
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Graduation Part-2

Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke walked into the castle's Great Hall, an awe-inspiring chamber with a soaring, vaulted ceiling. The walls were adorned with exquisite tapestries depicting the kingdom's rich history and the legendary adventures of the mythical Blue Eagle. The hall filled with noblewomen, men, and fellow knights who were also about to graduate.

"It's the four heroes," someone exclaimed, and a surge of excitement swept through the hall. People hurriedly made their way toward Chase and the others, stumbling and jostling one another in their eagerness to get closer.

Numerous women gathered around Chase, attempting to flirt but doing so in hilariously awkward ways, causing beads of sweat to form on their brows. Alex, on the other hand, graciously engaged with multiple women, making his way through the hall. Luke, seemingly uninterested in the attention, leaned against a wall at the side of the hall, closing his eyes. all the women and men, an walked to the side of the hall, leaning on the wall closing his eye.

As the women spoke to Ava, they sought advice about battle techniques and how to grow stronger like the four heroes.

Amidst the crowd of admirers, Chase ignored the incessant attempts at conversation, instead, his eyes lit up when he spotted a table filled with food. 'Perfect,' he thought, and without hesitation, he made his way over.

Dodging the women who tried to intercept him, Chase swiftly approached the table, excitement evident in his eyes as he surveyed the delicious offerings. "Where should I start?" he wondered, scanning the array of food before settling on a delectable blue cake. With a satisfied exclamation of "Oh, so good," Chase bit into the cake, then proceeded to enjoy sweet treats and drinks before indulging in savory meats, Chase picked up the large piece of meat smelling the strong aroma"This meat smells delicious"Chase continued eating out of all the food at a very fast pace.

Everyone around the hall started at him, but Chase ignored them and continued eating, Ava behind him talking to guests, trying to maintain the image of the four heroes, intervened. Annoyed, "Excuse me a moment," she approached Chase,' What the hell Chase today you are here to look the best'Ava thought,

"Chase" Ava called out, but Chase didn't hear.

"Chase" Ava called out again and Chase still didn't hear.

She noticed more noble started looking at Chase'You idot'She thought angrily.

finally tugging on his ear, pulling him down to her, to get his attention.

"Ah! Ava, what's wrong?" Chase asked, perplexed by her stern expression.

"Why are you always like this?" Ava scolded him with a discreet but irritated gesture, indicating the staring onlookers.

Chase looked around, realizing that all eyes were fixed on him. "I'm sorry, Ava, but can you release my ear?" he pleaded, feeling more pain in his ears.

Ava let go, a bit embarrassed by the situation, and addressed the spectators with an apologetic smile.

"Ava and Chase"

Before she could continue the conversation with Chase, they heard someone calling their names. They turned to find Freya approaching them. Dressed in her, Serene Skyguard Dress is an enchanting ensemble perfectly suited for a light blue, calm, and protective, Crafted with grace and strength in mind, this dress exudes an aura of tranquility, and protection of Freya, The Serene Skyguard Dress is tailored from a flowing, light blue fabric that resembles the vast expanse of a clear, calm sky. The fabric cascades gracefully, creating an ethereal and angelic appearance as Freya moves.

Freya's bodice is adorned with delicate silver embroidery, forming patterns of celestial motifs, such as stars and clouds. The silver thread catches the light, giving the dress a mesmerizing glow, akin to the twinkling of stars on a serene night, The dress boasts a V-neckline, The neckline is accented with a silver chain, from which hangs a small, intricately crafted blue eagle charm.

Flowing sleeves of sheer, pale blue fabric drape elegantly from the shoulders, resembling the wings of a guardian angel. The sleeves are embroidered with delicate patterns of feathery clouds, adding to the dress's celestial allure, Completing the ensemble, Freya wears sturdy, knee-high silver boots with intricate designs of swirling clouds and stars.

Around her waist, she wears a belt with a subtle silver buckle, featuring an emblem of a shield, representing her commitment to safeguarding others, In her hair, Freya wears a delicate silver circlet adorned with pale blue gemstones, adding a touch of regal elegance and a reminder of her noble calling.

Ava held Freya's hand"Freya, you look exquisite," Ava complimented her.

Freya acknowledged Chase and Ava, though her gaze lingered slightly longer on Chase. She couldn't help but wonder why she felt that way.

"What are we doing now?" Ava inquired.

Freya gestured toward a large door and revealed, "The king is supposed to arrive any minute."

"King Thalorion Haigos has arrived"Someone shouted with his voice echoing in the hall.

After hearing the person everyone started to make way and stood at the side, Thalorion was not always a king, he was once a young and humble prince, born to the noble line of Stormwing, ruler of the Talia kingdom for centuries. As a child, he showed a deep connection with the majestic blue eagles that soared through the kingdom's skies. The eagles recognized his pure heart and unwavering love for the creatures of the air, and they became his loyal companions and protectors.

As Thalorion grew older, he proved himself to be a courageous and skilled warrior, honing his abilities with the sword, He developed a unique bond with the blue eagles, earning their trust and friendship. Whenever the kingdom faced threats from dark forces or invaders, Thalorion and his eagle companions would defend the skies unparalleled.

The door Freya was just talked about opened then a middle age man wearing a sparkly crown and royal clothing surrounded by knights and mages walked out.

King Thalorion Haigos walked and stood in the middle of the hall,"Welcome, everyone I hope you have a good as today we celebrate the graduation of all these fellow knights that protected our kingdom."

"Bless, King Thalorion Haigos, "All the nobles greeted him and presented him with gifts from their storage rings. The king expressed his gratitude with a sincere smile.

"Now enjoy the rest of the ball while I talk to the four heroes," King Thalorion Haigos announced, waving off the nobles walking toward Chase and The others.

Approaching Chase, Ava, Alex, and Luke so suddenly appeared, King Thalorion Haigos, stood in their midst. They bowed respectfully, "Greeting King Thalorion Haigos"

King Thalorion Haigos waves his hand"Rise"

Everyone raised back up but, King Thalorion Haigos, retained an intense gaze causing them to become nervous, suddenly the atmosphere filled with positive presence.

"I hope my daughter has been taking good care of you," King Thalorion Haigos said, a broad grin forming on his face.

Alex and Chase were taken aback, unsure of whom the king was referring to.

"Oh, Freya didn't tell you that she's my eldest daughter," King Thalorion Haigos revealed with a hint of disappointment.

Surprised, Alex and Chase looked at Freya, their eyes widening in shock"Freya is your daughter!".

'I had a theory so, why is she so angry about talking about the past of the kingdom and sad about certain moments'Ava thought, remembering how Freya got angry about how the storm of strike almost destroyed their kingdom in the past.

"Sorry Father I just don't want them to call your majesty," Freya blushed and apologized for not disclosing this earlier.

"Don't you see the resemblance?" King Thalorion Haigos chuckled, pulling Freya closer.

Chase and Alex kept looking at Freya then King Thalorion Haigo back and forth'Well now I see it"

"Well, today you will be graduating to knighthood, how do you feel?"King Thalorion Haigos asked.

"Nothing, this is just another step in my journey," Chase said and Alex nodded agreeing.

"Well spoken, your journey never ends, "King Thalorion Haigos said in a motivational tone patting Chase and Alex's shoulders.

Thx for reading, This wasn't supposed to be 3 parts but the chapter is too long.

Danger_Godcreators' thoughts