
A Virgin For The Mafia Prince

Elena's world takes a wild spin when the rugged Mafia prince, Dante, chooses to wed her over her cousin, Antonia. Facing her abusive family's wrath for allegedly enchanting the mafia prince, Elena's heart remains loyal to her true love, Isaac, whom she plans to escape with. Against her wishes, Dante seals their marriage fate, leaving Elena helpless. Yet, Dante's love for her is boundless, until a sudden twist frames her for betrayal. Unfazed, Dante turns cold and ruthless, opting to marry her cousin. As Dante's cruelty escalates, a shocking revelation unveils the truth behind the false accusation. But it's too late – Elena's heart, once warmed by their love, turns icy. Despite Dante's desperate attempts to mend their shattered connection, the wounds of betrayal threaten to forever shatter their once-promising love story.

Purple_Princesss · Urban
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55 Chs

New Beginnings

 Arriving at the Mafia mansion, I had dozed off during the ride. A gentle pat on my shoulder woke me, but I instinctively flinched, years of abuse making any touch unsettling.

"Why are you afraid of me? I haven't done anything to you," Dante questioned. I avoided his gaze, looking down, and mumbled, "Well... I..."

Dante lifted my chin, making me face him. "Look at me when you are talking to me. Look at me often. I love the color of your eyes; they hypnotize me," he confessed, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"We are home now. Let's go," Dante declared, and the reality of my new life in the Mafia mansion sank in. 

 As they entered the house, all the servants bowed, and I instinctively bowed back. Dante laughed, and I witnessed him laugh for the first time. "Don't bow down to the servants," he advised.

He led me to our room, it was very big and beautiful, with a big bouncy bed and dressers. The room had a balcony which had a spectacular view view of a forest and you 

"This is our room." Clutching my scarf, I asked, "Our room, as in you and I?"

Dante responded, "I was going to suggest you sleep in another room until we get married, but I figured you needed to adjust to sleeping with me around. Now go shower and get changed. I will pick out some clothes for you." 

I knew Dante would likely choose a tight dress that my wounds wouldn't bear, but I couldn't find the words to tell him about what happened.

 A maid, awaited me by the door," my name is Mercy," introducing herself as my assigned caretaker.

She guided me to a bath prepared with rose petals and scented candles, a scene of relaxation. Grateful, I bowed to her, only to be reminded not to bow, and I waved her off.

 In the bath, I tried to ease into the luxury, but the wounds on my back refused to allow it. After some time, I finished and covered myself with a towel, making sure to hide my scars. Back in my room, a set of carefully chosen clothes awaited me—a long-sleeved purple dress, a golden necklace, a purple ribbon for my hair, and black underwear. Blushing at the thoughtfulness, and understanding that this was going to happen every day.

As I was dressing up, a playful voice interrupted me, saying, "I knew the black underwear would suit you." Startled, I saw it was Dante, and I quickly took the towel to cover myself. He walked in, still looking at me, stating, "Why are you hiding what's potentially mine? Are you forgetting that tomorrow you will be mine, and I will get to see you naked every single day," his words dripping with seduction.

"Anyways, that's not the reason I'm here. I wanted to remind you that you have a big day ahead of you, and we must go according to schedule.

You need to meet with my parents, the tailor, and the makeup artist, choose the decorations, and cake—the list goes on. Mercy will help you with everything."

"Finish up. I don't want to end up being tempted to do something to you." With that, he left the room leaving me with the thought of what he just said.

 Dressed and ready, I descended the stairs to where Dante awaited. His admiring gaze met mine, and he complimented, "You look lovely," kissing my hand. "Now that you are ready, let's go and meet my parents."

As we started to move, embarrassment washed over me. My stomach growled loudly, a consequence of not having eaten since the previous night. I blushed, hoping Dante hadn't noticed, uncertain of how he might react to such a human and involuntary moment.

As we continued walking, my stomach growled even louder. Dante stopped and looked at me but his face was expressionless , I didn't know if he was upset or not . "Let's go," he said, pulling my hand. Fear gripped me – would he have found it offensive? I quickly began apologizing, "Please, I'm so sorry. I didn't eat ,I didn't know my stomach would do that. I don't mean to embarrass you, please."

Arriving at the dining table, he pulled out a chair, gesturing for me to sit. "Why are you apologizing for being hungry?" Dante questioned as he sat opposite me.p

A sudden flashback hit me. In the past, my aunt had special guests, and as I served them, my stomach growled uncontrollably due to being starved for two days. After the guests left, my aunt locked me in my room and brutally beat me, accusing me of embarrassing her in front of guests.

Dante snapped his fingers, bringing me back to the present. I didn't even notice a chef standing next to me ."This is our trusty chef , Michael. anything you want he will prepare."

Turning to me, he asked, "What shall I serve for you ma'am?"

"Um, oatmeal with water will do," I replied. Oatmeal was my usual back home, the only time I had a nice breakfast were the left overs aunt Silvia and the rest would live. The chef looked at me confused, but Dante stopped him before he could leave.

"Forget about the oatmeal. I want the best breakfast prepared for her – a variety from which she can choose," Dante instructed, and the chef left to fulfill the order.

 When Dante said a variety, he wasn't joking. The chef brought trays filled with different kinds of food, various teas, juices, pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs, and other things I had never seen. I tried my best to hide my hunger, but the sight of the food made me salivate.

Sitting there, I looked at the food for a while. "Do you want me to feed you?" Dante asked. My eyes widened, and I quickly shook my head. I reached out for a plate full of pancakes, but he stopped me. Was it because I didn't know how to use fancy cutlery?

Pulling a chair, he sat next to me, taking the pancakes and attempting to feed me. I was so shy, no one had ever done this for me before. "Open your mouth slowly," he instructed as he fed me the pancakes. I ate half of it, and he changed to grab some waffles, pouring chocolate syrup on them and feeding me. I could feel some chocolate on the side of my lips; he took a finger, wiped it off, and licked it.

Minutes later, after tasting different foods, I was satisfied. For the first time in 15 years, I had a normal breakfast. The maids removed the plates, and we headed to meet the Mafia King and Queen.

 They were seated outside near the breathtaking garden, meticulously cared for and deserving of an award. Whoever tended to it had an eye for beauty.

Reaching them with Dante still holding my hands, I bowed down to greet them. They both smiled, and we took a seat. "Mother, father, this is the girl I told you about," Dante introduced me.

The queen looked at me, scanning me from head to toe. "She's prettier than you described her," she remarked. The king smiled and welcomed me, saying, "Welcome home, my child. Take care of this son of mine and make him happy."

The queen observed my eye and asked about it. I used the same lie Aunt Silvia used. The queen expressed relief, thinking I wasn't being abused. I just gave her a light smile. The king wished us well and left with Dante into the garden.

I remained with the queen, and she expressed her desire " Elena I want... children ....grandchildren before I kick the bucket." Blushing at her words, I gave her a smile.

We had a pleasant chat, she was very nice and kind and I got to know her on a personal basis.

After a long conversation, Dante returned and informed the queen that the king was waiting in the car to go back home. She resisted the rush, wanting to talk to me, her daughter-in-law. Dante explained our tight schedule, mentioning that my dress needed to be designed before the day ended.

The queen then suggested a better idea ," She can wear the dress I wore on my wedding day."

Both Dante and I loved the idea, so it was settled. The queen held my hands and expressed gratitude and said, " Thank you for saving my son. I will forever be grateful. Take care," she gave me a light peck on the cheek.

I smiled, hiding my confusion as I didn't fully understand what she meant by her statement, saved her son ? I guess she meant I saved him from marrying Antonia.

As the day came to an end, we cleared the schedule, and I was exhausted, longing for rest. Entering the bedroom, I found Dante already in bed, asleep. Hoping to sneak out and find a different room, I was about to leave when he caught me.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked. I froze and stammered, "I just want to get a glass of water."

He saw through my lie, saying, "Stop lying to me. Get changed into your sleeping clothes and come and sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."