
A Villain In Red

In a fantastical twist of fate, Janet Mcquincy is thrust into a world she never imagined possible—a romance novel she once devoured, now turned into an otome game. But her excitement turns to dread when she awakens not as a beloved heroine but as Veronica Henderson, the dreaded villain destined for a desolate and heart-wrenching fate. Determined to defy the cruel hand of destiny, Janet, now Veronica, embarks on a daring mission: to befriend the captivating male leads and steer her story away from the treacherous path of banishment. Along the way, she forms unexpected bonds with delightful and quirky characters, who prove to be both allies and friends in this intricate game of fate. Just as she starts to feel invincible with her knowledge of the original novel's plot, a startling revelation shatters her confidence. She realizes that the game's universe operates independently from the novel, leaving her vulnerable to unforeseen twists and turns. Panic sets in as she discovers that not only her fate but the lives of everyone in this enchanting world are at grave risk. In a realm where happiness hangs in the balance, Janet must summon every ounce of courage and wit to confront the impending danger. With time slipping away and danger lurking around every corner, she finds herself entangled in a heart-pounding race against destiny itself. Will Janet seize control of her own narrative and forge an extraordinary love story? In this breathtaking isekai romance, where fate holds sway and uncertainty reigns, the battle for happiness becomes a daring quest—one that will captivate your heart and leave you breathless until the very last page. "Discover a world where destiny weaves an unpredictable tale, and love becomes the ultimate quest. Join Janet Mcquincy on a thrilling journey, where her determination to find happiness defies the boundaries of reality itself." Author's Note: That synopsis took me a week to write with help from my English and Literature teachers. Thank you for reading my novel. I apologize because some of my first chapters are really long and jam packed. Please bear with me and don't let it discourage you from reading. The story is good I promise. Though it may take a while for the story to pick up. It might not get interesting until the 68th chapter but I implore you to give it a chance. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's my first novel so please support me (٥↼_↼). Vote, comment even an emoji will suffice.

Internet_mouse · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Invitation and the Decision

I wonder what I can do to get rid of the Baron. My main objective should be figuring out how to survive in this world. But I've only ever dealt with problems by diligently ignoring them. And I'm not particularly good with goal setting.

Nothing like a little side quest to get one motivated right?

Plus I'm not in the mood to see any of the other characters.

I look out the window of my study. A knock at the door draws my attention. A tall young man wearing a butler's uniform steps in. He meets my gaze and his face becomes a bright red.

"I'm terribly sorry please forgive my rudeness. I didn't mean to forget to ask for permission I'm so sorry"

His panic is understandable. It would be considered rude to enter a noble's study without permission. But I'm not big on conduct so I don't really care.

"It's alright did you need something"

"Um well it's just you went out this afternoon so I didn't have the chance to serve you some light meals. I've brought them for you"

He drags in a serving tray carrying a tea set and other finger dishes.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even think to ask if you still wanted these. I'm apologize for my impudence"

Goodness is everyone around here this uptight?!

"It's okay no need to fret about it. I'll be happy to have them"

He brings the tray over to me and starts pouring me a cup of tea. From time to time he occasionally glances at me and back to his task.

"I don't bite you know" I say flashing him a small smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I was just"

His face is even redder than before

"It's alright so tell me what's your name"  I ask inquisitively

He looks taken aback for a brief moment but answers me.

"It's Javis my lady"

"Javis... Javis.... Javis. I like your name"

"Um.. Thank you my lady" He replies clearly not really sure how to respond to my comment.

His embarrassment is adorable.

"Please go and fetch Sonya for me"

He bows his head and exits the room. Am I really that scary?! I don't think so. Veronica is a beautiful woman but I don't think she came off as intimidating to anyone.

She just gave off a spoilt rich kid vibe. A person who solved half her problems by throwing money at them.  Now that I really think about Veronica's is actually the youngest character in the book when compared side by side with the other characters. She's only twenty years old.  Charlotte was twenty two when Damien started taking interest in her. Damien was twenty four and Erick was twenty two. Just how old was Veronica when their engagement was announced. Jake and Keith are both twenty three. Alexander is the oldest male lead, he's twenty six.

"Excuse me my lady I've brought Sonya" A voice from behind the door calls out.

"Come in"

Sonya steps in and closes the door behind her.

"You called for me my lady" She bows her head. She's wearing a smile she's trying her best to hide.

"How's your brother doing" I ask trying to keep the worry in my voice hidden.

"I cannot thank you enough my lady for what you've done for me. I shall be eternally grateful" 

I'm just glad I could be off help. There was never any mention of another Baron apart from Jake in the novel so my interest is quite piqued at what actually happens outside of Charlotte's love story.

"I'd like to speak to him is he awake?"

"Yes he is my lady"

"Then I believe I'll have a word with him"

I get up from my chair and leave the room with Sonya following me from behind.

I can worry about this story later. If I'm guessing correctly. Charlotte should be playing around with Damien. Probably seducing him I hate that woman so much.

I open the door of the guest room and Sonya closes the door behind me. On the bed is her brother who's currently scarfing down a large platter of food. He eats with much gusto quite like his sister.

On seeing me he chokes on a bite. But quickly collects himself. He jumps off the bed and greets me.

"I see you're doing much better" I say loudly making my presence known.

"Thank you for what you've done for me. Lady Henderson" he says as he gives a small bow.

"If it's alright with you I'd like to ask you some questions"

He gives me a puzzled look.

"About what my lady"

"I'd like to hear the exact details of what exactly transpired between you and the Baron. You're recovering from some serious injuries. You should be resting not moving about" I say softly and motion for him to sit down on the bed.

He sits back on the bed and bites his lip.

"It's a long story" he said solemnly.

"Well it's a good thing we've got all the time in the world"

He looks over to his sister who gives him a reaffirming nod before focusing back on me.

"Well I sell cloth to various designers and I'm normally at the docks to buy silk brought in from other kingdoms. On normal occasions I usually wrap up my business in the afternoon but I'd stayed a little bit too late negotiating with a buyer for a particular set of goods. It was pitch dark outside and not a single soul was in sight. I suddenly heard a muffled scream coming from somewhere close to me. I was scared out of my mind and I ran. But then I heard the sound of whip cracking and the sound of a small girl crying soon followed. That should have been my first warning sign that I shouldn't have stuck around. I knew I should have turned around and ignored it but my curiosity mingled with the fear I was feeling at that moment got the better of me. I followed the faint sound to a ship still unloading.

It was dark so I couldn't see much but I could see the figure of a man who was whipping something lying on the floor. More people came out of the vessel with their necks and feet chained together. I knew right away I'd stumbled up something I shouldn't have. I tried to leave quietly but I knocked over some bottles and gave away my location.

Before I could run I was grabbed from behind. They gagged my mouth and dragged me out. I tried to scream but it was muffled. They beat me and tied me up. I got chained and thrown in with the rest.

I thought I was going to die. But they kept me in this dark and dirty cell. It was pitch black in there and I was almost certain I'd die in there without ever seeing the sun again. Every day the Baron would come and he'd beat me with a whip until I was too tired to cry out. The whip would dig into my flesh and tear out of it with each stroke. It was maddening. He'd always whisper into my ear how I would die here and left to rot. Then he'd....."

At this point he's violently trembling and shaking. And clearly can't recount anymore.

"It's alright there's no need for you to say anymore" I say as gently as possible.

"Thank you for telling me sir. I shall look into the matter. For the meantime do please make your self comfortable"

He nods his head and clutches himself tightly.

"If you need anything simply ask and it will be given to you"

I exit the room leaving Sonya to comfort her brother. I can still hear him trying to calm him down.

"My lady" a voice calls out from behind me.

I let out a startled cry turning around to see Javis behind me.

"You gave me a fright. Do you need something"

"I apologize my lady but there was an issue I'd like to ask you about" He says giving me a small bow.

"Well what is it?"

"It's about this invitation you received from Marchioness Anastasia Novan. He pulls out an envelope from his breast pocket."Do we start preparations or are you going to decline it"

I didn't hear much about any other nobles apart from the main characters in the novel. I'm a bit curious about those who don't play a significant role. But I'm not one for socializing. I'd rather stay here than go out.

"My lady events like this are what make up the core aesthetics of a noble woman such as yourself.  You can't afford to decline, it may taint your reputation"

He saw right through me. I really don't want to go.

"Ha! My reputation is already bad so what good will attending it do me" I say sharply.

"Please do consider going my lady. I fear that you may isolate yourself at this rate. Besides a little bit of socializing won't kill you" he says with a small smile.

I'm not thinking clearly. I can improve my reputation if I go out and socialize. Try and convince people I'm not the spoiled scary brat that Veronica is. And there'll be delicious food and I'll make other noble friends that'll take my side if I'm ever in a tangle with the heroine.

"Alright I guess I will be attending" I say trying to mask the enthusiasm in my voice.

"Understood my lady. I shall start packing immediately. If we leave first thing tomorrow morning we can get to Assenav within the span of three days"