
Where's Jason?

Annie didn't know who that guy was, so she decided not to proceed alone. She turned around to go find Jason.

She passed by the Bonnie costume again, and went back into the room with the arcade machine, but Jason wasn't in there.

Annie called Jason's name again, this time so loud there was a bit of an echo.

Just then, a sound came from down the hall that Annie and Jason originally entered from. Annie left the room and turned to walk back to the entrance where the sound came from. The red glow of the exit sign stood out in the dark. It seemed as though it provided more light than the main lighting. It must have gotten darker since Annie and Jason entered.

The darkness only made it much harder to find the source of the sound.

"Forget it," Annie thought, "I'll just go back outside and ask that kid if he saw Jason walk out."

Annie grabbed the metal door handle and tried to push it down, but the door didn't budge. It's been locked. She pounded on the door and screamed for the kid on the other side to open up. But after a minute of doing this, it proved pointless. The kid obviously left, and it seemed that there was no one else around to hear.

Annie checked her watch for the time, and just barely in the dim light, she saw that it was already ten to midnight. The amusement park must have been shutting down.

"Dammit, the kid wasn't even paying attention," Annie thought, annoyed, "He probably doesn't even know that we came in here."

Annie stood there, trying to rationalize. Maybe the exit door was still unlocked, and the entrance door was only locked so no more people could come in. It was obvious that the kid was waiting at the exit. Annie only had to make it through the attraction.

But where the hell is Jason?

Jason most likely didn't leave the building, otherwise someone would have still been around by the time Annie started pounding on the door.

Annie walked back down the first hall and to the corner. She expected the Bonnie suit to pop out at her again, but it didn't. "Damn, they must have shut down most of the power already," she thought, "That's why the fog stopped and the lights are getting dimmer. The remaining lights must be some kind of backup nightlight system."

There was no sign of Jason in the first hall, so Annie figured he had to be in the small room with the arcade machine. Walking back into that room, which was now completely pitch black, Annie took out her phone and turned on the flashlight, scanning the room.

She continued to call out Jason's name repeatedly, with no reply.

After scanning the whole room, Annie could see that she was the only one in there, in the middle of a bunch of props.

Then, while looking at her phone, she realized she could simply call Jason and ask him where he was. She quickly dialed his number and put the phone up to her ear.

It took a few seconds before Annie could hear Jason's ringtone. Only, it sounded like it was coming from below her. With the flashlight still on, she looked down to see an open air vent in the bottom corner. The cellphone ringing echoed from within.

"Maybe I could follow him through there," Annie thought.

Suddenly, the arcade machine jumped to life, flashing the same disturbing face from before. "But how?" Annie thought, "Isn't the power cut now?"

The idea of calling the police now felt good, so Annie went back into the phone app, but saw that she no longer had any service.

Looking back at the arcade machine, Annie saw that the face had changed to a barely readable message. Squinting, she made out the words: "LEAVE HIM IF YOU WANT TO LIVE".

What the hell is going on?