
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Chase and Ava First R-18

Ava sucked in a deep breath, as her knee began to wobbly, as she felt his hands teasing at her lower entrance, removing his hand Chase easily grabbed her up in his arm still sucking on her nipple, as she continue moaning, he turned around and gently rest her down on the bed release her nipple with a pop sound, around her nipple now was red with bite marks.

"Chase" Ava said softly, Chase seeing a seductive look on Ava's usually innocent face, didn't hesitate any longer.

Chase, crawled up in bed until his head was in front of Ava, again, His member brushed against the inside of her thigh, both breathing heavily in each other's face, Chase leaned forward, planting a kiss on the top of her forehead, he moved to her cheek, then her neck, each soft kiss sent electricity through her body, his warm breath tickling her, as her ear became red.

Chase got up gazing her in her eyes"Your so dam cute, no right now you look sexy"

Ava said"Chase" Covering her face.

Chase slowly went down kissing pecking small kisses from her neck to her belly, feeling her shiver more and more as he got closer down to her smooth entrance. "Ready?"

"Yes, Please Chase, More!"Ava said her voice sounding of lust.

Chase grinned, then slowly pulled down her underwear, revealing her pink, trimmed, entrance to the world, but only he can see.

Her legs clenched together, trying to hide her sweet entrance, Chase lowed himself, rubbing his hardened member against her spot.

"Ava opened them"

Ava removed her hand from her face, Chase seeing the expression on her face, Chase started, kissing the side of her thigh, Just as he was about to move, closer.

"Chase, I feel something coming!" Chase knew what she meant, planted a soft kiss directly about her entrance, Ava's entire body shuddered in pleasure, as she opened her legs wide, and a lot of clear liquid squirted out of her already-soaked entrance.

"Ahh!," Ave, let out a long moan as she released, her legs trembling as she grabbed onto the bed sheet, feeling thousand of electric bolts running through her body.

"So, you're a squirter" Ava didn't hear what Chase said as she felt dizzy,

Wiping Ava's sweet juices, off his face, Chase dove back down, his tongue teasing around her smooth, shaved entrance.

Not giving her a chance to rest, one of Alex's hands reached up and continued kneading her chest pinching her nipple.

"Chase, I need some, wait, Aaahh!"

Ava's words were cut off as his tongue poked at her grape taste entrance, and she shuddered once again.

"Ahh!, Chase"Ava reached down, pressing his holding his head down, enduring Chase's active tongue.

"Hurry up"Ava's voice sounded lustful.

Chase stopped looking at Ava "Ava, are you sure you're ready for this?"

She stared up at Chase's face and nodded with lust-filled eyes.

"Definitely. I want you, No I need you, Chase"

Chase leaned down to kiss her again before bringing his member closer to her sweet entrance.

"Babe, It will be painful for the first time, I'll try to go slowly, So Please let me know if it's too much."

Chase, started to push forward, his member's head entered Ava's little hole, She gasped as her hole was slowly pushed open, arching her back slightly, she started trembling.

After pushing his member, her sweet hole little by little parted ways, Chase encountered some resistance so he stopped.

Chase leaned forward, covering Ava's lips with his own, then pushed through, taking her virginity.


Ava's painful shriek was muffled by Chase's lips, and he immediately stopped pushing.

"Are you okay?"

Chase looked at seeing small crystal tears slipping from Ava's eyes, as she shook her head.

'it looks like it really hurts.'He thought.

Chase started kissing her and massaging her chest, hoping to distract her from the pain, Her expression started to change a little bit, and when she finally looked okay again, Chase moved his hips, slowly pushing a bit deeper, She still had a pained expression, as bits of pleasure started seeping in.

Chase looked down only about 5 inches in 'It feels like I'm being squeezed from every angle, I haven't felt like this in years, this feels amazing.'

"Is it alright if I start moving now?"He asked.

Ava gave a small nod with a relaxed face as the pain disappeared, and Chase started slowly pumping his hips, back and forth, Ava's face changed right away as waves of pleasure shot through her body, leaving her with a look of ecstasy.

"Mmm, Faster"Ava suddenly said,

Chase felt something taking over him, as he forgot everything as he started to pump his hips, the consistent clapping noises and Ava's moans were the only sounds in the house, Chase and Ava breathed heavily looking at each other, Chase leaned back down, kissed her, tasting her sweet saliva.

Chase, felt goo welling up, but he clenched his muscles, holding himself back.

'Way too fast, arg, I will hold back!', Chase feeling his goo coming, as he was ready to release, but slowed down his thrust, he clenched his muscles, holding himself back, Chase moved his hip at a smooth pace, as Ava every one thrust a let out a small moan, suddenly Ava inner walls tighten.

"Ava, I can't hold back!" His member ventured deeper than before, causing her to moan even more.


Ava back started to arch again as she also approached another release, seeing her red beautiful face, Chase's lustful mind cleared as returned from her scenes.

'She can't get pregnant now, I need to pull out!'

In the next moment, he was lost to his lust again, Chase desperately tried to hold his load. 'I should make, Ava finish first!'

Chase started breathing more heavily, as he increased his hips pace, causing Ava to shudder and cry out in pleasure, every push in her previously unused entrance widened with every thrust, as he felt his member tighten under every thrust, her delicate body shook under his brutal assault.

"It's coming! Chase!"

Ava, eyes rolled back as her legs kept shaking, her toes curling, Chase hurriedly pulled out, his member already spewing loads of white goo from her stomach up to her chest.

Both of their bodies trembled from the brief but vigorous physical activity, and Chase climbed off of Ava, laying down by her side, placing her head on his arm.

"That was amazing"


Both of them lay there for a few minutes, cooling down from the action."It's been such an amazing day."

"I'm so tired but we need to shower, "Ava said trying to get but she fell back down.

Chase chuckled "You should rest a bit then we will shower together." he said.

Ava dropped back down the bed"Alright", On, Ava's stomach and chest, she didn't notice some goo seep into her skin.

A few minutes later, Chase got up out of bed, then chuckled as he watched Ava still in slit ecstasy looking up at the roof, he scooped her up into a princess carry, then brought her over to the restroom, she just leaned against Chase's bare chest.

Inside the restroom, Chase placed Ava into the tub of water, the water woke her body back up.

She looked at Chase member noticed him still erect"You still hard" she said.

Chase looked at his erect member"Yeah I'm full of energy I can go again"

'Come on this is your chance to take the lead' Ava looked up at Chase, as she felt more lustfully "Do you want to go again?"

"Yes," he answered with excitement evident in his voice.

Ava grabbed Chase's hand leading him into the tub"Come"

Ava with an embarrassed look on her face slowly bent down her hand on the tub edge and her entrance pointed to Chase.

Chase just stood there in shock she did it on her own.

Ava looked back over her shoulders"Are you going to start?" she asked with red ears.

Chase woke up from his shock holding her waist with one hand, controlling his member with the other he line up his member to her entrance, just the tip caused her to shudder.

Chase looked up at Ava"Here it comes"

Ava nodded.

Chase slowly pushed his member into her sweet inner walls, as she released a sweet moan.


Chase used his hand holding her waist he speed up the pace of his hips, the water slashing up with each movement, as his eggs fly and hitting her entrance, causing her to tremble more.

Suddenly, Chase felt something wrong 'What's happenings' he continued thrusting he keep looking at Ava's neck, he could hear the fast pulse of Ava's neck veins, subconsciously leaning forward toward her neck, his member went too far inside her entrance, knocking agist her womb, causing her to moan out loud in ecstasy, about to fall forward, Chase quickly stood up and held her waist stopping her from falling.


"Don't be just keep going" She said breathing lustfully.

10 minutes later, Chase felt his member swelling and Ava felt his member swelling inside her wall, suddenly"I'm coming"

"Me too!"

As Chase pulled out Ava squirted clear water into the tub and Chase spray white goo unto Ava's back, her leg stared to wobbly a she felt into the tub, with a splash, as Chase's member returned flaccid.

After catching a breather they both took a bath, Chase brought her back to the bed, and they cuddled up together, They were both too tired to go for round three, but there also wasn't really a reason to, Ava's eyes slowly started to close, but Chase pulled her against his chest, planting a kiss on her forehead, She snuggled in closer, soaking up all the warmth from his body, Chase cupping her cheeks.

"I always noticed you have this ring"Ava looking at the ring his mother gave him.

Chase looked at the ring"My mother gave it to me and I never took it off before."

'So, he just had action and a bath, didn't take it off' She thought.

"So you never take it off even when you bath?" she asked.



"Because I never want to lose," He said in an affectionate tone, missing his mother.

'Seem he really does, love his mom' She thought, thinking about her own mom.

Chase's hand slowly stroked her hair as Ava drifted off to sleep, her soft breaths tickling his chest, As he held Ava and drifted off to sleep, a smile remained plastered on both their face, Eventually, his eyes closed, and the world faded away.

"Bang!, Bang!"


Suddenly there was a loud banging on the house door and a loud explosion.