
A Vampire Knight's Destiny

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline "They fear my kind, but in their hearts, they know I am the shield against the terrors that lurk in the night." -Chase Haemas. "I will become the strongest knight even if I'm the most hated creature" -Chase Haemas, an epic journey in a world of swords and magic, where the main protagonist Chase finds himself reincarnated without the inherent magical affinity possessed by his mother. Raised in seclusion within the depths of a mystical forest, far from society, he trains rigorously to fulfill his dream of becoming a knight. When Chase finally ventures into the kingdom of Talia to participate in the knight tryouts, fate takes an unexpected turn, he awakens an extraordinary power known as "the strongest knight system." This newfound system imbues him with unparalleled strength and skills, making him a formidable knight, but something happens that turning into the most hated creature during the war. Now, Chase must grapple with his dual nature, torn between the remnants of his humanity and the insatiable thirst for revenge. As he embarks on a quest for vengeance, he discovers unlikely allies and confronts the true meaning of sacrifice and redemption. In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, he must harness his newfound powers and confront the forces that betrayed him. Every Ally has their own side story of their past life or current/future. Currently, I have five allies, stories already plans There is another Mc in this current world, from my other novel, both will learn a little different thing about the world, but I want to finish this novel first. Maybe in the future, you will read some Easter eggs about the other Mc. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa, Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demons, do check them out if you want Thanks for reading my webnovel 30 Powerstones: 1 extra chapter 70 Powerstones: 2 extra chapters

Danger_God · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Beast Tide

Abruptly, Chase and Archina's attention snapped as a thunderous noise accompanied by ponderous footsteps echoed, "Bmmm!"

Reacting swiftly, Chase retracted his fangs from Archina's wrist, his body already in the midst of regenerating.

Archina's gaze fixated on the window, her brows furrowing deeply. "What was that?" she wondered aloud.

Despite Archina's heightened senses owing to her strength, Chase's vampire hearing surpassed hers. Through his vampiric acuity, he discerned the approach of innumerable swift and heavy footfalls, along with the sound of wings beating, all converging upon the kingdom from the north.

Annoyance flickered across Chase's features as he ruffled his hair. "Don't dwell on it now," he stated in an uninflected tone. "Allow me a moment's sleep..." he trailed off.

"Shouldn't we investigate what it might be?" Archina's voice held a note of concern, her mind preoccupied with potential threats. She was poised to voice her apprehensions with an impending "what if," but Chase interjected, cutting her off.

"You can go ahead. My mind is burdened at the moment..." Chase's voice trailed off as he reclined on the bed, closing his eyes. Meanwhile, Archina's cast a lingering glance back at him before setting out to ascertain the source of the resounding footsteps.

As Chase lay on the bed, his thoughts meandered toward Luna and the Shadowbane hunters. Luna's mention of their diverse divisions had stirred a realization within him, that more hunters would undoubtedly be dispatched to pursue him. Despite his lack of knowledge about Luna's fate, Chase compartmentalized these concerns, focusing instead on the weight of last night's killings. As he perused his notifications, he discovered records of multiple hunters he had eliminated. Yet, amidst the list, Luna's name stood out as one of the fallen.

A wave of shock enveloped him. He could vividly recall Luna's blow landing, and then, darkness had swept over him. However, Archina's revelation that he had been left alone in the forest baffled him. How was he still among the living?

"This doesn't make any sense. Luna is gone, yet I'm here," Chase voiced aloud, his mind a whirlwind of racing thoughts. His efforts to unravel the perplexing situation were in vain. A grim realization set in. Luna's demise signaled the imminent arrival of the remaining hunters, hastening the danger he faced.

An amalgam of fear, astonishment, and uncertainty churned within Chase. Wrestling not only with the haunting memory of his battles against both Luna and the hunters, he now anticipated an even greater onslaught. Grateful for instructing Ava to maintain her distance, he resolved to uncover the truth behind his confrontation with Luna before the darkness had taken him.

Yet, foremost on his mind was the pressing need to bolster his strength. It was clear that he had to grow more formidable. With that conviction, he initiated the system.

-Name: Chase Haemas-

-Age: 18-

-BloodLine: Human-Dhampir-

-WarPower Level: 3-

-Vampire Knight Rank: Knight Bachelor-

-XP: 730/8800-

-Knight Points: 20-

-Clan Control: None-

-HP: 300/1200-

-Strength: 55-

-Agility: 53-

-Physique: 42-

-Perception: 37-

-Will: 25-

-Cham: 35-

-Spirit: 24-

Through the amalgamation of serene contemplation and ferocious training, Chase's body underwent a marked transformation. Correspondingly, his stats surged in tandem with his physical progress. Pausing for a reflective moment, Chase pondered over the allocation of his burgeoning resources. Deliberation ensued, culminating in a decision to invest five knight points into Perception. This choice was underscored by the recognition that his newly acquired skills, "Prenses Search" and "Concealment," held practical utility. Another quintet of points flowed into Physique, a nod to the realization that his vampiric healing had been an unwavering lifeline.

Next on his strategic agenda came the investment of five points into Willpower. The reason was candid he acknowledged his susceptibility to distraction by pain in the heat of battle. Lastly, he directed another five points into Spirit. This move held particular significance, for it harmonized with his increasing reliance on the synergistic combination of warpower energy, fury, and serene attacks, promising heightened proficiency and amplified destructive potential.

Curiously absent from Chase's investments were allocations to strength or agility. Present circumstances necessitated a shift in focus toward devising counterstrategies against the hunters, rendering these attributes a less immediate priority. As he concluded the distribution of knight points within the system, a cascade of sensations swept over Chase. Strengthened bones, an upsurge in blood flow, heightened logical sharpness, extended auditory and sensory capacities these enhancements unfurled within him. An indescribable sensation similar to a previously shackled chain being unfastened permeated his being, unburdening him of an intangible weight.

Chase's attention then turned to the unveiling of two new potential abilities:

-Ethereal Bloodstrike: This mastery involved imbuing one's weapon with their own blood, culminating in a swift, precision-laden strike. Upon impact, the targeted entity's corporeal form would momentarily shift into partial intangibility, rendering them susceptible to ensuing attacks. Furthermore, this technique possessed the capacity to disrupt magical defenses and circumvent certain protective barriers.-

-Hemovore Lash: Executed through a deft and rapid gesture, this skill summoned tendrils of blood from the wielder's own body. These crimson tendrils exhibited the uncanny ability to extend outward, ensnaring adversaries and sapping their vitality. The strength and vigor of the user directly augmented as they drained their foe's life force, concurrently rejuvenating their own energy reserves.-

Chase couldn't help but acknowledge the inherent potency within these newfound capabilities. Nevertheless, his immediate predicament rested on the lack of a suitable area for practicing these skills. Weariness cascaded upon him, mirroring the inscrutable blankness of his facial expression. Sensing his body's gradual rejuvenation, he consciously chose to surrender to sleep.

However, his reprieve was short-lived. Mere minutes into his slumber, the urgent sound of Archina's voice pierced through. "Chase! Chase!" Her urgent calls escalated in both volume and intensity as the door swung open.

"What is it, Archina?" Chase's voice, tinged with irritation, cut through the air as he hastily rose from the bed.

"There's a multitude of beasts headed for the kingdom," Archina blurted out in a hurry, her expression etched with concern. Her face and mannerisms exuded a palpable unease, conveying a sense of anxious urgency.

Chase's eyebrow arched, intrigue replacing his initial annoyance. "What do you mean?" he queried, his tone shifting from irritation to genuine curiosity.

"Come and witness it for yourself," Archina urged, her voice laden with insistence.

Chase absently patted his head, a gesture that seemed to soothe his burdened mind. As he did so, he reached for the bandages still adorning his body. The act of removing them inadvertently unveiled his form, leaving his body naked. His attention was drawn to the wound previously inflicted by the wooden stake a smaller hole that remained, This observation piqued his curiosity about the process of its healing.

Archina stood there, her mouth agape in sheer astonishment, her hands quickly moving to shield her eyes. Bewilderment in her question, "What on earth are you doing?" Her ears betrayed her flustered state as they twitched behind her cupped hands.

Chase, with a faint trace of amusement playing on his features, adopted a mildly bored expression. "I'm merely changing. It's not as if you haven't seen it before," he stated casually, the lack of urgency evident in his tone. He playfully teased the situation.

Archina was well aware of Chase's meaning. Having previously tended to his wounds, she had to remove him from his old, damaged, and bloodied clothes.

Swiftly, Chase selected clothing provided by the Archina, quickly wearing them. "I'm ready," he announced, just as Archina appeared poised to protest.

Abruptly, the tavern trembled as a heavy stomp reverberated through the floor. Chase and Archina exchanged startled glances before Chase, with a subtle movement of his head, indicated the urgency of their departure. He believed Archina was conveying that he needed to swiftly assess the situation.

Exiting the tavern, Chase's gaze was drawn to a massive, translucent green crystal shield enveloping the entirety of the kingdom. He recognized it as the protective measure Lady Isabelle had employed in the past to ward off severe attacks. Proceeding toward the northern gate, he observed the city's citizens scattering in a panic.

Amidst the commotion, a panicked voice cried out, "A beast tide is coming!"

"Mages and adventurers, assemble at the northern wall for defense!" another voice shouted.

The term "beast tide" sent shockwaves through Chase's thoughts. He was well aware of the danger these tides posed hundreds, sometimes thousands, of beasts converging to assault a single location. He understood that such tides rarely mobilized unless provoked or driven by some unusual compulsion.

As Chase and Archina reached the northern gate, they were greeted by the sight of towering spires and bustling streets. The atmosphere was palpably charged, heavy with tension. Whispers of an impending beast tide circulated with the swiftness of wildfire, instilling waves of fear into the very hearts of the city's inhabitants.

"First hunters, now a beast tide. Can't catch a break," Chase remarked with a sigh of exasperation, his tone tinged with frustration.

From the distant horizon emerged a dust cloud, accompanied by a cacophony of roars, growls, and screeches that reverberated through the air. A relentless tide of different creatures, each more ominous than the last, surged forward with eerie coordination. Overhead, winged creatures glided, their leathery wings casting fleeting shadows across the land. Colossal brutes pounded the earth, their titanic steps inducing tremors that reverberated through the kingdom's foundations. The vista presented a writhing tableau of claws, fangs, and scales, an amalgamation of diverse and menacing beasts.

Concurrently, figures clad in green garments, a blend of knights and robed mages, converged from different directions. Knights positioned themselves on the ground, while mages took up strategic points along the walls, preparing for an imminent confrontation.

Archina turned to Chase, her gaze inquiring. "Are you going to join the fight?" she inquired, aware of his vampiric nature and the societal tension between humans and his kind.

"I could assist, but hunters have been dispatched to target me," Chase responded nonchalantly, his statement underscored by an underlying awareness. Secretly, he contemplated the potential benefits of the experience gained from tide and the opportunity for practice. Simultaneously, he mused about the risks, particularly the prospect of exposing himself to the very hunters who sought him.

With the initial surge of beasts drawing ominously closer to the city's defenses, mages began their incantations, conjuring spells to repel the impending threat. Simultaneously, as a few stray beasts breached the front line, knights promptly engaged to neutralize these interlopers. As minutes stretched into relentless minutes, the concerted efforts of mages and knights gradually chipped away at the encroaching tide of beasts.

Turning his gaze away from the spectacle, Chase opined, "Looks like they have things well in hand." He shifted, evidently preparing to depart.

"Chase," came Archina's voice, halting him.

Chase pivoted, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as he faced Archina once more. He observed a deviation in the beast tide's behavior no longer advancing in waves, they had coalesced into a unified charge. Such behavior wasn't their norm unless provoked. A resounding horn blast echoed from the city walls, signaling a response. In a breathtaking display, mages, knights, and even battle-worn adventurers launched a collective counterattack against the oncoming tide.

Chase inhaled deeply, exhaling as he assessed the formidable assembly of beasts charging as a unified front. He was acutely aware of the immense challenge posed by this synchronized assault. With resolve, he retrieved an almost-ruined spear from his inventory, gripping it tightly. Sunlight danced on the blade as he prepared himself for what lay ahead.

-New Task: Defend Ethela against the Beast Tide Reward: Mystery Box-

Chase's attention was captured by a system notification an infrequent occurrence piquing his interest, particularly in relation to the Mystery Box.

"Time to move," Chase announced to Archina, a silent signal that prompted her to brandish her scythe.

Curiosity mingled with surprise among the assembled adventurers. "Where's he headed?" one of them questioned, raising an eyebrow at Chase's unanticipated trajectory, his missing arm catching their attention.

"Does he truly believe…" Another adventurer's words trailed off as their eyes widened. They fell silent as they witnessed Chase's fluid maneuver. In a swift display, he easily evaded the oncoming attacks of two lion-like creatures. His spear found its mark, eliminating one with a single thrust to the side, while the other lunged toward him. Responding with practiced precision, Chase drove his weapon into the creature's open jaw.

As the observers absorbed Chase's deft actions, a hushed stillness enveloped them. This initial awe soon transformed into resolve, inciting them to resume their own battles with renewed courage.