
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · History
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43 Chs

Picking out a mission

'Not around here. Bai Mei Li, sometimes it's not good to know everything all at once. Get stronger and I will naturally share more with you.'

Bai Mei Li was silent was a long while. She didn't like being kept in the dark. Although her body was young, she in fact was a grown woman. She obviously wouldn't like being treated like a protected child.

'Trust me, some knowledge isn't beneficial without strength.' Bi Yu spoke again after waiting a while for Bai Mei Li to say something but instead only getting silence.

'Alright, I'll trust you.' She said begrudgingly. She knew that she and Bi Yu were bonded now, and Bi Yu wouldn't do anything to hurt her because that wouldn't gain her anything. Although she didn't like the idea at all she still decided to give a little.

She didn't desire a combative relationship with Bi Yu. What she wanted was a working relationship, but to have that Bai Mei Li would have to give a little.

'I believe this information will help me understand Jun'ers background better so I will definitely get stronger as quickly as possible. When that times come I hope you won't hold back'

'I won't.'

'Good. Can you teach me how to make these arrays?' Bai Mei Li was extremely interested in the creation of arrays. The former Bai Mei Li hadn't had a interest in them at all so the majority of information that she had now was the information that she'd gained herself with the help of Bi Yu.

'I can. If you want to learn I can teach you.'

'Good, then teach me everything you know.'

Bi Yu scuffed. Everything she knew… what human besides her creator could possibly absorb all of her knowledge?

Bai Mei Li concentrated on information array. There was news on one side of the wall and missions that you can accept on the other. She read all the news and then looked over to the section that had all the missions. She read through them carefully before selecting one that looked like it would challenge her.

It was a request to kill a spirit beast that was terrorizing a village.

She had some experience killing spirit beasts so she thought that this would be the best for her. There were also missions that asked for bandits to be taken care of, but she didn't think that she was mentally ready to start killing people.

She knew, however that this was an inevitability.

In this would that she lived in there was no way around killing people. This was, after all, a dog eat dog world. It was impossible for her to not get into conflict with other cultivators. She knew that she would have to wrap her mind around killing people, she just wanted to try to do so slowly. She'd start out with animals and then move to people. Honestly she didn't want to kill or hurt anyone, but more then the idea of living peacefully she wanted to survive.

Pacifists wouldn't live long the cultivation world, and they certainly wouldn't have the ability to protect anything that they cared for. She'd spent enough time in denial, she knew that she had to face this knew reality that had been forced on her.

She'd taken on the responsibility of taking care of a child. She took that responsibility seriously. If she wasn't strong enough then she was just asking for trouble.

She also knew that strength was just one part of the problem. She also needed to harden her heart. She wasn't in peaceful China.

For the time being she decided to shake away all of these thoughts and just take one step at a time. She knew what needed to be done so she would just do it… rather she liked it or not.

'Bi Yu how to accept a mission?'

'Just hold the rune in front of the task and concentrate on the spiritual Qi used to write that task you want to accept and draw it into the rune.'

'Okay.' She took out the rune and placed it in front of the task she wanted to accept and then concentrated on drawing it in. Since this was the first time she'd attempted something like this it took her a few attempts before she was able to do it.

Once she had it she put the rune back into her spacial ring and looked to the side. There on the table were a bunch of parchment sheets. She picked one up and saw that it was another copy of the missions only this had a place for the seal of the official in charge. She guessed that she was supposed to bring this back as proof to receive pay.

She looked through the parchment and found the one for the mission that she'd accepted and store it in her spacial ring as well.

"Xiao Jun are you ready to go back home?" She said while smiling and looking down at him.

"I'm ready!" He said while nodding. He really wanted to look at the new books that his sister had helped him find. He really liked the pictures.

She grinned and led him out of the room. She made sure the room was closed properly and then left the building all together.

They made their way back to the guest apartments at a leisurely pace. Xiao Jun seemed to really enjoy looking around. Everything made him excited and he wanted to talk about everything that excited him.

Bai Mei Li was a patient as usual so they laughed and talked all the way back to the apartment.

As soon as they entered the hallway they saw Chu Ling holding a child in her arms. Bai Mei Li smiled and walked over and opened the door.

"Come on in, I hope you didn't wait too long." Bai Mei Li smiled and led them to the living room.

"No, we only got here a few minutes ago. We'll have to link our identity tokens that way we can send messages." Chu Ling sat down and place the child in her arms down. The little girl immediately stumbled her way to Xiao Jun. She grabbed onto his little robes and gazed up at him pitifully. It was clear that she wanted him to pick her up, but Xiao Jun was to little for that himself.

Xiao Jun looked up Bai Mei Li with a pitiful look himself.

Bai Mei Li shook her head and sat them both down on the ground. Chu Ling gave the little girl some toys to play with the she was instantly pacified. It appeared that she was happy just being besides him and playing.

"Yes, we should link them before you leave. You'll have to show me how. Is this your daughter?" She said while going back to the kitchen to make tea.

The kitchen and living room were close enough that they could talk to one another without having to raise their voices too much.

"Yes, her name is Chu Fei. She's two and half." You could hear the love in her voice. Chu Ling adored her daughter.

The fact that Chu Fei carried her mothers surname and not her fathers wasn't lost to Bai Mei Li, but she didn't say anything about it. She already decided that she wouldn't say anything until she had a better relationship with Chu Ling. Bai Mei Li wasn't a busy body by nature.

"She's adorable. You're very lucky to have such a cute daughter." She really was a beautiful child. She had perfect and delicate baby like features. Her skin was soft and looked so moist that it gave off the illusion that if you pinched her cheeks too hard you would be able to squeeze out water.

"Yea, it's my blessing." She said softly.

Bai Mei Li left it at that.

"And yea of course I'll show you how to link identity tokens. So what were and Xiao Jun up too today?"

"I visited the community center. I got my identity token for the sanctuary and picked up a mission. And took out some books for Jun'er and I" Bai Mei Li brought the tea to the table and then poured Chu Ling a cup.

"That's a great first stop. That's the first place I went to as well. You already picked out a mission… are you leaving soon?" Chu Ling picked up the tea and took a sip smiling in delight.

"No." Bai Mei Li poured herself a cup as well. "There's no time limit for this mission. I need to check this place out a bit more. I'll be gone longer than usual so I need to figure out what I'll do with Jun'er while I'm gone. I don't want to take him with me."

"That's not a problem! Just leave him with me." She smiled brightly. "Fei'er really likes him. It'll be nice for her to have someone at home to play with. What do you say?"

Bai Mei Li thought about it for a while. She knew that Chu Ling was harmless so she wasn't really worried about Xiao Jun being harmed. It was just that this child had so many secrets…

"That sounds like a good idea. Let me talk it over with Jun'er…"

"I want to go!" Xiao Jun spoke up immediately. He really liked this little sister. He didn't mind, he wanted to play more with her.