Draig had turned in his quests and collected the rewards gaining a decent sum of gold and silver for his troubles, his purchase of the Farm house had been successful though he ended up buying it for the same sum he would for one of the higher end dwelling in the main district. It was no bother to him as he had expected to be spited by this point, a few weeks had gone by and the old rickety shack that had once been the Farm house was gone.
Now in it's place stood a moderate sized house made from cheap materials, the Vampire had actually hired a few of the men from the surrounding populace at the edge of the district to build the home for him which had been done at a fair price thanks to their ignorance on his condition. Draig appreciated the normalcy that the people here treated him with which was a stark contrast to what he would deal with upon entering the inner districts towards the Stronghold's center.
He hadn't allowed the attack affect him too much, he had just settled for not dealing with the Guild Association in it's entirety unless it was to take on a quest so he could have a stable source of income but he would be lying if he said his opinion of the mage had turned sour.
'Weird Mage' thought Draig as he shook his head to clear it of this train of thought.
He was currently busy hammering on a small piece of metal and shaping it into a ring while channeling his Mana with purpose. Each increment of Mana would take shape as a sigil lining to band, this was something he had found himself in great need of, a storage ring. The reason being that he simply couldn't carry all the things he had seen in the Beast lands back to his dwelling, with the Storage ring that predicament would be solved and allow him to carry many things and thus create a stockpile.
Soon the ring had fully taken shape and the last sigil lit upon it's surface before the symbols seemed to string together and emit a beautiful glow before fading.
'At least this is one thing going in my favor' thought Draig, he still remained ignorant of his true condition merely counting it up to his 'System' however this thought was interrupted by a knocking at his door which was odd.
'Who would be seeking me out' pondered Draig as he stood from his work and used his claw to puncture his own palm using his Blood Armory to bring forth a dagger that he stowed behind his back in case it was the worst.
"Draig, hello. Are you home" came the clearly feminine voice causing the Vampire even more confusion.
He opened the door and his gaze narrowed at the sight of four people standing at his door, two in armor, decaying, and one looking in interest.
"What do you want" asked Draig opening the door only enough for his face to be shown.
"We have brought our girl's here to apologize" smiled Gregory, the corpses leathery face ripping a bit from the action.
"Dad, your so gross" spoke the green haired girl though she didn't actually seem bothered by it.
"I would also like to apologize for not understanding the situation" spoke Jared though he seemed a bit reluctant on the matter.
"Alright, you have delivered your apologies. You may go now" stated Draig as he made to close the door causing Gregory to wave in panic.
"Wait, why don't you invite us in for a talk. I'm sure your mind is still reeling from the attack." called the necromancer.
"No, I am perfectly fine. It's not the first time this has happened the only difference is I can defend myself now. Thus I will continue on just as I have for all this time" answered Draig refusing the group.
"Well still we would like to get to know you, besides Jane and Diana here are also soloers. It would be good for you all to familiarize yourselves with each other" responded Gregory.
"With supervision of course" cut in Jared causing the armored girl at his side to stomp on his foot but all that was heard was metal clanking against metal.
"You have much to learn little knight" smirked Jared until the armored fist of his daughter struck his helmet causing it ring loudly causing the large Blood Knight to grasp his helmet to stop the sound.
"I have learned enough" came the echoing voice from the black suit of armor.
Draig stared at the group and felt himself wonder if this is how all people acted, he didn't really pay attention to how others treated one another because he was always focused on how they were treating him so he wasn't sure.
"I'll be going now" stated Draig as he shut the door leaving the quartet sitting there staring blankly.
"Did he just ignore us...." asked Gregory
"That he did Greg, that he did" answered Jared solemnly allowing the group to sit in silence for but a moment.
Draig had sat down and was looking at his ring as it began to cool but was still quite hot to the touch but he jumped to his feet when his door was bashed through by a menacing Blood Knight.
"Nice place brat" spoke the Knight as he made his way inside.
"Thank you for the invitation" stated Gregory
"Pardon our intrusion" smiled Diana and Jane speaking simultaneously.
Draig stared at the group with his brow twitching furiously, these people apparently didn't know the meaning of no.
"I wish to be alone" stated Draig hoping that these people would just leave.
"Where's the fun in that, you need to interact with people and it's rude to just push your guests away" laughed Gregory as he took a seat in a nearby chair.
"Hey aren't you going to prepare some tea" asked Diana as she took a seat as well.
"There isn't any tea" grunted Draig while he quickly gripped his ring into his hand to avoid the nosiness of these people.
"No tea, what kind of host are you" asked Jared with Jane at the side nodding resolutely.
"The kind that has prices inflated when he enters a store" stated Draig sighing as he found himself lost, he couldn't force these idiots out because of the two super powered men and he couldn't talk them into leaving.
"Then how did you afford this house" asked Diana doubtfully
"The people on the edge of the district don't know about my class and thus they treat me rather fairly" answered Draig.
"Then why don't you buy tea from them" asked Gregory while Jared and Jane looked at the simple forge sitting right in the main room.
"Hey, I didn't know Vampires played with forges" cut in Jared causing Draig to sigh.
'These people are all on different pages, one set asks about tea the other about a forge. Maybe I should relocate....' wondered Draig before getting rid of the thought, it was too expensive to be moving like that.
"Hey what's this" asked Diana picking up a glowing purple vial.
"Put that down, it's bad enough I have to entertain you all against my will but don't go messing with my things" started Draig but Gregory was also captivated by the Vial along with Jared.
"That's a Goblin's potion" gasped Gregory as he popped the lid and took a whiff of the substance.
"That's quite the luck, finding so many" noted Jared as he knew just how hard it was to get these things unless you went deep into the Beast lands where the Danger far outweighed the benefits of fighting goblins. A small clan could possess up to a couple hundred while some of the larger ones could number in the millions, thus the reason for his surprise.
"Yes, luck...." spoke Draig with a sigh, he was already exhausted from dealing with these people.
"You were smart to separate them into small vials, a Goblin's potion is much more potent and thus addicting than that of a human's. Heaven forbid if you became an addict, who knows what you would do just to get more of this stuff" noted Gregory with a shiver as some of the thoughts were less than savory.
"Can I have one" asked Diana suddenly as she stared at the pretty liquid causing Gregory to instantly get on her case.
"Did you not just hear what I said, that is a high commodity among Guilders let alone a soloer. You can't just ask for something like that, stupid brat" growled Gregory as he went to reprimand her further but the girl had put on a tearful look as she stared at her father causing his will to weaken.
Draig at this point had suddenly remembered his Daily Mission, he should have completed after fighting the two girls and seeing as he had won it should be a good reward.
Opening the menu he went to the tab listed and collected the reward and felt a bit let down when he saw it.
'Vampire Kata: The noble martial art of the Vampire, used to deliver devastating strikes while preserving one's elegant demeanor on the battlefield. Level beginner' read Draig with a sigh as new information began entering his head and he felt that his body had changed a bit.
"Hey, are you listening" called Diana with Jane taking the chance to poke Draig on the shoulder bringing him from his trance.
"What do you want" asked Draig swatting Jane's hand away.
"Dad repeat what you just said" sighed the girl.
"You listen as well as your Master" started Gregory but meeting the rueful gaze of Draig he coughed and stopped that line of talk.
"I was saying that when we met previously I sensed a familiar energy from you, you wouldn't happen to dabble in raising the dead would you" asked Gregory causing Draig to raise a brow.
"I possess a skill called Necromancy however I haven't used it before" answered Draig causing Gregory to light up in excitement.
"Well then you are in luck, I happen to be the Necromancer class" stated Gregory puffing his bony chest out.
"I see, then is that an offer to teach me" asked Draig as he found the idea attractive.
"Of course, the undead must stick together after all" smiled the corpse but Jared seemed a bit put out by the conversation.
"I don't suppose you work with a sword" asked Jared with hope causing the two girls at the side to pout.
"I have my Blood Armory skill, it allows me to craft my weapons from blood" explained Draig causing Jared to become just as excited as he demonstrated his own ability causing a heavy torrent of blood to spill from the inside of his armor and take form in the shape of a giant sword.
"I see, anyways Gregory was it? When can we begin, I find the Necromancy skill to be an interesting resource at my disposal but didn't want to try anything without proper understanding" stated Draig ignoring Jared who seemed to deflate.
"Well I am actually going to be busy setting everything in order as I have just retired and moved back to this district, I still have much to do in that regard. However I know where you live now so when I have finished everything I'll stop by, how's that sound" asked Gregory as he had kind of jumped the gun on the offer.
"That would be for the best" answered Draig as he had forgotten about the ring in his hand and thus the two began talking while Jared would comment in between leaving the two girls at the side pouting at being ignored.
The men spoke until the sun began to fall and they bid farewell to one another.
'They aren't so bad I suppose' thought Draig as he too turned in for the evening with thoughts of training on his mind.