
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Strategic Planning

With the crucial task of provisioning the army meticulously orchestrated, caravans laden with crates of rations, barrels of clean water, and sacks of grain arrived from nearby villages and farms. Freya, with unwavering determination, oversaw the storage and distribution of these provisions, leaving no detail overlooked to ensure that every knight would have sustenance in the field.

As the sun sank below the horizon, the supply and logistics operations persisted deep into the night. The camp buzzed with activity as carts rolled in and out, knights diligently loaded provisions, and the ever-diligent Sir Roland meticulously recorded every item.

The logistics team toiled tirelessly, tending to the needs of the horses, repairing wagons, and dispatching scouts to secure new sources of supplies. It was a delicate symphony of coordination and efficiency, aimed at sustaining the knights in the field and providing them with the best chance of victory.

After acquiring the complete Blue Eagle armor set, Chase and his comrades went their separate ways. Chase returned to his dormitory, clutching a wooden box containing his newly acquired armor.

"Time slips through our fingers like sand," Chase reflected, stretching his weary limbs and contemplating the preparations and the impending battle that loomed over them.

Halting his stretching, Chase scanned the room, searching for something to occupy his time until Freya summoned him once again.

"Oh, that's right," Chase exclaimed, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small vial containing a red strength potion."Freya entrusted this to me. Now is the time to employ its power."

-The label on the vial read:

-Strength Potion-

-Grade: Rare-

-Effects: Enhances strength and endurance-

Chase entered the bathroom, filling a large wooden tub with water. He then uncorked the vial, and a waft of invigorating scent filled the air a potent blend of mystery and floral blossoms that tantalized the senses.

"Oh, This aroma is so captivating," Chase remarked, savoring the fragrance until it dissipated into the air.

With great care, he poured the crimson elixir into the tub, observing with wonder as the water underwent a metamorphosis, swirling and twirling in a mesmerizing helix of scarlet hues spiral.

"Fascinating," Chase marveled at the mesmerizing sight, his gaze fixed on the spiraling water until it gradually subsided, leaving behind a tranquil surface.

Undressing himself, he revealed a lean and defined body, his shoulders exuding strength, and his arms brimming with well-toned muscles. With a sigh of contentment, Chase stepped into the water, "Oh, this feels so good" succumbing to the blissful sensation that enveloped him. It felt as if he were floating on clouds, embraced by the gentle caress of ethereal wings.

Splash after Splash, Chase propelled the water with his hands, relishing the way it cascaded against his skin. Each contact with the water imbued him with a sense of power and vitality, causing the veins on his body to expand, visible through his skin, as if they were urging him to push his limits.

"Whoa, this sensation is incredibly potent," Chase exclaimed, his skin tightening and muscles expanding. "I wonder why Freya gave us this powerful potion and gear. Well, for now, I'll simply enjoy this new strength and inquire about it later."

Lost in the feeling of the strength potion, Chase spent the rest of the day sleeping in the tub, only emerging once the red color had dissipated from the water, indicating that the potion had run its course.

"I suppose it's over," Chase sighed with a tinge of disappointment, longing for more uses of the potion. "But I definitely need to acquire more of these."

Checking his stats, Chase noticed that his strength, had increased by five points, and his physique had risen by an equal measure.

"This was definitely worth it," Chase rejoiced, excitement coursing through his veins. "I have 800 knight points. Why don't I invest in some of them?"

Determined, Chase spent 500 knight points to bolster his stats, adding ten points to his stamina, seven points to strength, and five points to perception. He couldn't help but notice that as his stats increased, the new cost of his stats is now 12, making further advancements more challenging to his goal.

"It seems I will need many more knight points to continue leveling up," Chase lamented, realizing the uphill climb that lay ahead.

Satisfied with his progress, Chase retired for the night, succumbing to a well-deserved slumber.

The following day, Freya called for everyone's presence.

Within the war room, an air of anticipation and determination engulfed the space as Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke gathered to meet Freya. Maps unfurled upon the table, illuminated by the flickering glow of enchanted torches. Each member took their place, their eyes fixed upon the strategic layout that lay before them.

"Before we begin," Freya announced, her voice commanding attention, "I have something important to convey."

A collective breath was drawn as everyone awaited Freya's revelation.

"From this moment onward, you shall no longer be mere trainee knights," Freya declared, a hint of gravity lingering in her words. "Instead, each of you shall be entrusted with your own company of knights for this war."

Realization dawned upon their faces of them but not Chase, their expressions transitioning from shock to a glimmer of understanding. Freya had seen their potential, which was why she had bestowed upon them such powerful gear.

'I always suspected that something was amiss,' Ava thought to herself, her gaze fixed upon Freya with newfound admiration. 'She did mention that we were among the best knights.'

However, before they could dwell on their newfound responsibilities, Chase interjected, his voice betraying a sense of astonishment. "Wait a minute. I thought our role was to assist, not fight."

"Haha, Chase, you truly are naive," Alex chimed in, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Do you believe Freya would provide us with such powerful gear without expecting us to put it to use?"

Chase's eyes widened as he realized the truth in Alex's words. Why would Freya bestow such powerful equipment upon them if not for the purpose of battle?

"Alright, but what are we supposed to do?" Ava inquired, her voice tinged with concern. "We have had very little combat experience. How can we possibly succeed?"

Freya, with a composed demeanor, began orchestrating the display of four different toy soldiers, each wielding weapons that mirrored those of Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke. She arranged them in four distinct lines upon the map, extending towards the western wall.

"Each of you shall lead a company of two hundred knights, with your lines pushing forward," Freya explained, her finger tracing the path on the map. "Alex, you shall command the West Wing, Luke the East Wing, Ava the West, and Chase the East, positioned between Luke and Alex."

Freya's gaze encompassed them, letting them absorb the gravity and the opportunity that lay before them.

"This will be your battlefield. Here, your survival instincts and battle prowess shall be tested," Freya declared, her voice resonating with authority. "And should those instincts fail you..."

Ava's voice quivered as he interrupted, unable to suppress her fear. "And what if they do?"

"Then you do not deserve the title of knight," Freya retorted sharply, her words laden with harsh reality.

Chase, Ava, and Alex shuddered involuntarily, the weight of Freya's words settling upon them. This war demanded their utmost dedication and instinctual prowess. They fervently prayed that their training had sufficiently prepared them for the war ahead.

"The Tramid Kingdom has the Green Griffin Knights," Freya continued, her expression betraying a hint of concern. The gravity of her words was not lost on any of them" The Green Griffin Knights are formidable Knights."

"So, Today we shall devise our plan of attack," Freya assured them, her eyes scanning each face with a mixture of determination and anticipation. "While our enemies may be formidable, we possess the strength, unity, and strategic advantage to emerge victorious."

Heads nodded in unison, understanding the need to work cohesively as a unit and formulate a plan that capitalized on their strengths while exploiting their enemies' weaknesses.

"Very well, but we have had minimal training in offensive and defensive maneuvers," Alex pointed out, scratching the back of his head in confusion. "What can we possibly bring to the table?"

Ava looked at Alex. "It's not just about offensive and defensive maneuvers," she retorted, her frustration evident. "I have studied various tactics. Although I haven't read about the specific one Freya is about to mention, I am certain it will be of interest to us all."

Chase observed Ava with a gentle spark of curiosity in his eyes, noticing the purple energy that occasionally manifested around her. It seemed to coincide with her heightened knowledge and moments of insight.

"In essence, the plan is called the Storm of Strikes," Freya divulged, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Ava widened her eyes hearing Freya's attack plan.

"What the Storm of Strikes, are you sure?"Ava Asked in shock.

Freya nodded her head with a certain look on her face.

"But it has no defense it will cost us a lot of knights," Ava said Expressing disagreement, then they both started arguing among themselves.

Chase and Alex were immediately captivated by the intriguing name, their curiosity piqued.

'What is the Storm of Strikes do that got Ava so worked up' Chase thought.

"Hello, we're still here," Alex said getting Ava and Freya's attention"Good now what the Storm of Strikes.

Ava looked at Alex with a touch of anger, regarding him as an ignorant fool, frustration lacing her voice as she responded, "It's not as simple as it sounds. The Storm of Strikes is an all-out offensive strategy, prioritizing lethal blows over defensive measures."

Alex shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing Ava's concerns. "Well, I don't mind forsaking defense. I prefer a relentless offensive approach."

Ava's anger flared, and she regarded Alex with a mixture of irritation and disbelief. "No, you don't understand. It is a risky plan that can result in heavy casualties. The last time it was employed in our kingdom's history, it nearly led to our extinction."

Freya's eyes narrowed with a flash of anger upon hearing Ava's final words. She had not forgotten the cost of that battle, nor the ramifications it had on their kingdom.

"Ava, this plan is finally," Freya declared with conviction, slamming her fist on the desk to release a wave of powerful and scary energy toward everyone, making them feel a sense of danger.

Ava gave up on disagreeing with Freya's plan and back up the other but in have mind she still wished she can change Freya's mind.

"Alright, but what about the enemy's supply lines? If we can disrupt their provisions, it may give us an advantage," Chase interjected, attempting to shift the conversation toward a more practical approach.

"Our scouts have uncovered a critical weakness in the enemy's supply chain," Freya revealed, her gaze unwavering. "By disrupting their flow of provisions, we can weaken their forces and gain a significant advantage."

Chase and Ava exchanged thoughtful glances, their minds ablaze with ideas and possibilities. It was evident that their strategy needed to be multifaceted, capitalizing on their own strengths while exploiting the vulnerabilities of The Green Giffin Knights.

Acknowledging the significance of their weapons and armor, Alex spoke up, voicing a crucial concern. "We possess exceptional weapons and armor. However, we must also ensure that our forces are adequately equipped for the challenges that lie ahead."

Freya nodded in agreement. "One of my knights has devised a plan to establish forward supply depots along our route," she disclosed. "These depots will serve as replenishment points, ensuring our troops are well-fed and equipped, even in the heart of battle."

A sense of hope flickered within the hearts of Chase, Ava, and Alex. They could sense that with careful planning and coordination, victory was within their grasp.