
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · History
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43 Chs

Domestic disturbance

The apartment was empty like she expected. They ran through without hesitation. Everything was shaking so violently that it felt as though the entire building could come down at any moment. The water around Bai Mei Li was snaking around her like python striking at falling debris.

She gathered it closely around her again and then slammed it into the wall. The two women held tightly onto the children as they jumped out of the hole in the wall that Bai Mei Li had just created.

The ground shuttered and cracked open. Bai Mei Li grabbed hold of Chu Ling's arm and jumped up off of the ground and out of the way of the splitting earth.

Once they settled down on the ground once more she looked to Xiao Jun and then Chu Ling and Fei'er.

"Are you two okay?" Bai Mei Li asked after Xiao Jun had told her that he was okay.

"Yea we are fine, what's going on?" She looked around in confusion.

"I'm not sure."

"We should go to the community certain. There's a special array set up there for emergencies." She touched Bai Mei Li's shoulder then turned and headed into the community center.

Bai Mei Li nodded and then looked in the direction that all the commotion appeared to be coming from. She could feel spikes of Qi coming from the direction that she was looking in… two different signatures. It was clear that this was a fight. She was shocked. She couldn't even begin to fathom how powerful these individuals were, but she could feel the fluctuations in the elements.

A cultivator could feel the subtle changes when the natural order in nature was disturbed. This disturbance happened when a practitioner or beast used skills that called upon their innate elements.

Bai Mei Li released her technique. It was a strain maintaining her control on the ice element while those two monsters were within the same vicinity. While she could get a vague feeling about what was going on she couldn't actually see anything so she shook off her thoughts and followed quickly after Chu Ling.

This wasn't safe after all, and there was no way she could protect Xiao Jun from who ever those monsters were that were fighting.

Getting to the community center didn't take them too long. Even though they couldn't use their top speeds because the children wouldn't be able to handle it the guest complex wasn't all that far from the center of town.

When the reached the building the found that just about everyone that wasn't a cultivator was gathered here.

Bai Mei Li had got here just after Chu Ling. Chu Ling was already talking to people, she walked over as well.

"Mei Li just about everyone is here they are about to activate the array." Chu Ling said when Bai Mei Li walked up to her.

"Do you know what's going on?"

"Yea, um." Chu Ling sighed and then explained the situation to Bai Mei Li. "Apparently this is just a domestic disturbance."

"…" Bai Mei Li was shocked speechless. "How is this that…" She pointed in the direction of the rising smoke that expressed the mass destruction currently going on where they were supposed to live. "Considered a domestic disturbance?"

"Well…I guess its Li Yu and his wife Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu is like us and has a very short temper. She's also very strong. I'm not sure what's set her off though."

"I heard that the Li family want Li Yu to take a concubine. I heard from my husband that the woman has already entered the household. How can she be sent back now? How cruel of them." The village woman that had just spoke shook her head.

Bai Mei Li gave an inward sigh as well. She wasn't a ancient woman either. How could she accept her man having multiple women. To her it was simply absurd, but she also understood that this was the way of this world.

"Did he agree?" Chu Ling asked a look of incredulity was clearly on her face. In her opinion there was no way Ye Xiu would or could accept another woman in her home like this. It was ridiculous. "They didn't even ask her opinion!" No matter how long Chu Ling had lived in this place she'd never conformed to their ideology. It was just too foreign to what she'd been previously raised to believe in.

"He probably just told her." Bai Mei Li said. The fight was more then likely the result of her being told that a new woman was now in her home. Bai Mei Li involuntarily shuttered at the thought.

"This is terrible." Chu Ling said.

"It depends on the way you look at it." Bai Mei Li smiled and comforted Chu Ling. "If he simply agreed then at least Ye Xiu knows what type of man he is. He likely made all sorts of promises to her. If he can't keep them then this will be her opportunity to leave. She isn't alone in this world. The Sanctuary is her support. If he doesn't accept it then she knows she made the right decision when she choose him. No Matter what it isn't easy to just go against your family, no matter who you are. If he does then it shows that he has a strong sense of character. Either way she'll have a better understanding of the man she married."

A few more people ran over to the area that they were in. Shortly after everyone it was together the ground underneath everyone vibrated. This signal that the array was being activated. With a swooshing sound a shield charged with the array covered the entire area that they were in.

"If he accepted I don't think that she'll feel fortunate." Chu Ling said as she put the struggling Fei'er down. Xiao Jun had been put down by Bai Mei Li so naturally Fei'er wanted to be on the ground with him.

"No, of course she won't. But that's okay so long as she doesn't do anything that she doesn't regret. If she can accept the woman then that's fine. We aren't on earth anymore. This world isn't bound by our old customs. But if she can't adjust and he's accepted the woman that his family prepared for him then it's better for the both them that she walk away. There's no happiness to be found in that kind of situation."

"It's not always easy to just walk away."

"No, but just because something is hard doesn't mean you should just turn away from it. She might be sad if she left but in the long run she'll have her entire life to find someone else that will better share her core values. If she stays and she can't accept it then she'd just wasting both of their time." Bai Mei Li looked up and saw Fan Tao and Chai Ying flying towards the commotion.

This meant that everything was likely going to be settling down soon.

"I wish I knew what was happening." Chu Lings gossiping soul was agitated. She really wanted to know rather or not he'd actually accepted.

"Well its probably still dangerous right now."

"No way, with Fan Tao heading over there everything is as good as settled."

Bai Mei Li thought about it for a moment and then called to Bi Yu. 'Is there a way to get out of this array without breaking it completely?'

"What about Fei'er and Xiao Jun?" She asked out loud.

"That's not a problem. I see a few friends here that will watch them while we… wait why is that important? We can't leave until the array is deactivated." Chu Ling frowned a little looking at Bai Mei Li.

'Yes there's a way. But it'll only last for a short while' Bi Yu's childish voice sounded in Bai Mei Li's head.

'Good, teach me… will it take long?' Bai Mei Li said walking over to the array. She found a secluded area.

'No, it's fairly simple.'

Chu Ling and the children followed her. Bai Mei Li looked back at them a smile.

"Go and give them to your friend. We'll be leaving shortly… hurry back."