
a Villain for the Villainess

Truck-kun did his job again, Vila found herself into a body of the villainess w unhappy ending will she change her ways or stick to her script

Alxyxl · Fantasy
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3 Chs

First day of the academy

"Princess it's time to leave"

"Right I'm coming"

The first day of the academy has arrived Morissa kept her feelings bottled up showed  to no one not even to Yumi, yet Yumi always sensed something was off with Morissa she would always try her best to please her even though it looked like it worked it didn't feel right.

"I can't believe I can't come with you" Yumi said in tears,

"it's alright I'll be fine" Morissa reassures her.

"Promise to write letters" Yumi adds.

"y-yeah don't forget about us to" Liz faltered

"yeah I'll write all of you guys letters" Morissa smiled at The sight of Liz and Alex.

"If I don't leave now I might be late to the train" She adds on before going on to the carriage as she waves everyone goodbye through the carriage window she seats back and relaxes taking a sigh of relief that her every move won't be watched 24/7

As the carriage slowly comes for a stop Morissa gets out and boards the last train to the school as the train comes to a stop Morissa and few other students were guided to the entrance of the school.

Crean academy a magic school.

Noticing everyones arrival, she walks closer to the closed gates she suddenly stops upon hearin a loud voice shouting. Looking up she sees an adult in there early late 40s ontop of a high pillar 30 ft tall.

"This shall be your first test" The Lady yells .

"You all will need to find the entrance within the time limit, that means you have 5 hours this shall determine the class you will be put in The people who do not make it will be put in the bottom class. no one wants to be their" the lady continues on.

"Her voice is so loud" someone mumurs.

the gate slowly starts opening "the test will Begin in 3..2..1..time has started!!!" Everyone rushed in Morissa was the only left instead of running in she walked towards the gates she notices a weird paper hiding on the side of the pillar she unraffles the paper for it to reveal some kind of route. She took the paper and guiding her self through the forest.

"AAAAAA" a scream played.

She jumped and the scream the scream sounded like it was right infront of her right beyond her trail she walked towards the sound. There was a girl her blonde hair was full of mud and her sad green eyes were full of tears.

"He-lp me please I'm stuck-" the girl yelps.

"how?" Morissa replies.

"I don't know Just DO SOMETHING" she says her voicing getting louder as the branch tightens on her foot.

The girl was stuck it was a a tree branch stuck on her food actually more like a tree branch grabbing her foot.

"It's not getting off of me no matter how much I pull it hurts it's tightening on my foot. I don't want to cut my foot off will I have to NOO" The girl starts panicking.

"Flint do u have some flint?" Morissa ask.

"I might've seen some over there" she points over at slippery muddy area.

Morissa starts to walk towards there she reaches down for the flint...she crouches reaching down and down she grabs two pieces of flint she slowly gets up not trying to lose her balance...She returned back to the crying girl and then she grabs a pile of sticks as she strikes the to rocks together the girl yelps in pain.

"What r u doing help me I feel like my foot is breaking" the girl says in tears.

She ignores her focusing on making the fire when she finally does she picks up on of the sticks and walks up towards the girl.

"What the HECK are you going to burn me PLEASE NO" the girl screams in fright.

Morissa looked at her with a confused frown, before crouching near the girls foot that stuck on the branch she puts the fire near the branch as the branch retreats

"Oh my gosh thank you how did you know that would've worked" The girl says

"I didn't know it could move" Morissa mumbles

"what- do u mean u would've burned the branch with my foot under it" The girl says frightened.

"What nooo I would neverr~" Morissa replies w a sarcastic tone shaking her head slowly

The girl takes a sigh of relief

"Um anyways you can call me Jane and your Morissa dier right I've heard about you, you don't seem to be all that bad" Jane says

"I thought you were going to burn my face off you know because your Morissa dier" Jane blabbers on not noticing what she saying

Morissa just stared at her awkardly

"oh I'm sorry- I mean rumours will just be rumours haha-" Jane chuckles nervously