
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · History
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43 Chs


My uncle passed from covid-19. It hit the whole family very hard because he was kept in quarantine the entire time and we weren't allow to visit. He died alone.

As you can imagine the whole process really effected me... as a result I've had a bad case of writers block.

I'm feel better and Im Going to knock out a chapter for you guys today. I'm going to get back the schedule I promised.

Thank you so much for hanging in there with me. I'm sooooo sorry for the delay's.

God bless you guys, and I hope your taking the covid issue seriously. I don't want any of you to go through what my family has just had to got through.