
Before the Storm - III

It was less an investigation and more... a perusal of records. Though the death of that alchemical master remained an unsolved mystery, to the all-seeing eyes of Flamefeast, it was merely an anecdote, a trivial tale to be recounted over leisurely tea.

Unfurling the scroll, Evora devoured the essential details of Eileen's demise. As her eyes swiftly scanned the document, her expression grew increasingly animated, her lips curling into a smile that, by the end, erupted into boisterous laughter.

"Ha... Hahaha! Ziegler... Ziegler! So it turns out your family is nothing but a band of jesters, delightful, how utterly delightful!"

The princess on the throne laughed heartily, "Is this what you've been chasing? I'm quite looking forward to the moment you discover the truth, oh... and Ansel, that devil, must be anticipating it as well."