
A Virgin For The Mafia Prince

Elena's world takes a wild spin when the rugged Mafia prince, Dante, chooses to wed her over her cousin, Antonia. Facing her abusive family's wrath for allegedly enchanting the mafia prince, Elena's heart remains loyal to her true love, Isaac, whom she plans to escape with. Against her wishes, Dante seals their marriage fate, leaving Elena helpless. Yet, Dante's love for her is boundless, until a sudden twist frames her for betrayal. Unfazed, Dante turns cold and ruthless, opting to marry her cousin. As Dante's cruelty escalates, a shocking revelation unveils the truth behind the false accusation. But it's too late – Elena's heart, once warmed by their love, turns icy. Despite Dante's desperate attempts to mend their shattered connection, the wounds of betrayal threaten to forever shatter their once-promising love story.

Purple_Princesss · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


The morning greets me with a restless haze, the weight of the night's troubled dreams still clinging to my thoughts. As sunlight filters through the curtains, I rub my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

A gentle knock at the door pulls me from my daze, and I call out for the person to enter. In steps Mercy's sister, her presence a welcoming distraction from the lingering unease of the night. With a kind smile, she offers to help me get ready for the day ahead. Grateful for the company, I nod in agreement, allowing her to guide me through the morning routine with gentle hands and comforting words.

Dressed in a gown of soft blue, I make my way down the grand staircase, Mary's presence providing a comforting anchor amidst the whirlwind of activity. Servants dart past us, their footsteps echoing against the marble floors as they carry out their duties with precision.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I catch sight of the queen, her regal presence commanding attention. With a warm smile, she welcomes me, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

"Good morning, Elena," she says, her voice carrying a melodic tone. "I hope you slept well."

I return her greeting with a polite smile, masking the restlessness that still lingers from the night's unsettling dreams. "Yes, Your Majesty, thank you. I had a restful night."

Her smile widens at my response, a glimmer of relief evident in her eyes. "I'm glad to hear that," she replies. "You're looking much better today."

Before I can respond, she continues, her tone taking on a more businesslike demeanor. "Dante mentioned your culinary skills, and I was thinking that you could take charge of preparing food today. Would you be up for the task?"

Surprised by the sudden assignment, I hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Of course, Your Majesty. I'll do my best to prepare something delicious for everyone."

The queen's expression softens with approval, and she nods in satisfaction. "Wonderful. I'm sure you'll impress us all with your cooking."

With a final smile, she bids me farewell, and I watch her disappear into the bustling activity of the castle, feeling a mixture of nerves and determination as I prepare to take on the unexpected role of chef for the day.

Reluctance gnawed at me as I contemplated the task ahead. I had no desire to take on any responsibilities, especially ones involving cooking. But with the queen's request hanging over me, I knew I had little choice but to comply.

Turning to Mary, I muster up a faint smile despite my inner turmoil. "Let's go to the market and get the groceries we need for the day," I say, the words feeling heavy on my tongue.

Mary nods in understanding, her expression sympathetic. "Of course, your highness. I'll make the arrangements for our ride."

Grateful for her support, I follow her lead as she organizes transportation to the market.

Mary and I arrive at the market, bustling with activity. The vibrant colors of fresh produce and the aroma of various spices fill the air, momentarily distracting me from my thoughts. We weave through the stalls, selecting the best ingredients for the big day.

As we load the last of our groceries into the basket, I hear a familiar voice call out my name. Turning around, I see the queen's sister, Matilda, approaching us with a smug smile.

"Elena," Matilda says, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "What a surprise to see you here."

Forcing a polite smile, I reply, "Hello, Duchess Matilda. I'm just getting things ready for the upcoming celebration."

Matilda lets out a bitter laugh. "Celebration, you say? Quite a change of pace, considering your recent... loss."

My heart skips a beat, and I struggle to keep my composure. "I'm managing, thank you for your concern."

"Managing," she repeats, mockingly. "Well, I suppose everyone deals with failure differently. Some of us are just better at hiding it."

Anger and sadness well up inside me, but I take a deep breath and refuse to give her the satisfaction of seeing me break. "Is there something you need, Matilda?"

Matilda's smile widens. "No, nothing at all. Just wanted to see how you were holding up. It must be hard, losing a child."

Before I can respond, Mary steps in, her eyes flashing with anger. "We have a lot to do, Lady Matilda. If you'll excuse us."

Matilda gives one last mocking glance before turning on her heel and walking away. As she disappears into the crowd, I let out a shaky breath.

"Thank you, Mary," I say quietly.

"Don't let her get to you," Mary says firmly. "She's not worth it."

I nod, feeling a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. "Let's finish up and head back to the castle."

With our groceries in tow, we make our way back, ready to tackle the preparations despite the lingering heaviness in my heart.

After finishing our shopping, Mary and I head back to the castle. The ride is quiet, both of us lost in our thoughts. When we arrive, we carry the groceries into the grand kitchen, where the queen is waiting.

The queen smiles warmly as she sees us. "Elena, Mary, I'm so glad you're back. Did you get everything we need?"

I nod, trying to match her enthusiasm. "Yes, Your Majesty. We found everything on the list."

She steps closer, looking over the bags with satisfaction. "Wonderful! I knew I could count on you, Elena. You always manage to get things done so efficiently."

"Thank you," I say, managing a small smile.

The queen continues, "I know it must be challenging for you right now, but having you here, helping with the preparations, means a lot to me and the entire household."

I feel a bit of the heaviness lift from my shoulders. "I'll do my best, Your Majesty."

"That's all I ask," she replies, her smile gentle and reassuring. "Now, why don't you and Mary start unpacking everything? We have a big day ahead of us, and I know you'll make it perfect."

Mary and I nod and begin to unload the groceries, the queen's words giving me a small but needed boost of confidence. As we work, I can't help but feel a little more hopeful. Despite everything, maybe I can find some peace and purpose here.