
Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction

On a Friday night, Annie and her friend Jason made their way to the Fazbear horror attraction at the local amusement park. Apparently, they were getting it set up for the Halloween season, so it was in kind of a demo stage. It was supposed to be a standard haunted house type attraction, themed to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and the horrific events that occurred inside of that place. "It's decorated with actual props from the place, so that should be pretty cool." Jason explained to Annie.

It's been thirty years since the restaurant shut down, yet rumors and theories about what happened there still flood the Internet. Annie and Jason have been obsessed with the Freddy Fazbear mysteries their whole lives, and this seemed like the closest they would ever get to experience the supposed horrors that went on behind the closed doors of the restaurant.

They even claimed to have found an actual animatronic from the place in working condition, one that was more of an unused scrappy. Annie and Jason did a little research, and found out that the animatronic was nicknamed "Springtrap", but there wasn't much else info on it. It seemed to be relatively unknown.

Annie and Jason arrived at the park at around 11:30 p.m. Annie didn't want to come this late, but it was the only night that Jason would be available to go. The park always closed at around midnight, so Annie figured they would have plenty of time to get through the attraction and leave.

Annie and Jason made their way over to the ticket stand and bought two tickets for Fazbear's Fright. Walking into the park, they could tell that the place was pretty dead, especially for a Friday night. "Everybody must have left already." Annie said to Jason, who only shrugged his shoulders.

One of the few people walking by happened to be an employee, so Annie asked him where the attraction was, and he pointed them in the right direction. Moving in that direction, Annie and Jason eventually saw the big glowing sign reading "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction", with a big illuminated Freddy Fazbear head moving its mouth up and down above the door.

The employee manning the entrance was so absorbed in his phone, that when Annie and Jason handed him their tickets, all that came out of his mouth was a barely audible grunting noise. Just a typical teenager clearly unhappy to have the Friday night shift.

Annie and Jason assumed the right to push open the door, and stepped into the building. The door slowly closed behind them, and then they noticed a big warning sign, stating that if anyone was to steal or move any of the props, they would be heavily fined.

The floors were filled with fog, to the point where Annie and Jason couldn't even see their feet, and the walls were decorated with old posters and torn pictures, mostly just the restaurant's characters poorly drawn by children.

"It's creepy, but it's not scary." said Jason.

"It'll get scarier soon," Annie reassured Jason. "We just walked through the doors, after all."

Jason put his hand on Annie's back and nudged her forward to move down the hall. Moving forward, they could see more props. The floors were filled with crumpled papers, and the walls were covered with poorly drawn pictures of the characters. One of the half-torn posters even depicts a clown girl with red pigtails and blue eyes. Annie and Jason couldn't recognize that character.

Up ahead, Annie and Jason could see what appeared to be a glowing jack-o-lantern on the floor, but upon getting closer, they realized it was the head of Chica the Chicken, one of the animatronic characters.

"Do you think that's the actual head?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, it better be," Jason replied. "Is this really supposed to be scary?"

"The atmosphere does have a creepy feel to it, but so far, it's not scary," Annie admitted. "Hopefully, it's building up to something good."

Walking down a little more, Annie and Jason came up to an intersecting hallway. Just then, Annie froze in her tracks. She thought she heard something moving around the corner.

"It's probably just other people going through the attraction," said Jason, "Do you really think we're the only people in here?"

"Yes, I do, actually." Annie answered.

Jason jokingly pushed Annie forward towards the corner, but as Annie turned her head, something lunged towards her, screaming. She let out a shriek of terror and fell to her knees, only to realize that it was just an old Bonnie costume attached to some kind of remote handle on the wall, designed to scare people.

Annie got back up on her feet to have Jason laughing in her face.

"Alright, you douche. It would've scared you too." Annie scolded.

The remote rod holding the Bonnie suit rolled back to hide the suit behind the corner. Annie walked up to get a closer look at it. It seemed pretty genuine. She called Jason to come over and feel the costume's fur, but he didn't respond.

"Jason?" Annie called out, "Where are you?"

"Hey, check this out."

Annie turned around to see Jason in a room across the hall by some kind of arcade machine.

"Do you think it still works?" Jason asked.

"No, of course not," Annie responded while approaching the room.

Jason continued to fiddle with all the buttons hoping something would happen.

"Alright, let's keep go-"

Annie's heart suddenly skipped a beat at the sight of a demonic face popping up on the screen of the arcade machine. It almost appeared to resemble Chica, with dark eyes and a charred face.

Annie turned around to see Jason's face, noticeably full of fear. "Wow, that got me." he said.

"Let's keep going, it seems to be getting better." Annie told him.

Annie and Jason kept walking down the halls, and suddenly, they noticed that there was no more fog on the ground. They must have turned off the fog machines for whatever reason.

They definitely paid attention to detail with the place. There were ripped up papers all over the walls, fake blood stains on the tiled floor, and even pipes and wires dangling from the ceiling to give it a rundown look. It almost felt as though it was the real restaurant, not that Annie and Jason would really know.

As Annie kept moving down the dark hallway, preparing herself for more jumpscares, she noticed she couldn't hear another pair of footsteps behind her. She turned around to see that Jason was missing again. She called his name, without a response. She called louder, still no response.

"Where the hell did he go?" Annie thought to herself.

Turning back around, Annie could see the figure of a man down the hall. It was too dark to make out any features, but she knew he was staring at her. The motionless figure of the man down the hall sent a chill down her spine, leaving her too disturbed to try and rationalize the situation, to think that maybe it could just be another park visitor.

Annie moved her leg back, about to begin walking backwards, but at that instant, the figure down the hall turned around and walked away into the darkness ahead.

Annie was left standing there, not knowing what to think...or do.