
A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

This is a repost from my previous fanfic [The Vampire of Wall Street] The Vampire Alucard finds himself sitting on his throne, the story has reached the conclusion and there is no after story, only darkness and loneliness. His master is gone, his draculine is gone. Only the putrid remains of a protestant mansion remain with vagrant sullying its corners and humidity rusting every bit of pure wood remaining. It is fair to ask, what is more rotten, that wood, or his very nosferatu soul. A silhouette that he recognises well arises in front; the culprit to his eternal life, God. "I want to offer you a second chance Count, this place is no longer suitable for you." After entering a mysterious door, the vampire Alucard finds himself in a nation he never thought he'd visit again, China... but things have changed and this is not the same dimension. Not the same world, not the same Queen, not even the same date. Coming back he's given another chance... since he can't die. Might as well live a life worth living. ** ** THERE IS NO NTR IN THIS STORY. I hope you enjoy this story reboot, I'm going to try and fix mistakes that I did in my first run. Bear in mind that the Alucard I'm writing is according to the original anime and OVAs, there will be instances in which I'm going to need to change his personality slightly to fit the story. That said, enjoy. ** ** Genres: #romance, #action, #harem, #overpowered, #maniac, #gore, #alucard, #vampires, #R18, #highiq, #adventures. https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to check the Discord Server for more information about the story, interaction, polls and my other stories. Advanced chapters will be posted on patreon.com/photosphere Please support me there and enjoy up to 30 advanced chapters.

Photosphere · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

A New World or A New Reality? II

His eyes shone red and his teeth turned sharp with a wide smile.




Not bothering to try and hold Alucard, the men opened fire, all of them at the same time! That expression of his! It was like the Devil!

"KYYAAA!!" Catherine covered her ears and got flat on the floor!

Blood rained as Alucard's body was pierced once and again by high-calibre bullets, his body squirmed and his flesh tore apart as Catherine screamed in fear!

After minutes of relentless shooting, the men stopped, but not because they wanted to stop, no! It was because they were out of ammo! Those eyes, those teeth!


Releasing a breath they were holding the men glanced at the piece of flesh that was now the property invader and possible hitman, the seat completely destroyed standing only on its legs, a piece of deformed flesh resting above.

Millions of pounds were lost with that seat... They thought, used to the sight of gore.

Catherine raised from the bed and almost vomited at the sight before her. Red, almost shining Blood marred her room and an unrecognisable corpse lay on top of her favourite seat.

"Your majesty, are you alright? Did he do anything to you!?" The chief of the guards tried to avoid the sight of his queen's almost exposed body and asked in worry.

"I didn't do anything to her~" a malevolent voice resounded surprising everyone and their faces shifted instinctively towards the seat! However, there... No one sat! No piece of flesh, no blood, no nothing! Only a destroyed seat!

Everything disappeared in a second!

"AHHH!!!" That would be the first desperate wail of the night!

The chief followed the noise of the shout and what awaited him was the gruesome sight of a white glove with a pentagram stabbing through his fellow guard's chest!

"Brandon!" He shouted in exasperation, the prelude of despair, everyone's surprised gaze moved towards the pitiful soldier that squirmed in pain!


Another hand pierced through his chest, very near to the previous one, before both hands separated forcefully as if opening a box with brutal strength!


The gruesome noise of tearing bones and flesh entered these pitiful souls' ears and Catherine couldn't take it anymore, she threw it there and then.

Under the despaired eyes of everyone in the room, the man's body got split into two pieces!

The noise of flesh separating and bones breaking recreated itself in their minds, haunting their souls for the eternal, supposing they survived this night!

Alucard licked his hand with his long tongue, blood covered his body.

"It's been so long, what a disgusting piece of shit... To think the first drink I had after so long was this rubbish..." he complained, even Jessie's blood, the last vagrant and drunkard girl he 'ate' in his empty room years ago, tasted better than this piece of shit.

"Fi- Fire!-" Not knowing where the courage came from, the chief shouted to his desperate soldiers!

"AHHW!! NOOO!!!"

The anguish shouts of the second fool revered in the room, and after blinking slightly, everyone present noticed the man, no, the monster! Was no longer behind the already beheaded soldier, but instead, his hand slashed forth towards the third victim!

"Y-Your Majesty! stay down- UAHHWAA!!!" This time, the guard seemingly exploded for no reason whatsoever, leaving a trail of gore that flew all the way to Catherine's pale face.




Shots rang within the room, but it was hopeless.

Two minutes later, Alucard held the neck of the last man, the chief. Nine corpses, or fleshy remains to be precise, lay around.

"You! Monster!" The chief used the last guts he had and spit on Alucard's face.

The latter smiled lightly, his red eyes shining with slaughter, as his face got 'swallowed' by his body and resurfaced the next second, this time, without spilt.


Bones broke without stopping as Alucard tightened his grasp on the man's neck slowly, making him suffer.

"NOO! STOPP!!!" The Queen's despaired wails resounded as her head guard was slowly dying in the most gruesome way!


His neck couldn't take any more pressure and his head got separated from his body in the most savage way possible.

"You monster! You killed them!!!" Catherine shouted in fear, thinking she was next, all of those men died in such a horrible manner!

Alucard licked his cheek which got some of the man's blood on it and tossed the corpse aside before walking slowly towards Catherine.

The woman crawled as far as possible in fear.

'Chen Chen! Jane!' She thought in despair, the names of the two people she cared the most for.

Alas, Chen Chen wouldn't come...

Alucard grabbed her head and put her on her feet, directing her face towards her now fleshy guards.

The gruesome and macabre sight nearly made her vomit, again...

"You called them, Queen Catherine, we were having a peaceful conversation, yet you called them. Their deaths and their families' pain and grief are on you~" His malevolent voice entered her ears.

"No! NOOO! I DIDN'T, IT WAS YOU!!!" Tears ran down Catherine's face as she finally realised what kind of entity she was dealing with!

A heartless monster!

"Yes, it was you. You brought them to their death, Queen, I'm but the tool used to reap their lives, Now..." Alucard grabbed her head as if she was an object and directed her gaze to him, her eyes shook in fear as she saw those red eyes looking at her directly, piercing her very soul!

"Queen Catherine, from now onwards, you belong to me~ No Queen of this country hasn't ever been mine, and although a little stupid, you're not an exception!" Alucard's sharp teeth manifested.

"No, you can't. I- I already belong to someone! Monster! release me! or Kill me!" The image of her saviour marred her mind she belonged to that man, it was their deal!

"Oh?~ Huhuhu, then I guess you no longer belong to him!~" Alucard's sharp jaw descended and bit roughly on Catherine's neck!

He needed to bent! Hundreds of years!

"UGH!" The latter groaned in pain and struggled, trying to free herself! But Alucard grasped her whole body and bite harder!

Catherine felt weird! A burning sensation spread through her whole body starting from her neck!

'What is this!?' It felt as though her body was going to explode from the heat! Lava going through her veins!

Alucard separated his bloodied mouth from her neck with a gasp.

Licking his lips he glanced at her, she glanced back but her eyes held complicated feelings.

Fear and veneration are amongst the biggest. But, more fear than anything else.

"Barely decent... Better than those piles of shit at least" Were the words he said before he threw her on the bed!

"No, Stop!" Before she even knew it, Alucard was on top of her, and once again his sharp teeth sank into her beautiful neck!

"AHHH!!~" This time, however, she didn't only feel pain but also... a wisp of pleasure.

Alucard sucked Catherine's blood as if she was some sort of coconut!

'It had been so long since I got some decent blood!'

So long! It had been so long! the thirst was boundless!