be such a monkey, you Indian!!! Just enjoy yourself... Bitch ass> Ana also added in.

{I agree... But why is your avatar racist?} Tristan only said.

"That's one of my life's greatest mysteries, other than my Dad doing a magic trick on me and making me disappear off to Alaska... I refuse to believe it's genetic... But my mother had her moments with her xenophobic tendencies, and that might've rubbed off on me on a smaller scale growing up again." Ana was still walking with Tristan in her headlock as she was thinking of something.

{That's weird but understandable? I hate just about everything equally... except for you, though, Tristy!! I can never hate you... And also... You are in your adult form as a soul... So we can also do adult things together-!!!} Tristan spoke up hurriedly.

"Hey now?!? I know where you are going with this, and I would want to do the same thing also, but we shouldn't be here any longer. But It's pretty nice to spend some time together like this instead of you just disappearing every time." 

Humming to his words as she looked around at the 'Shadowlands,' she had already let Tristan go from her grasp, held his hand, and said out loud.

{It's kind of odd that there's no sign of any wraiths, reapers, and or spectres around here... And yet, the further we walk around here, the heavier the atmosphere feels around here... The more I stay here, the more this place feels different from the Shadowlands...} Ana's eyes began to give off a predatory glare toward the distance away and said.

{Tristan, there's something around here that's been eyeing us for quite a bit... Quite a few entities have been doing that since we've been here? Let's just be careful and keep walking like we haven't noticed.} Now, looking at Ana like she was missing a chromosome, well mostly Zil was looking at her that way, but Tristan spoke.

"But... I didn't notice till you said that. That kind of ruins the purpose of not noticing, Ana." Zil, who was grabbing his nonexistent face, said with sarcasm.

<oH ReALLy? yOu CoUlDn'T HaVe kEpT YoUr moUth ShUt and KePT WaLkInG? Now we know that literal entities are trying to spy on us from afar, you're expecting act like ain't being watched!?? What the fuck is wrong with you for bringing it up when could've gone our merry way in Underworld?> Tristan cringed at Zil's crass words but agreed to a degree... While Ana only gaped at Tristan like a goldfish out of water. And Tristan asked Zil.

"Hey, Zil? When is that energy going to get out of that system of yours? I'm also not used to you acting like this at all... Even though you have a valid point, I think having that kind of knowledge of being watched is a good thing. Even if those beings watching from afar are looking at us like some sort of clowns screwing around like dumbasses... That just makes me feel more embarrassed than afraid..."

Zil answered with a sigh, <Still working on adapting to this energy... maybe after trip, I'll be back normal, well I mean normal for the most part. But Ana, how many of these entities are we being watched by?> Ana, who was depressed while walking with her head down, shot back up as if she hadn't been affected a minute ago, said.

{Well, three entities are watching us, two of them having the feeling of pure and unadulterated destruction, but one of them feels like unholy rage and madness, and the last one felt a bit like Caine but more divine...} Wondering why she didn't describe the previous entity, Tristan, asked.

"Hey, Ana, what about the last entity?" Ana smiled and said.

{Oh, that entity, that should be the least of our worries, but if you're curious, then the last entity gives off an unending feeling of hunger that represents Oblivion itself.} Another headache was happening from both Tristan and Zil. Tristan wanted to say something, but a feminine voice echoed.

|Well, now~ I wasn't expecting any lost souls around these parts near the worst parts of the Shadowlands. This place has been off limits ever since the Wyrm has made its presence abundant here. Still, both of you seem rather fine from my point of view...| Cracks began to form like a dimensional barrier was being torn apart. Pincers as dark as the very abyss itself, a creature in solid form, that of an insect that had humanoid features, its very presence was that of a Queen that radiates an unending hunger, with its existence made known, The Infinite Maw was here.

|Usually, I wouldn't care if a random Mage or familiar would walk around these parts... But both of you do remind me of my children to the point where it's uncanny, and I'd rather not be in good conscious in letting both of you wander further off just because of that...| Tristan was about to say something to this terrifying Queen, but Zil spoke to him.

<Tristan, remember that time when I said a 'SEEKING' was coming up kind of quickly? Well yeah... We need to keep going complete this odd quest.> Tristan wanted to laugh... And not the healthy type of laugh, but to bang his head on the sandy ground of this place while laughing but refrained himself.

"I'm sorry, miss... It seems like I have to keep walking through this path of mine, even if it could lead me to some place worse than hell... But thanks for the warning..." There was complete silence after Tristan answered, with the creature staring into the young Mage's eyes for a while and Ana's grip on Tristan's hand becoming tighter, waiting to see what this devourer would do.

The creature said, |Hoh? This is the first to see a human that is without a Fate to be read... Even a Mage has some sort of Fate, but the really powerful ones can control their own Fate on a whim... Well then, child, carry on with your journey while I go back to devouring The Labyrinth.| The terrifying being turned around and slashed the air, which tore the fabric of the Shadowlands and crawled back inside to who knows where, leaving Tristan covering his face with his hand, trying to recover from meeting an entity that made his soul flutter.

"What am I even doing here anymore?" Completely bothered by what the entity did, Ana worriedly asked him.

{Sweety? Do you want me to help you get back to the Material world? I can do that...} Tristan couldn't help but chuckle a bit and said.

"You don't have to, and like I said before, I'm going to walk through this path till the end... Even before coming here, there was something else I had to do before coming back to Earth... And you're stuck with me." Ana smiled coquettishly.

{Well now~ if you say that, then I don't really have a choice~ And this has been a pretty good date, Tristy~💛} Her smile made Tristan relax a bit, and Zil, who grew tired of their hand-holding as he yelled out with valiance of a hero as the avatar manifested outside of Tristan as a dark orange sprite.

<UGH!!!! Could you guys please get going? I got a date with destiny through this path of seeking!!!> Ana furrowed her eyes and said as she walked with Tristan.

{You know, it's a horrible idea to keep walking down this path when a being that calls itself "The All Devourer" was telling us not to keep going, right Zil? At this point, this isn't a red flag, but us drowning in an entire 3,000 kilograms of red paint!?!?} Zil sneered at Ana's plight.

<Your plight means nothing compared to this grand adventure here, you vile wench!!! I will stop here and NOW!!!> Ana began eye began to twitch, and she yelled out violently.

{Oh why I outta... I'M RIGHT HERE, BITCH!!! GO AHEAD AND TRY TO STOP ME, YOU DRUG ADDICT!!} And that was the beginning of a heated argument between a sprite-looking fella and a woman who lost her marbles. With Tristan having a bit of time for himself finally.

'Ok then... There goes those two. I guess I'll train my use of Shadow manipulation while at it... But how much did my anomalous energy increase?' Tristan uploaded the number within his head to check.


'Huh? it increased quite a bit... What should I do with this energy? It's been a while since I've used it, and I was really only going to use it when I'm in a safer environment... Should I see if I could make my soul regenerative? Or enhance my shadows further? Well, whatever, I'll do whatever I want with it as soon as I get back to the basement... I will build my dream mecha one day!!!' As Tristan finally put away his thoughts, his entire soul turned into a living state of shadow, and he went to play with his shadows while awaiting the horrors of this seeking....




(A/n: Its a lot easier for Tristan to use his Shadows as a soul, and because he's in a place that is kind of in eternal darkness also... His shadow manipulation will be quite a bit stronger when he comes back to Earth.)





(P.S: If anyone wants to read a fanfic that shows the perspective and adventures of Anafabula from this fic, I already have a chapter in, and the novel is called "A Formless Dream That Awaits A Hopeless Princess?" I thought it would actually be pretty nice to give this its own thing... If anyone likes the beginning of the chapter, I'll write more to it, and Ana would see her so-called in-laws of Tristan in an anime world called Shinka no Mi... Things aren't going to go well over there. And it shows a more terrifying side of Ana.)